Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Styling, Camera Practice and Photo Affects for the Dining Room Table

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends

Are you enjoying your summer??
and for those that have them, are you
enjoying time doing things with your

Hope so...as those are precious times! 
and when they grow up you will miss
those times sooo much but will have
some great memories to think on.

Along with working on our office/
computer room this week......
and Guess What??

I finally finished yesterday!!
Whoo Hoo.....

and.....I am seriously......
 Delighted and Tickled Pink!!
and will probably show yall
some pics next week!

(Hey that rhymes, so I am a
poet but didn't know it!  lol)

Sorry..........I digressed........
So..... along with working on the 
above I also did some Tray styling,
 camera shooting and Photo Affects.

I had my eye on this Tray (as I am
in love with this color) for quite
 awhile, saw it on the Kirklands 
website a number of times as I go
 there when an occasion arises for
 a gift for my daughter or daughter-
 in- love. Anyway, it wasn't super 
expensive but by the time you pay 
shipping and all that you know
 how it is......and I really do not
like to pay shipping charges.
Anyway,  when we went to the store 
to get the wall piece last weekend, 
that we took back this weekend, lol, 
they had the tray for half price @
 $6.99, so could not resist.......
I always say good things come
to those who wait..........lol

Decided it would be nice on our
 dining room table, for summer.
  I don't use a tablecloth in the
 summer, Do you?? unless we are
 using the table for dinner, as I just
 think igives it a more casual 
undressed look...and a very nice 
change for the season.  This year
 I am not making a lot of summer
changes,  just staying with my
Spring look mostly,  and maybe
adding or subtracting a few
things here or there.

This was the first vignette and
these are all the pictures from
that.............styling a tray is
really not that hard,  you just
have to keep trying different
things until you come up
with something you really

With Posterized Affect

When I was in my late 20's, I had a friend
 who could do all sorts of neat things.......
she shaker shingled her kitchen wall, grew 
all sorts of veggies, macrame'd, made her
own curtains and on and on I could go.

Anyway, I was so impressed with all
her capabilities and asked her how in
 the world did you learn to do all these
things and her answer was:

"Just by trying it.... you will be
 surprised at what you can do if
 you just try it!"

So I took her advice......and guess
what......she was so right!
That was almost 40 yrs. ago and since
then I have made and done all sorts of
things, that I am quite pleased and
delighted about and I am thankful
I met her, as that lil tad of advice
has taken me a long happy way!!

With Paint Daubs Affect

With Omni and Lens Flare Affects

Hope you will come back on Thursday
for part 2,  and see the other vignettes
 and the one I ended up with 
for the Summer!

Thanks for popppin in........
hope you enjoyed yourself.

Have a Truly Blessed Week,



  1. Hi, Nellie.
    I love your arrangement! I like the posterized picture the best. I like how the flowers have that coloring on the edges! I'm doing well. "I Believe!" The LORD has given me comfort. Thank you for all of your prayers and the prayers of others! Love you all, Susan

  2. Thanks for showing the different effects that you can get. I also like the posterized effect. Your vignette is very pretty.

  3. Thanks Susan,
    I always love the posterized pictures too. Just a fun and different look.
    Glad you are feeling better, and know you will be glad for tomorrow to get
    here......praying for Good news hon. Talk to you tomorrow sometime.
    Thanks for coming by,
    Love ya, Nellie

  4. Hi Carol,
    Nice to hear from you.....and thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments as well.
    Hope you have a good rest of the week, hon!

  5. #1. Do you get that off of your TV antennae?
    #2.I just love Sunday when we can be with the LORD's other followers!
    #3. Yes in deed! I surely enjoy our time together too! Thank you for such a wonderful time!
    #4. It surely has and I carried the thought "I Believe" all week and still am! Thank you for your support and what the LORD has for my life!
    #5. You have surely done a nice job with your computer room! It is a room you want to spend a lot of time in!
    #6. It is definitely a room full of blessing!
    #7. All the rain we have had this week should really be great for them too! They are so pretty! One of the LORD's prettiest flowers! My crept myrtles are now blooming!
    #8. It does sound yummy!
    #9. He came by yesterday and mowed my yard front and back while I was gone to my appointment. It surely looked good! From all the rain we have had, the grass had grown tall, ha! He had a job, but with his equipment, it mowed it right down, ha!
    #10. You had a busy day out! Friday's are my day out!
    #11. Amen! The LORD surely led me to seek out a 2nd opinion that was definitely positive!
    #12. I'm sure it will be lovely! Your "guys" are so blessed to have you and your love to show to them in so many ways (you show to me too! Thank you!)
    Love you all, Susan

  6. Susan,
    You accidentally left this on the wrong post. So I moved it to the right one.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...