Tuesday, September 30, 2014

First Fall Tablescape of 2014

Hello Sweet Friends,

So how if life at your house this week!!
Hope you are enjoying all the wonders
of Fall................

We are..........inside the house at least!
So enjoying the Fall decorations..and
did my first Fall Tablescape over the
weekend, and had my first piece of 
pumpkin pie this morn. Always so
 wonderful after not having it for 9
 months or so.  Also, simmering my
 first Pumpkin spice potpourri, and
boy, does it have the house smelling
awesome.  Love it!!

Well, onto the reason you came here
in the first place.............lol

Sometimes I like to do casual easy tables
that anyone can do....whether they have
china, nice dishes or not.  Cause as some of
 you already know we don't have to break the
 bank to have beauty in our homes, and I
 think all homes can be a place of beauty.

 The plates and napkins in this tablescape 
are all done in paper goods, that I thought 
were just adorable,  but I used regular
silverware and glasses, rather than
 plastic ware to dress it up a bit.

 See for yourself

It all started with these cute napkins and plates
 I happened on in the Christmas tree store.

Loved them immediately...............

So I got large solid cream plates,  and then 
dessert plates and napkins all for $2.50.........
just figured we would use them some time
 this Fall.  So since we decided to have Scott
and Megan and the baby over for Burgers,
Pasta and fruit salad,  thought hey, already
have the centerpiece and it goes great with
them.  So I proceeded............

I did decide to change up the
 centerpiece just a lil bit, so it went
from this...................

To this.....Used these pretty cutwork clay
candleholders,  turned this one upside down
and put a faux candle inside, and put the
pumpkin on top.  This made it a lil bit lower
so you can see over it and doesn't impede

This was the before, of the centerpiece,  I took
 the votive candles out, and moved the pumpkins
 closer together.

and this is how it looked after.................... 

Then I did the place setting just on the Tan
 tablecloth,  but remembered I had these......

Gold placemats,  so decided to try it with these.

I took those 2 above pictures, cause I was
trying to make up my mind which one to
go with, so when I saw the pictures I could
 see how the gold made the colors of the
 plates and napkins show up better

So decided to use the placemats since it was for
 a casual dinner anyway...............

 I used this silverware because I thought it went
 well witht the lil flowers on the plates and also on
the candleholders

with colored pencil affect

I used the gold votives that I took away from the
centerpiece at each persons place setting.

Don't they look pretty all aglow.

I had 2 other cutwork pottery
 candleholders, so just added one on 
each end a top the napkins.

Used my brown glasses I found last year
at WallyWorld.  Have to say I do miss my
smokey green goblets (that got broken in
my china hutch implosion last year)this
time of year especially. They would have
look great with this, but the brown went
well too..............

Just added these tiny plastic pumpkins
for fun and cuteness.......

Just did the silverware a lil different  to offset 
the napkin on the other side, cause they were so 
pretty I hated to fold them,  and of course,
  added some candy

and Just for Fun.......

This has a Wave distortion affect.  

A nice overview.
I have to say I love doing themed
tables or parties...........

Well, there you have it my first
 Fall table..............

Hope you enjoyed your visit and 
so glad you could stop by.

Would love to know what you
 thought of this inexpensive table.

I will be sharing over at:

Dwelling the heart of the Home
Just Click Here

A Stroll Thru Life
Just click here

Ivey and Elephants
Just click here

The Style Sisters
Just click here

A little bird told me
Just click here.

Love,  Hugs,  and
Sweet Pumpkin Blessings,


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thankful Thursday - Sept. 25, 2014 and Fall Decor Part 5

Pictures of Buffet/server,  Fall 2014

  Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, 
And into His courts with praise.
 Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
Psalm 100:4 

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well,  and enjoying
the Fall Season already..........
I was totally delighted that we were at
 70 when I got up this morning and it is
 10 now, and we are still in the 70's!!

My heart be still.......cause it feels like
Fall has arrived in Florida...course, I
know by 11,  I will know it hasn't or at
 least hasn't by most people's definition
of Fall.......but hey, we will take what
we can get!!  lol

Figured I would throw in some more 
Fall decorating pictures. This buffet/
serving cart sits on a small wall
 in between the entrance to my foyer 
and my living room, so that is why 
they are cropped so much. Door
ways don't look all that great!  lol

Well, on with my list...............

I am thankful

that we got both our cars serviced last weekend.
  Always nice to have those type of things over
 and done with.

that we got to go to the Christmas Store (a treat
 since it isn't real close to us)  and to Target and
 Dress Barn and out to dinner at Longhorn's steak 
house.  Delicious....and also a very fun day!
This was all after having the cars serviced.  lol

With posterized affect

that I found a really neat piece of Christmas artwork
 for the wall that I really liked at Christmas tree store.
Also some paper goods for Fall, and a few new toys for
 Brooklyn, since she is outgrowing some of what I have.

for a nice warm shower at the end of a long day.

for nice big fluffy towels and great smelling soap.

