Friday, March 9, 2018

Thankful Thursday March 8, 2018, Random Easter pics from the past.....

 Sing joyfully to the LORD, you righteous;
 it is fitting for the upright to praise him.
Psalm 33:1 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are you??  Doing well I hope.....

Maybe starting to do a lil Spring or
 Easter Decorating??

After resting up a few days I have started
 to feel like putting out a few Easter things, 
but think I will hold off most of my Spring 
decorating till after Easter since it is so
early this year...........

Now be clear... I know that Easter is all
about Jesus.....but the lil girl in me loves,
bunnies and eggs and whimsical things,
so indulge me here while I add some
random pics from Easter's past with
no disrespect intended.....

With that said, on with my thankful

Thankful that my hubbies Surprise
70th Birthday party on Saturday
 turned out so well, and everyone had
 a great time, and thankful that he was
 actually surprised, which was nothing
 short of a miracle, as he works from 
home most days, so navigating that 
while trying to keep it a surprise was 
quite difficult and stressful....
All my Mondays were spent all day
doing things toward his book and that is the only full day
he goes into work......and we started
 the middle of January, so this is the
surprise you have heard me mention
a few times in some of my posts.

Thankful for all the family and friends
 that came to celebrate with him. Some 
we had not seen for years, so it was
 such a blessing to see them.

Thankful that I had paced myself
well and had pretty much every
thing done house wise, and food
wise, so was able to visit with my
 daughter and son-in-love on Friday
 before the party as I just had to
 deal with picking up /and setting 
up food on the day of the party.

Thankful that my son-in-love
was here to take him to my son's
house to have breakfast and to
watch the new "StarTrek movie"
Hubby loves movies and Star
Trek, and especially enjoyed
it with the guys.....

Thankful for all who participated
in sending me, their well wishes,
sentiments and stories so that we
could make a commenorative 
book for him. He really loved
it and was so blessed by it.

Thankful for my daughter who 
did the work of typing it all up
to be sent in to have it made
into a book,  and it came out
even better than we expected.
They did a great job, so if you
ever want to make one for some-
body you love we would highly
 recommend using from a Birdie.
Click here to see their site or
type it in yourself @

I get no compensation in any
way for recommending them,
we are just satisfied customers
who want to share their good
work with others.

Thankful that my daughter could
be here and thankful for she and
my daughter-in-love for their
 hands on help the day of the

Thankful to the whole family,
as they all contributed in so
 many different and helpful ways.
You were all such a blessing
to me, and I could never have
done it without you.

Thankful for Publix bakery
for their Delicious and pretty
cakes that helped make our
dessert party............

Thankful that his party has 
finally arrived and gone cause
as much fun and joy was the
planning, it was equally as
stressful for me, as I am not
good at keeping secrets from
my hubby,  and made quite
a few slips at times and tried
to cover them.....

Thankful for all the love and Joy
that can be poured out through
other people that so blesses our
lives.........that love and Joy was
so evident here on Saturday, and
we were all so blessed by it.....

Thankful that lil darling had 
great birthday party on Sunday,
she turned 5 years old. Can hardly
 believe it.....Just wish we could
slow it down somehow!!  lol
They just grow up too fast.......

Well, as I am sure you can tell the
Surprise Birthday party  was the
 focus of our week at cozy Place.....

Moving on to Easter now!!  lol

Have a great Friday and Weekend!

Love, Hugs, and 

Merry March Blessings,


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  1. #1. You did a great job! He really enjoyed his surprise!
    #2. It was a joyful time to meet and talk to everyone!
    #3. You did a great job as we kept Jim busy on the porch with a board game!
    #4. That was a great idea!
    #5. What a wonderful keepsake! I wished I had e-mail the pictures, but I put them in a
    plastic sleeve for him to have.
    #6. They did do a really nice job making it in book form!
    #7. Yes! And it was great there were other children who kept involved with Brooklyn too!
    #8. I'm sure everyone really had a great reunion with all involved! I know I did!
    #9. I just finished up the take-home goodies. They were ummm good!
    #10. You did a great job doing so!
    #11. The LORD was definitely in the middle of it all! His joy was in all of us!
    #12. She was so tickled with the Beanie Baby kitty I gave to her, ha!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog! I love your blog and am now following you -
    I would be delighted if you followed back - it is fun to meet new people!
    Your hair would look fabulous - yes my back does flip up - Tell your hair dresser you want Lisa Rinna's hair style - it is what I have, only a little shorter.
    My hair became this color after breast cancer but I like it and it's the only way the grandchildren know me. My husband & I have been married for 45 yrs and it has flown by.
    Your blog is so lovely and thank you for hosting us!
    Best wishes, Mimi

  3. Hi Susan,
    A week late but better late than never, as they say.
    Glad you enjoyed the party as well.....we sure did...

    Thanks for coming by and for all your encouraging comments.
    Have a good weekend. I just clicked with me a few mins. ago, that the Dr. did surgery
    on your face today, I thought you were going to have it rechecked, so is this the
    3rd or 4th surgery?? Love ya, Nellie

  4. Hello Mimi,
    So nice to meet you hear in blogland. We seem to be at the same stage in life, married
    long time (47 yrs. for us) grown children and grandchildren. We only have 1 grandchild
    a precious lil darling granddaughter that just turned 5 recently.

    Thank you so much for coming by and also for telling me about the name of your hair cut.
    I especially needed some ideas for the top of my hair, as I just think it is too flat for doesn't look like my photo on my blog right now as I have let part of my bangs
    grow out.

    Will come by to see you soon. Sorry it has taken me so long to write back....but it has
    been a bit busy around here lately.
    Blessings to you and yours,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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