Tuesday, May 23, 2017

My Birthday Table from March

Afternoon Sweet Friends,

Hope your Tuesday is going well........

Mine is going...........lol
Quickly it seems.....trying to get my
 computer room finished...
  Finally got the new futon cover on, and 
just trying to decide about the pillows,
and want to do a lil change on the wall 
behind it......so still not finished....these
 things take time and thought in between
 all the other life things going on........lol
So maybe by next week...........

I happened to discover that I still had
some pics I had not posted on yet, so
that came in handy.....it was of my
Birthday table from back in March.
It was a busy week and hubby and
the kids were doing dinner for me,
so I decided I would help out and
just do the table since it is just
such a chore for me...........lol

It actually started with a trip to Fresh
Market where I found these gorgeous
paper spring napkins and salad plates,
at the end of February that I thought
would be nice for Easter this year.

They just screamed Spring to me with
 thecute lil birds and bird nest....

and always love pink and flowers in the
Springtime as well...................

So I scooped them up brought them
home....paid first,  of course,  lol

Then a few days before my birthday hubby
 came home with these beautiful flowers
 which I have forgotten the name of again!!

and I had already tried them out on my
solid white and my shabby chic dinner 
plates, still thinking about Easter still.
 Loved how they looked on the 
shabby chic ones the best.

So decided since I had the pretty flowers
just to use them for my birthday instead,
and I could come up with something else
for Easter............

Decided on my Spring Green 
tablecloth, as the dishes look
so nice against the green.  

and floral patterned silverware
that I have no idea what the name
of it is.....it looks like daffodils.

A look down the table from one

and then the other..............

with a posterized affect for fun.

Little Darlings place.......she loves these
lil birdies and likes to play with them.

and what's in the silver cup?? 
 Lil plastic hearts that lil darling 
also likes to play with......if I
don't put them there now, she
asks for them....lol

A nice overview.....now you can see
the candle holders and the birdies
well, one birdie the flowers are
hiding the other one............

Same picture as above, but with
 a photocopy affect

I was gonna use spring green goblets
but thought it was too much green
so decided to go with the clear ones.

One last look and we are done...

Sorry for so many pictures...
I always think I am taking less....
but once it gets time to edit them
 I realize oh no.....
I did it again............lol
and I actually left some flower
pics out.............

Think this could make a nice
 Spring or Summer Table really......
Check out your Fresh Market for
 Paper Goods they really have some
 pretty nice ones, not your typical 
run of the mill paper goods........
but then they do cost a bit more.
So I don't typically do that, but 
once in awhile when you really
 see something you love for a
 special occasion it is worth it.


Thanks so much for dropping by,
hope you enjoyed your visit.......

Have a really good week
keep your light shining brightly!

 Love and Blessings,

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  1. Hi Nellie, your spring- birthday table is beautiful, happy belated birthday wishes! I do enjoy going to Fresh market too! they have the best items for sale,and are aways so friendly! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Nellie, your spring birthday table is perfect! I don't have a Fresh Market in my city, but I enjoy shopping there in nearby cities! Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

  3. Thanks Sue,
    Yea, I became an official Sr. Citizen this year....lol

    I love fresh market too, we only discovered them about 3-4 yrs. ago, but what a great
    discovery. We have one closer to us now, but it is still about 20 mins. or so away,
    and don't go that way that often, but I really should go more often as I always enjoy
    my visit there, and the people are really nice and helpful...........

    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments.

  4. Hi Pam,
    Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments. Nice you have a Fresh Market sort of near by at least...... they really are a pleasant shopping experience.
    Love how they have them decorated too....lol

    Hope you have a nice Memorial day weekend too.


  5. What beautiful place settings! Of course you know I love anything with animals! At first I didn't realize your plates were paper! I thought, "Wow! How did you find napkins to match your plates!" Then I realized they were paper, ha! Very Springy and pretty!
    Love you all, Susan

  6. Thanks Susan,
    That is funny you thought that......they really do such a good job on some paper goods it
    is not easy to tell they are paper good. I like that!! lol
    Thanks for stopping by and for your pleasant comments.
    Love, Nellie

  7. Happy belated birthday sounds like you had a great day. Thanks for linking up to #HomeMattersParty

  8. Thanks Emily.......I really did!
    Thanks for coming by and for hosting at the Home Matters Party.

    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...