Leaves we preserved from Asheville last Fall

for some pumpkin spice cake with pecan cinnamon
 streusel topping that hubby found at Sam's on Monday.
  Very Yummy.....................and best of all I didn't
 have to make it!!  lol

for the refuse service that we have had for the 
last 3-4 years because they make it so much
easier to dispose of yard trash.  The old service
made you tie everything up in bundles and it
had to be pretty small.  Now we can just put
branches out there that are less than 6 ft.
without tying them up, and they will take 
them away.  Quite a blessing I have to say!
(that was not an intentional rhyme there!  lol

for some video's we have been watching online from 
John Eldridge about walking with God and hearing 
from God.  They are so good.

for prayer, cause it is such a saving grace all the time, 
 but especially when we are troubled about something.

for a dear friend of 34 years, who is just like a sister.
She has been there for me in so many situations, and
always has words of wisdom and encouragement and
I can always count on her to tell me the truth when I
need to hear it....we all need a friend like that!
we just love the same things and are kindred spirits.
She is a woman who loves the Lord and loves people,
and we always laugh because she can get away with
saying things that need to be said, that no one else
could get away with!!  lol  She just has such a gracious
and inquistive way that she does it.........
She and her hubby have been like mentors to us all the
 years, and it was heartbreaking for both of us when
they had to move away 20+ years ago.........because
 they were very instrumental in our spiritual growth, but
 our friendship still continues to this day, even tho we 
don't see each other often, anytime we talk it is just
like picking up where we left off.  Sooo blessed to
have this Dear,  Sweet Loving Friend.
Happy Birthday Vicki,  if you happen to be reading.
We love you guys!

for a really good inspirational movie we watched 
last evening called "Jimmy".  We got it from Netflik 
and it was really a heart warming movie, with some
 adventure added in as well. Highly recommend it.

Colored pencil affect

for the gift of being able to be a Grandmother.
Altho, we were a lot older than most of our friends
when we finally were blessed with our lil darling,
It was well worth the wait.  It truly is one of the
highlights and greatest joys of our life.  Could
never imagine life without her now,  Seems 
like she has always been with us, yet she is 
only 18 mos. old,  almost 19 mos.
We love you Brooklyn!!
Know she want be reading now,  but you never
 know about years down the road..........lol

Well,  here it is..................
another week at Cozy Place!

Hope it blessed you as much as 
your visits bless me!

I am sharing over at:

Ivey and Elephants
Just click here

The Style Sisters
Just click here

The Craftberry Bush
Just click Here!

Dwellings the heart of the home
Just Click Here

Have a Wonderful Thursday 
and rest of the week, 
 with those you hold dear..........

Love, Hugs and 
Happy Fall Blessings,

If you are interested in seeing
part 4,  Just click here.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Fall Decor Part 4 - the Dining Room

Happy Fall Sweet Friends,

How Exciting, 
it has finally arrived..........
and I was so pleased that it was a
 much cooler 70 degrees this morning
course, it didn't last past 8:30, lol
 but it was nice.............It's a start

So how are you this first day of Fall?
Bright eyed and busy tailed as my 
Grandmother used to say???  lol

Have to say I am feeling bright eyed
and like a busy tailed squirrel
scampering about, and considering
I only slept for 4 hrs. last night that
is amazing..........course, it is that
cooler Fall weather I am sure!

Well, thought I would show you
my dining room decor today!

Starting with the dining room table
Centerpiece.........was thinking
after I took all these pictures that
I should have set it with the dishes
and all, as it would look much 
prettier, then thought they will 
be seeing some  Fall tablescapes
 soon enough....lol

I went for a lil bit more of a minimalist look,
at first I didn't have the candles and liked that
look too,  but then I love to use candles in the
Fall and Winter, so added these gold mercury
glass candleholders in..........
 Too hot any other time!!

Took this with the lights out cause there was
so much light coming in the window in early
morning.........and wanted you to be able
to see the candles were lit.

I used that shredded crinkled paper bag colored
gift bag grass (I call it) in the top of the urn
to set the pumpkin on...........

With Cut out affect

Love these gold pumpkins

Now for Some Fun modern art -
 look closely, this is the same pic as the one above it....
using a distortion affect called polar coordinates. 
Click on it to make it larger, cause It looks way
better larger.
  I thought it was very neat and  interesting!

 Thought I would add an overall shot so
you can see where some of the pics that
are coming up go.

Also ....See the Rooster on top of our
 cabinet...Our lil darling was afraid of
him at first, so I had to take him down so
 she could see him and feel him, and we
named him "Big Red"..........now she is
 fascinated with him and wants me to get
 him down a few times a day so she can
 see him!  lol
She is such a riot...........

 Loved this in colored pencil affect.

This is what I have on top of the other  cabinet.
Do you see anyone you know taking a picture??? lol

This and the pictures below
were all besides the cabinet
where Big Red is.

These are old looking I know,  but they
are for sentimental reasons.  The pic
reminds me of when we lived in Germany
 42 yrs. ago as Newly weds, and the lil
 hummel music box was a gift from my 
hubby way back then, that plays our song
 "Raindrops keep falling on my head",
a song from "Butch Cassidy and the
Sundance Kid".....it was the movie we
saw on our first date, and a blind date
at that..............

I hid the babies yogurt drops in there,
cause I used to put them in the Easter
eggs,  so since I put those up,  I had
to find a new hiding place,  she likes
that it plays music.

These signs were a gift from Scott and
Megan on Mother's Day.  Those lil orange
things on top are lil tiny plastic pumpkins.
They are really rounded don't know why
they looks so flat in the picture.  lol

I just add some touches here and there
in my china cabinet, which you will see
a lil closer up in the pic below.

Made this collage today on pic monkey all by myself.
It was actually very easy..........and loved how it
came out.....so was proud of myself......
but in a good way!!  lol

Glad You came to visit,  and hope
You enjoyed it, and will come
 again soon..........

I will be sharing over at:

Dwellings with Cindy
Just click here.

A Stroll Thru Life with Marty
Just click here.

Ivey and Elephants
 with Paula and Patti
Just Click Here

The Style Sisters
Just click here

Again Happy Fall Yall.........

Love, Hugs, and
 Warm Fall Blessings,

If you are interested in seeing
part 3,  Just click here!

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...