Friday, March 23, 2018

Thankful Thursday March 22, 2018, Easters Past #3

They took palm branches and went out
 to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna! ” “Blessed 
is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Blessed is the king of Israel!”
John 12:13

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good week!

We have.....and we have had a cool front
 as well, probably the last of the year
 I would imagine.  Sad thought for me
since I love the cool air,  course, ours
is not fridged air like some of you have
or I would be ready for it to be over too.

Well, since I am so late gonna just get
 right to today are from 
Easters Past again. If you missed
#2 and would like to see it just
click here.

Thankful for the fun of helping the sister
of a long time friend make covers for her
 porch pillows last Friday.  It has been
 a long time since I have done a project
 like this with another gal, so it has really
 been fun and we work really well together,
 and so far, produced one cover, that came 
out great, I am happy to report, as it has 
been awhile since I have made them.

Thankful for a fun trip to BJ's and to
Panera Bread for sandwiches for lunch
 after church.  It was like my first time
 to go there, since the last time I went
was about 5 yrs. ago with my daughter.  
It was such a visual delight as it is a 
bakery as well and has all these delect-
able looking goodies.  We tried one of 
their orange scones and it was wonder-
ful.....and a cinnamon braid which was
 good but not as good as it looked.........
Hubby gets bagels from there quite often
 and brings them home, and they are really
 very good, our favs are the Asiago cheese
and the cinnamon crunch bagels. If you
have a Panera near you and have never
tried should try them some
Yum Yum is all I can say!!  lol

Thankful for the reminders last week
of why our prayers are so important
and how they can be life giving.......
(Click here if you want to what I am
talking about.  See # 6, 7, and 12)

Thankful for all of the incredibly
gifted and talented bloggers that I
have the priviledge of viewing
their blogs and seeing their great
ideas and work.  You all never
cease to amaze me with your
creativity.  One such blogger I
would like to give a shout out
to is Rachel at Shades of Blue.
She just had the priviledge of
working with Better Homes
and Gardens magazine.
Read about it here!

Congratulations Rachel and I got 
 the magazine and can't wait to sit
down and put my feet up with a 
cuppa Joe and browse that baby.
All my best wishes to you on this
new endeavor!!

Thankful for round two of cushion
cover making on Monday, and a 
fun time of fellowship as well and
one more cover done, 2 more cut out
 and 1 pinned, and I finished another
cover on my own Wednesday night,
 so that makes 3, and we have to do
another 3 for a total of 6.

Thankful for my sewing machine
and that hubby was able to get it
working when it was giving us
trouble the first day we worked
on the cushion covers. The part

I really don't like about sewing
is machine problems!! uggghh!

Thankful for things like straight
edges, sharp scissors, iron and
ironing boards and straight pins
that help so much when you are

Thankful for my air purifier
that I have pressed into service
due to all the oak pollen that
drives me crazy with allergies.
It really does make quite a

Thankful for all the rain we got
on Monday and Tuesday as a cool
front pushed in, that washed away
 a lot of the pollen.

Thankful for a fun day on Wed. 
playing with lil darling as always.

Thankful for my cozy bed at night
after a long day. It has felt especially
good lately as I have been so tired
out from allergies. 

Thankful for a fun and interesting
date for lil darling
for Easter, going to see "I can only
Imagine" movie, (which was great by
 the way, such a great testimony of
God's grace), talking, encouraging
 and praying with a complete stranger,
(a sweet young woman dealing with
a lot of problems, that needed a hug
and someone to listen, she was the
only other person in the theatre 
with us.), and having a burger at
 Steak and Shake at 1 a.m. because
 we were starving since we didn't
 have time to eat beforehand!!  So we
 got home close to 2 a.m....been a few
years since we have been out that, But well worth the
time, for sure!


Well, that's our week....

Thanks for coming by
Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Hugs and
Palm Sunday Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Create with Joy

Oh My Heartsie Girl

The Dedicated House

Stone Gable

A Stroll thru Life

Life with Lorelai


  1. I love your flowers!!!
    #1. That's great fun to help another with such a project.
    #2. I've always wished they would put a Panera here in our area. I don't travel out to far anymore by myself.
    #3. Yes, there are always so many who need our prayers for healing!
    #4. There are so many talented people. I'm glad they share with us!
    #5. Fellowship makes work FUN!
    #6. I haven't used mine in so long, it probably won't work!!!
    #7. What would we do without them. I don't know how people of the past got along without what we are blessed to have in this day and age!
    #8. I find my vacuuming helps too! WHAT A CUTE BUNNY!!!
    #9. Also watered the grass, ha! Mine was starting to brown!
    #10. She is at a great age now to really enjoy all she can now do!
    #11. AMEN!
    #12. I just love that song! I loved when Brian used to sing it at church!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Yes, we have wished to same thing about panera and other restaurants.

    That is so true fellowship does make work fun, always more fun to do things with someone

    Thanks for coming by and for all your varied comments,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie