Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Best Cleaning and Household Tips #3, Floral arranging tutorial

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a lovely

We sure did........

I am excited today!!!
it is my birthday!!
  It's just after 8 am and I have
 already had 8 facebook Happy
 Birthday wishes.  lol

Already have this post prepared
and Only giving you 4 tips today
 since one turned into a tutorial.....

So here goes...............

Need to put together a quick
floral bouquet and don't have
floral foam or a floral frog.

Try this..................

and For Your Information, you
 can click on any picture and it
 will make them all larger for
 better viewing pleasure.

Get the container you want to use.

and some good ole scotch tape

now make a lattice type pattern across
the container top with the tape. Doesn't
have to be perfect as you can see...just
wrap the tape over the edge enough so
that you know it want come lose.

Stick the flower in the open spaces

make sure to cut stems so that the flowers

sit properly on the edge of vase. Mine were
already cut from prior use............

These were faux hyrangeas so they are big
flowers so didn't need to put one in every 
lattice opening, but with some flowers
you might need to.....

The flowers are finished on the outside
 edge then all I had to do was put the
 largest hydrangea in the middle and
 that finished it off.

This works well with faux or live flowers.

 I find I get more bang for my buck, if I 
buy floral bushes when I am using faux
 flowers, and if you want to use live ones 
Sam's and Publix usually  have a great 
prices on their live flowers.

If you have never tried floral arranging 

but have the desire,  just get some in-
expensive faux flowers and try it,  just
 keep working and rearranging it if need
 be until you get it the way you like it.......
You  will be surprised at what you can do 
if you just try.........that was advice I was
 given way back when I was in my early
20's from a friend who did all sorts
of amazing things in her home.
Some very good advice I might 

So Happy Floral Arranging!!

Want to see it incorporated in

my decorating!

See it here.....

and here.....
and again here
This time I just tucked the urn inside
 a Stylish Tin planter


Stains on clothing?

Use "Dawn" dishwashing detergent
for grease stains.

Use  "ERA" for blood, grass, tomato
type  stains or bodily fluid stains or
just about any stains really.  But this
is really good on the first stains I

Want to help whiten your whites, 
 use your regular detergent and
then throw in a cup of "Cascade"
This is great for white tablecloths
that have food stains especially.


Gotta clean the fridge

Do the bottom half sitting in a
 chair  with the garbage can next
to you, makes it so much easier
and quicker, and it is kinder to
your back as well, and it will also
 keeps that pesky door from
closing on you. lol


Want to be able to find things

Decide on a specific place to store
 every thing. Then make sure to put 
things away after you use them.  That
 way you will always be able to find
 things when you need them, and you 
don't waste precious time out of your
 day looking for things, like car keys,
 or lists. etc.  We can train ourselves
 to do this.....if we want to, cause
I did, and it has been a great 

Just FYI....I do not get any
 compensation in any way, for 
any products that I mention.
They just work well for me,
and want to pass on the help
to my blogging friends.

If you want to see Part 2 of Best
Cleaning Tips click here!!

Happy you could stop by today
and hope you found something
useful to you.

Have a really lovely Spring Day

Sweet  Friends.

Love, Hugs and

Floral arranging Blessings,


P.S. don't know why the printing is all mixed
 up size wise, but have tried to fix it...... but 
it just refuses to cooperate!! lol
Sorry about that!

Sharing at:

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Starfish Cottage with Kristy and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Walking on sunshine recipes with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Designthusiam with Lory and Friends

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter Sweet Friends.............

Hope it is your loveliest Easter ever,
all because of Him!

Jesus said to her
"I am the resurrection and the life.
The one who believes in me will live,
even though they die:"
John 11:25

He has Risen

He has Risen Indeed!

Happy Happy Easter!

Blessings Abundant,

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thankful Thursday March 24, 2016, Sofa table gussied up for Easter

For God so loved the world
that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall
 not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3:16

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a really
 great week.........

Been a really good week here,
really enjoying Spring!!

Did a lil Easter Decorating last week,
so thought I would show you the Sofa
Table today.

Sorta busy today so just gonna jump 
right in..............

I am thankful

that it is Spring.... and that Easter
is this weekend. Easter is my 2nd
 favorite holiday  with  Christmas
being my first...................

Remember I said I bought myself an
 early birthday present...well, this is one
 of the watercolor pictures....they are
matching and you will see the other
one later ................

for Easter, now I love all the cuteness 
of the bunnies, chicks and Easter eggs
I have to say,  but I am so glad that 
I know the real reason for the season. 
 That Jesus died on
a cross for my sins and your 's and then
 rose again on the 3rd day, to give new
 life to those that believe in Him, and
want to spend eternity in Heaven with
Him............ according to John 3:16
 in the Bible............

 That would be me,  how about you??
Something to think about!!

that my SIL Susan is feeling so much
better and so quickly too.  There was
a medicine overload and as soon as
she cut back she was fine.....and has
continued to feel better. We were all
very happy about that to say the least.

Decided to change the happy Easter
sign to this lil bunny.......just seemed
to fit with the rest of it.

for a long conversation with a
past neighbor who just lost her
hubby just over a week ago.  I
had not heard about it.......they
would have been married 53 yrs.
 this coming June, you don't hear
 that too much these days.
Was so glad she called as She 
 is a sweet lady, and we will be
 getting together soon.

that we have gotten to work in
the front yard a number of times
this week, and have loved every
minute of it....feels so great to
be outside doing that!! 
and making the yard look nice


for sitting in the sunshine.
It felt delectable, and was a
clear, not a cloud in sight azure
 blue sky day.  So Beautiful, a
great way to kick off Spring....

for banana pudding..........I made
it again this passed weekend and put
some strawberries in it this time.
Loved it...............

a fun time on Sunday having dinner
with the family..........and celebrating
Spring, amongst some other things
I will tell you about soon.

for all my neighbors beautiful azalea
bushes, they have been there for over
35 years ( 6 of them) , and they are
 large and gorgeous and a feast for the
 eyes every time we look out our front
windows......they are that purply
pink color...........so lovely!!

She said she must have scared them, 
because she was gonna cut them all 
down cause she thought they looked 
so scraggly about a month ago, and 
did do one of them.  so we were
laughing and saying I guess they
did get scared and thought we better 
get blooming or we are goners.....lol

for my "Magic bullet" that provides
me so many wonderful smoothies,
especially this time of the year!

that Netflik got the HGTV chanel
so now we can watch Chip and 
Joanna Gaines on Fixer Upper.
One of my fav HGTV shows.

Side table

for You....Sweet Friends, for all
your encouragement, inspiration,
and creativity.  You help make 
life fun.......each of you in your
own way.................


Thanks for coming by for a visit,
always good to know you came
by........and hope you say hello.

Hope you have a really lovely
weekend and Easter with those
you hold dear................

Love, Hugs and
Easter Blessings to you
and yours.


Sharing With:

Kerryanne at Shabby Art Boutique 

Mimi at  A Tray of Bliss

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Cleaning Tips #2, and Green and white living room

Good Morning Sweet Friends,
(well, it was morning when I

Yeah..........It is Spring Time!

Bet there are a lot of you that are
very hap hap happy people since
it has finally officially arrived.

It has been cold here yesterday and
 45 degrees this morning, but is suppose
 to go to 75 today and 80 tomorrow, and
even higher temps the rest of the week.
 So just enjoying these
last few days of cool temps, as think
this will probably be the last of it.......

Sniff  Sniff - only cause I live in Florida!

Have to say I am loving.... seeing the 
grass greening up and the Azaleas are 
blooming and the grapevine is popping
 out all over the place. 
All that new growth/new life always 
reminds me of the Resurrection of our 
Dear Lord, and how he was dead...
 but rose to new life, 
so that He could give us a new life.
 we get to celebrate that this coming
Sunday.........so Happy Easter to you,
as well...................

Guess I will get on with my new series
Cleaning and Household Tips, and added
in the rest of my Green and White living
room Pictures......this is the last of them.

Tip #7
Need to clean your Microwave............
Put a cup of water in a mug and heat
it for about 3-4 mins. and then just let
it sit in there for a couple of minutes,
so that it can steam can do it's job,
then with a wet cloth/sponge just 
wipe it clean.

The steam works like magic!!

If you would like to see Part l with the first
6 Tips just click here!

Need to get rid of pet hair.....

Scott Brite lint Roller to the rescue.
   Works like a charm and the best way
 I have found, so far!
Just wish those lint rollers weren't
so expensive.......but I have tried
the cheaper ones and they don't
usually work well, think I did get
the Target brand once and they
worked fine.

Sometimes we find them at Sam's
in a larger package, definitely
less expensive that way!

Are your drinking glasses coming
 out foggy/ cloudy in the dishwasher??

Put a cup of white vinegar in a plastic
bowl or margarine container on the 
bottom rack and run your dishwasher 
with no soap, only the vinegar. You
may have to do it a number of times.
The vinegar will clean up all the excess
 soap that clings to the inside of the
 dishwasher, and those cloudy glasses

Good to redo this vinegar wash
at few times a year!

We learned this the hard way...
we actually got rid of what was
probably still a good dishwasher
 because we didn't know about 
this...................and when we
learned this (after we bought 
new one)  we were bummed
cause all it probably needed was
 a good vinegar cleaning.

  Live and Learn!!

what to do with those cloudy, foggy
 drinking glasses  

  Soak them in the sink with a cup or 2 of 
vinegar and add just enough water to cover
 them or just employ tip # 9, 
 rewash them in the dishwasher, once it is 
nice and soap free.
  You might have to put the glasses thru 
the vinegar wash a number of times
 as well.............

With omni lighting affect

Water Spots on your shower faucets?? 

The best thing I have found is
 "Lime-a-way",  it works great.
However, it is strong and not the
greatest fragrance I might add!  lol
but it does work..............

But another good idea is to make an
 agreement with family members that 
the last one out of the shower will
dry off the faucet and back plate.
Just takes seconds, and Works great!

This was actually my hubbies idea, 
right after we redid our bathroom about
 4+ years ago, as we have brushed nickel
 and gold faucets and the water spots
 really show up and look very messy......

 With equalized affect

Want to disinfect and make
your faucets and counters shine?

Use some rubbing alcohol...it's what 
they use at the Drs. offices to disinfect, 
and it makes your faucets and counters
 shine as well.  I also use it on switch
plates and door knobs and cabinet handles
 after someone in the house has been sick.
(if I don't have any lysol/clorox wipes) 

I get no kickback or compensation
in any way from any products that I 
mentioned.....they just work well for
me and and wanted to pass it on.......

It has been changed to this now!!

Thanks for coming by.............

Hope you have a Super Fun Week
enjoying Spring...........

 Bunny Hugs, and 
Blessings Galore,


Sunday, March 20, 2016

Happy Spring...........

Happy Spring
Sweet Friends!!

Where man see but...
withered Leaves,
God see.....
Sweet Flowers Growing.
~Albert Laighton~

Blessings for 
 your Best Spring yet!!

Hugs,  Nellie

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie