Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Playing and Practicing with a bit of a Moroccan flair

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope your week is going well.

Mine has been a bit more productive
this week since I have been getting
more sleep.  Still experiencing an
energy shortage but guess it will take
 awhile to get that Vit D in my system,
and hopefully that will help.

Oops forgot you don't know about
that yet..............
Guess I had better explain......
Went back to the Drs. on Friday for
the report from all my bloodwork 
and sonograms.  Dr. said most of
my bloodwork was near perfect.....
but I did have a Vit. D deficiency,
and both sonograms showed no
problems other than I do have 1
kidney stone which he said I have
probably always had and will
probably never give me any
 trouble  and sure hoping he is
right about Dr. was very
positive about everything so I left 
very thankful for the good news
 but a bit perplexed as to why I am
feeling so exhausted, but looked
up the symptoms of a Vit D de-
ficiency and that is one of the 
symptoms So....guess we will see
 what happens.....I am to take 3000 
units of Vit D daily and they will do
 another blood test in 3 months.

Since I have been in this exhausted 
stupor I have had no creativity
pretty much.....course, I have been
thinking about what I want to do
for Fall,  but not ready to do any
thing, which is good, cause I don't
have the energy to do it anyway,
but Monday I just felt like I needed
to do something creative as it always
seems to be like theraphy for me. So 
 was thinking maybe I could just do 
one simple placesetting or something.

So I remembered I have a table runner
 that is sort of Moroccan looking that
 I got when I was in Charleston in

I loved the color combo and thought
it would look great with white dishes and 
my green place mats that I already have, 
and they did match perfectly but they 
are too big to use with the runner as it
 just doesn't look all that great.....
and I have to use place mats cause
 if I don't use a tablecloth, the tabletop 
is mostly glass and scratches very
 easily.  So sorta just did an easy faux 
placesetting just for the fun of it and
 to have something pretty to post.  lol
and I can always use the camera
 practice as well.

Anyway here are the results of my

I layered a green napkin
 over a navy one.

Used my white corelle ware plates and
Borrowed the  bowl from our bedroom

Used my Wedding silverware, as it 
seemed to need something ornate.

Love these lil Moroccan looking
 apetizer/bread plates.... since they
were similar colors decided to 
throw them in the mix.  Got them
at Home Goods in Asheville.

Nice overview

Grabbed a pitcher of hydrangeas
from the guest bedroom

Used my blue everyday glasses,
This shot reminded me I needed 
some candle

So here it is with some
candle light.  Much better!!

grabbed the cookies from the kitchen, 
and with all of those pieces came up
 with this quick one place setting.
 These are really so  much easier,
but typically I actually have a real
tablescape to share, but this was
fun.  I love the challenge of just
seeing what I can come up with
just by shopping my house.  lol

Well, hope you enjoyed my
playing and photography.......

Thanks for coming by......

Always nice to know
 you came..............

Have a lovely rest of the week.


Keep your light shining brightly!!

Love, Hugs and late
August Blessings,


Sharing with:

Saavy Southern Style

Walking on Sunshine Recipes

Shabby Art Boutique

The Craftberry Bush

Oh My Heartsie Girl


  1. Glad you checked out so well, Nellie!
    And I really like your table. I'm one for patterns - and mixing them
    Hope the Vit. D does its trick. Are you able to get some NATURAL D (sunshine), too?

  2. Beautiful Nellie, So glad to hear you had a good report, I also have to talk Vitamin D supplement! Praying for renewed strength and energy!

  3. Morning Rebecca,
    So good to hear from you hon. Yea, I am hoping the Vit D does the trick too, that is the
    funny thing, I live in Florida and I do sit out and get sunshine and I don't put sunscreen on since it is for not more than 15 mins. at a time which is all you can take in the heat. a bit crazy. My Dr. said the same thing....he said he sees this all the time, and we live in Florida, so he said imagine what it must be for people up north........
    Glad you liked the table......
    Thanks for coming by to visit and for our sweet comments,
    Hope this finds you do very well hon,

  4. Morning Sue,
    Always nice to hear from you......
    Thanks for coming by and for your encouraging comments, and thanks for the prayers...I will take all of them I can

    I had been feeling pretty good for a few days and today I am just whipped, got up feeling
    like that.........crazy....But this too shall pass.........

    I heard this joke once, someone asked a man what his favorite verse in the bible was,
    and He said "and it came to pass", then said, Thank God, "it came to pass, and didn't come
    to stay".........

    Now that's my story and I am sticking to

    You take care hon,

  5. Hi, Nellie.
    Praise our LORD for your medical report! I pray the LORD will dissolve the kidney stone or does not let it grow any bigger!

    I love your new runner! Your small dishes match perfectly! Did you already have the plates or did you buy them with the runner?

    Steve comes today to mow the property. It surely is needing it, lol! Have a great day. I love you all, Susan

  6. Hi Susan, trying to get the sonogram report to find out what the size of it
    the Dr. didn't know, but it should be in the radiology report.....thanks for the prayers!
    That would be a great thing to happen.

    Actually I got the plates way before I got the runner, Got the runner in Charleston and the
    plates in Asheville, same store

    yea, when it rains a lot it makes that grass grow like crazy....course, we didn't get as
    much rain this week as in the last weeks......

    You have a great day too hon,
    Love, Nellie

  7. Dearest Nellie, I am a fan of Moroccan styling, so I adore this. Those little bread and butter plates just add a special something for sure! Vitamin D deficiency is rife in the modern era I hear. I think the whole 50+ Sunscreen idea has a lot to answer for. It does make you feel exhausted, so I hope you pick up real soon. Lots happening at my end but I won't bore you here. I know you'll visit when you can. Here's to good health sweetness! Love, Mimi xxx

  8. Hi Mimi,
    Great to hear from you as always.....yea, I agree about the sunscreen, it is definitely a
    double edged sword, course, I only wear it when I go to the beach and that has been quite
    awhile ago, and I try to sit in the sun a few times a week and I drink quite a bit of Vit
    D fortified milk, so go figure.....but have to say I am beginning to feel better and have
    been sleeping better and taking that Vit D daily, so hopefully I will be coming out of the
    woods here soon lol

    Glad you liked my moroccan table, I had fun doing

    Hope all is well at your house, and you could never bore me with details....
    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments and well wishes....
    will be by to see you soon hon

    Love and Blessings,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie