Thursday, August 17, 2017

Thankful Thursday August 17, 2017, Golf cart tour #11

I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; 
even at night my heart instructs me. 
Psalm 16:7

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope it has been a good week, especially
 for those who sent their kiddles back
 to school.

It's been a good week here.....Went to
 get lil darling from preschool yesterday,
for the first time....been a long time
 since I got a kid from school, that is
 for sure. She was quite happy to see
 me too. When she saw me she yelled
 "Grammy" and came running......was
 like a get out of jail free card!!  lol
  Then came home and had lunch with
Grampy and played a short time and
she was falling asleep on mylap. She
 is a child who needs a lot of sleep,
 and they aren't letting them nap now,
so she was exhausted and went out the
 minute her head hit the pillow. 
 Unfortunately for me, Scott came to 
get her early so she woke up but was 
still out of it and then went home, so
 hope it want be that way next week.

Pictures today are from, I bet you
guessed it,  our Spring golf cart
tour of Charleston. S.C.  lol
So on with it..............

I am thankful

that my 2nd sonogram went really
well.  We got there way earlier as
 hubby went a different direction than 
I go, so we were 50 mins. early, and
 they took me in pretty quick and I was
 done by the time I was suppose to be that was nice. 

for a nice lunch at Cracker Barrel
after and some fun shopping at Ross,
Home Goods and Fresh Market.

for a wonderfully fragrant candle
we found at Home Goods for Fall.
It smells like citrus,  but mostly
like oranges......yummy!

for finding some Shashima Tuna
steak on sale at Fresh Market.
I put them in a marinade of olive
oil and lime juice and sprinkled
them with Lawry's seasoned salt
and granulated garlic,  and hubby
grilled them.  They were really
delicious........with rainbow carrots
and green bean casserole.

for my Mother.  Yesterday would
have been her 90th Birthday.  She
 has been in heaven with Jesus for
12 years now.   My Mom taught
me many many great things!

for my Daughter, her birthday 
is Today! and we will sure miss
being with her, but will be seeing
her soon..........Lord willing!!
She and I spent lots of time
gabbing today,  and she spent
some time with a new friend,
and then her hubby was taking
her out for din a new
place that someone told him 
about.  So sounds like she is
having a special birthday suited
for a special girl.........

for melatonin....I decided to try
it for sleeping and I have had 4
good nights of sleep.  Beats the
sleeping pills my Dr. wanted me
to thank you!! lol

for having some breeze as I sat
in the sun, very hot,  but much
more bearable when it is breezy.

that lil darlings Mom and Dad 
decided to change her school
schedule to have her go only till 
11:30 every day, so think that
was a great decision, since she
is already transistioning from
2 days to 5 days.  Happy that it
will also give us more time with
her if she does need a nap.

thankful that T-mobile now gives
senior rates.  We just got $37. a
month off our bill......whoo hoo!!
Go T-mobile.....we have had them
for years and they have given us
very good service,  and I get no
sort of payment or perks for saying
any of that,  it is just the truth!!

that I got a box of pictures and stuff in
the mail from my Mom's house, it has
been rather interesting the emotional
 impact it has had on me.  I have been
 very weepy at times for a number of 
reasons that I know and for some
I don'

that my Drs. appt is finally tomorrow,
so maybe they can figure out what is
up with me lately.

Well, there you have it another week
at Cozy Place.

Thanks for coming by.................

Hope you have a lovely Friday
 and Weekend
with those you hold dear.

Love, Hugs and 
Mid August and back to school


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

April J. Harris

The Craftberry Bush

Life with Lorelai

Starfish Cottage


Stone Gable

A Stroll thru Life

Saavy Southern Style


  1. #1. That's how it is when I go to Dr. Jaykauskas' office. Before, the doctors always wanted you to come 30 minutes early!
    #2. It's always enjoyable to go out and eat! You don't have to cook!
    #3. I usual burn them in winter.
    #4. Jim's great at grilling!
    #5. It's amazing how fast time goes!!! Dad's been in heaven for 26 years and mom for 15! My sweet Xena (my dog) passed in February and it seems like it's been a year or more!
    #6. I sent her a text message wishing her a happy birthday!
    #7. I'm so glad my muscle aches are over with. I've been sleeping well again PTL!
    #8. It surely has been hot. By the time I got back from grocery shopping, perspiration was
    pouring off my forehead!
    #9. I didn't realize they had different time schedules. I hope she will have more energy now when she comes home.
    #10. Great! I have Net10 and only pay $15.00 a month. I have 9308 minutes (they roll over) that I haven't used, lol! That includes texting.
    #11. I have all of mom and dad's pictures. I put them in photo books so they wouldn't deteriorate. Some are from the 1940's!!!
    #12. I've been in constant prayer for you for the LORD's blessing on you.
    Love you all, Susan

  2. I always enjoy your TT posts, Nellie! Since I haven't been blogging I miss a lot of goings n in my friend's lives, I hope you get great reports1 I know you are trusting in God's will and healing! Aren't grandchildren one of God's greatest gifts to us?
    Thank you for sharing.

  3. What a lovely post, Nellie! It's such a great reminder to be grateful, and I so enjoyed this little glimpse into your life. Thank you so much for sharing, and for being a part of The Hearth and Soul Link Party. Hope to 'see' you again this week!


  4. Thank You April.....
    It was very nice to have you visit and to leave such sweet comments,
    it was nice to discover your blog as well, and I should see you again this week.
    Thanks too, for hosting this nice linky party.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie