Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Roof update and Spring decorating changes Part 1

Happy Tuesday Wednesday
Sweet Friends,

Hope life is being good to you
this week.

We are doing the Happy Dance over here
Life has been very good to us this week.
The Lord directed us to have a 3rd party
who had no involvement with the roof,
come and look at our roof, 
 and the results were...................
not a thing wrong with our roof accept
the leak, which hubby fixed,  so guess
we just had a roofer who was trying
to drum up business........Sad indeed!
That is all I will say for now as I thought
it just had to be on my Thankful Thursday
post this week, so if you want to hear 
more details come back on Thursday.....

Thought I would show you a few changes
I have made lately since taking down the
Easter things.........

This is in the living room on my white 
etagere, and this is my new cream 
pitcher I got while in Asheville last month. 
Everything else I have had for awhile....

Here's a close up.  Thought it was cute
and different........but not easy to read.

It says " Utility Functional Kitchenware"
with MILK in the center.

Tried this Lily picture in the dining room and liked it
but the sconces just seem to far apart and to high up.
  So I decided to exchange it with another picture.

I decided to take a close up of it while it was in 
the dining room,  and just thought it was interesting
cause you can see the reflections from other areas
in the house.  You definitely need to click on it
to see it better tho.

After hanging the Lily picture in the dining room I
sorta got stuck and couldn't figure out where to
go from there,  just not a lot of creativity earlier
in the day for some reason,  overtiredness, I think.
So took a lil Siesta, then decided maybe if I moved
the family room furniture around it would help, so
I did that, then hubby got home and after din din 
he helped me move the other pic off the mantle
 as it is a bit heavy to do by myself. 

So Put it on the mantle in the Family room, then
decorated the mantle.  Moved a few things off
the coffee table to the mantle, so will have to
come up with a new look for the coffee table.  lol
So funny how moving one thing lead to another.....
course, that makes it sorta fun actually....

Sorry for the glare,  these were taken tonight as
I was gonna try and finish this post,  but it didn't
work out..........always tomorrow!!  lol

Moved the big chair across the room and took
the sofa table off this wall to put it behind
the newly located sofa,  but you want see
that today, as I am not finished yet!!  lol

Have this lil wire corner shelf,  so decided to
put it back there,  and liked the way it
turned out.

Better shot of the wire shelf..............

Did you recognize the top shelf arrangement??

It was in the header picture,  but was the only
thing that look great on this top shelf, so now I have
to find something else to go in it's

and this picture was over the mantle but decided to
move it to the dining room.

I thought about changing up my centerpc. and putting 
the basket on the mantle,  but decided I really loved it 
where it maybe in the summer!!  lol

Well, that is the changes so far,
 there will be more to come 
on Thursday, hopefully.

Very happy you could drop in for 
a visit, and hope to hear from you.

Hope you have a sun shiny
 rest of the week.

Love, Hugs, and
April/Spring Blessings,

Sharing over at:

Dwelling with Cindy

A Stroll Thru Life with Marty

Ivey and Elephants with
Patti and Paula

The Style Sisters with Karin

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Shabby Art Boutique with 
Kerryanne and Friends

Life with Lorelai with
Lorelai and Friends


  1. Hi Sweetie!
    Everything looks so lovely...and I love the plates in the holder on the table! I wouldn't move it either!! :o)

    Things are hopefully settling down a bit. Had a scare with our little dog. Thought she had an intestinal obstruction and have had to stay home to give meds etc...thought I might lose her, but she seems pretty normal today. Praising God for that!

    Would love to plan a couple of hours together next week! I'll give you a call soon!

    Love ya!

  2. I happen to read this blog after your Thankful Thursday, ha! I've been finding myself going several days before I get on computer!!

    I am so thankful to the LORD!

    I love your little bird beside your pitcher.

    Moving things is like a "domino effect." ha!

    Love you all, Susan

  3. Pretty little white creamer! Nice post!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 20, 2025, and pics of Spring Beginnings

  The grass withers and the flowers fall,      but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8 NIV Greetings Sweet Friends, Hope you a...