Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Winter/ Spring Birthday Table for Susan

Happy Tuesday
 Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you having a lovely
week so far.

It has really been a lovely week since
Friday here in Florida......the weather
has been perfect, Sunny, breezy, clear
blue skies and temps in the low 70's
and just what we all prayed would
happen for my Husband's "70th
 Surprise Birthday party, and it even
carried over for lil darlings birthday
party on Sunday and is still going
strong.....hoping it will never end,
but knowing it will, but think we
might have another good week if
the forecast is right!!  lol

The Surprise I have mentioned
a few times that was coming,
was hubby's party, and it was
a hit......he really  enjoyed it
and so did all of us.

I have just been resting up since
the big surprise is done and over
with......I was a tired girl after-
wards but feeling better as the
 days go by.....This week I have
nothing on the agenda and have
to say I am loving that. Starting
to take down some of the Winter
decor and put out a few Easter
things.....taking my time....lol

Well, pictures today are from my
Sister-in-laws birthday dinner the
end of February.
I called it a Winter/Spring table.

Decided to go with clear glassware 
for my Winter table centerpiece.

Already had this centerpiece on the
table with just the candles and 
cylinders with apples and moss,
So just decided to add some 
flowers to it. White carnations.

Decided to use my white corelleware
as it shows up so nicely on the green
placemats.....which show up so
nicely on the white tablecloth.  lol

salad bowls from my wedding 
china, since they have a green
floral print, along with our
 wedding silverware.

The white napkins didn't show up to well
on the dishes so decided they needed some
pazazzz, so found this 2 tone green ribbon
in my stash.....and then decided to put them
on the placemats instead.....

This is lil darlings place.....

Clear stemware to match the 
clear glass in our centerpiece.

an overview

Green and White
From one end of the table

To the other...........


Thanks for visiting today and hope you
enjoyed your visit and maybe got some
ideas for St. Patricks Day....this would
work well for that if you throw a few
shamrocks into the mix..........lol

Have a great week,

Love, Hugs, and
Early March Blessings,


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  1. Wow! Sounds like you put a lot of energy into this!
    Glad it all came off successfully.

  2. Hi Rebecca,
    Nice to hear from you hon. Yes, I did put a lot into it. We started the middle of January
    so it has been a long haul. You will read more about it on my Thankful post on Thursday.
    Plus I was doing Spring Cleaning so the house would be in great shape too, so it has
    been a busy 6 weeks, but totally worth it all.......and I have a house that is fresh and
    clean too......and lots of food and goodies leftover.......from the weekend, so have been
    enjoying that as I am resting up.........lol

    Thanks for coming by and for your kind comments. Hope you are doing well hon
    Blessings, Nellie

  3. Clean and bright, very nice!
    I love the napkins on the placemats, too. Perfect place for them,
    makes a cute setting with the dishes and utensils.

    Come on, Spring!

  4. Thank you Tammy, and thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments.

    Have a great week,

    Blessings, Nellie

  5. Yes indeedy do, it was even more beautiful in person! I always so enjoy being with family at all our family gatherings! You always make it a special moment in our lives! I loved my special dinner you made for me too! I'm sorry I'm late in posting! I had been so busy getting
    our ladies Bible study groups' poem books put together that I didn't even get to my blog and others on Tuesday! I just realized I didn't even get last Sunday's blog done!!! Thank you again, Nellie, for m birthday presents and dinner with the family! Love you, Susan

  6. Morning Susan,
    You are most welcome......
    and thank you for all your sweet and encouraging comments. Sometimes being busy with good
    stuff is a very good thing........

    Have a good day,
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie