Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A Whimsical King and Princess Table #1

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope this find you well and happy
today.........and may be  seeing
 some signs of Spring!  Know
those of you who are up north
are probably more than ready!!

The end of February and March
is birthday season at our house.
So this weekend as I told you
last week we celebrated hubbies
and lil darling's birthday.  So 
thought what can I do that will
work for both of them.........

hmmmmm.....So put my thinking 
cap on and remembered we had a 
cute lil crown we bought for lil
 darling awhile back that we thought
 she would love, but much to our 
surprise she wanted nothing to
 do with it...and we thought that
would change but didn't.........
Decided well maybe I could do
a Princess and King theme!
So that's what I did, and think
they liked it,  know hubby did
cause he said so.....and lil darling
seemed to enjoy sitting there
and ate really well.....

Remember for better viewing
pleasure you can click on any
pic and it will blow them all up!
Hope you have fun!

Here is the sign I hung over the table!

Here is hubbies crown.......
Guess where I got it???

It is a  Burger King Crown, only took
3 times to get it,  they were out of them,
  and was beginning to think I was gonna
have to make my own.  Once I got them
I dolled them up a lil with some stick on
Monogram letters and  jewels

and here is lil darlings crown, 
thanks to cracker barrel,  and 
once she saw it she decided 
she wanted to put it on........
Figured as much........lol

Wasn't sure what to use as a centerpiece ,
 so was thinking maybe just some fresh
 pink flowers,  but I was trying to keep
the table from being too girly,  hence
the brown tablecloth .  So thought I
could just put the crown around the
flowers, but since I had pink candles
decided just to go with the crown all
by itself.  So just turned over a bowl
that matched my dishes and put a
salad plate on top, so had an instant
cake stand to put the enhanced
crown on..............

The guys had brown napkins and glasses,
and Scott got the key to the Kingdom.

We girls had pink napkins and clear
 glasses  that were shaped the same
as the guys, and that would be filled 
with raspberry lemonade for more
pink on the table, and we had 
 Cinderella slippers, courtesy of 
someones wedding years back.

I decided to give her some flowers too.

Only wished they could have been more
 baby pink, but then they actually wound
up matching the raspberry lemonade.
In my memory it was a lighter pink!!  lol

A few looks down the table

This is from the opposite end of the
 birthday girl.

Managed to get a shot with the 
lemonade so you could see.....

A Close up of the centerpiece,
have to say I sure had fun doing
this table.........course, most of
the time I always do........but
this was a lil more play like!!

Well,  you know how I always take
way too many pics...........so will stop 
here for today, and decided to  put
Photo shop affects on most of  the 
so will show you another day!

So glad you stopped by.......
Always glad to have you!!

Hope you have a fun
 rest of the week!!


  1. Hello Nellie, such an awesome theme. Love the crowns! I love your pretty plate stack. Have a great week. Blessings...I would love it, if you share your post at our link party, Dishing It & Digging It on Sundays.

  2. Hi Linda,
    Great to hear from you hon, and thanks for your sweet comments, as always.
    Hope you have a lovely week too, and I will do my best to remember to come over on Sunday for your linky party, thanks for the sweet invitation...
    it was appreciated very much.
    Blessings Abundant,

  3. Dearest Nellie, this is the cutest thing EVER! All the trouble you went to to get your hubby a crown too. I bet lil Darlin' had the time of her life. You are such a good Nanna to make her day special. Lots of love, Mimi xxx

  4. Hi Mimi,
    Hope you are feeling much better by now. Happy to hear from you as always
    and thanks for your sweet comments, I really had a fun time doing it...
    I can't take all the credit for getting hubbies crown, cause he was the
    one to finally get it, as time was running out............and the cat sort
    of got out of the bag about it, but I did doll it up tho!! lol
    This party was tame for her, as the day before she went to Disney to the
    bibbity bobbity boutique to be a princess for a day, they do their hair
    and nails and they get to pick what princess they wanted to be.....she
    picked Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She and her lil friend and their
    Mom's had quite a fun day........ the pics were so adorable.

    Have a lovely rest of the week, and thanks for your visit.
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. Such a cute theme and tablescape, Nellie! Those crowns are so adorable! Those little ones grow up too fast, don't they?

    Warm hugs,

  6. Hi Carol,
    So wonderful to hear from you hon and was glad to hear you a doing well.
    Know you will be so happy when all these treatments are over, as anyone
    would be!!

    Thanks for coming by and for your warm comments as always. Yea, we can
    hardly believe she is 3 already, it surely does go by quickly. They sure
    are a joy!!

    You take good care of yourself, cause I know your hubby does!! lol
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...