Friday, March 30, 2018

Thankful Thursday March 29, 2018, Scenes of Easter 2018

But may the righteous be glad
 and rejoice before God;
 may they be happy and joyful.

Psalm 68:3

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well.
If I were a betting woman I would
imagine you are probably getting
geared up for Easter......

Been a busy week here......but
Had a wonderful birthday yesterday!

Pictures today are from vignettes 
in our home from this year.

So gonna get on with

Thankful for a long chat with my
sweet daughter on Thursday and
 Friday. We have been missing 
each other and playing phone tag,
due to our schedules, so as 
always nice to catch up.

Thankful for a fun sleepover with
 lil Darling on Friday night.  She
discovered about a month ago
that she liked our scrambled eggs
and cinnamon rolls. (Pillsbury's
best).lol  She has always liked
bacon....but she was so cute, as
soon as she woke up she said
can we have bacon, eggs and
those rolls, and she ate quite
a bit........

Thankful for a fun day with the
family on Sunday.

Thankful for some new daytime
face moisturizer from Mary Kay.  
Haven't bought any
of their products in years. It goes
on smooth as silk, and I can tell
already after just using it twice
I am gonna like it.

Thankful for a new couple in our
class at church, and that we have
5 people participating in the teach-
ing now.  Gives great variety and
makes it more interesting!

With photocopy affect

Thankful that we heard that a
young woman hubby worked with
for 7 years, but has now gone to
 work elsewhere has recently come
 to know the Lord.........

Thankful all the laundry is washed
dried, hung up, folded and put
away.........always such a feeling
of accomplishment.....and nice
to know I don't have to worry
about it again for

Thankful for the all the Spring
Home Tours, they are always so 
enjoyable and full of creative ideas
 for fluffing your nest. In case you 
missed it, and would like to see,
 check out Marty's Tour over at 
"AStroll thru Life"
Don't think you will be 
disappointed in any 

Thankful for a new broccoli
casserole recipe that my son made,
it was delicious and was a Paula
Dean recipe. It had Ritz crackers
on top.  Really Good Folks!!

Thankful my SIL Susan didn't
lock her keys in the car like we
thought she might have, or she
would have probably had to
call a locksmith.

Thankful that I am not a
superstitious person....since 
broke my mirror this week.

Gradiant map affect

Thankful that God spared me from
a very close auto accident today.
Shew, it was a very close call.
Went to change lanes and the man
was in my blind spot I guess, any
way we both swerved opposite
directions and had nothing but
a near miss.  PTL

posterized affect.

Well, that's all folks, as Porky
pig used to

Glad you could drop by to visit,
Hope you have a really Lovely Easter
with your family/and or friends.

Love and Blessings,

sharing with:

Life with Lorelai

Shabby Art Boutique

Life and Linda

A Stroll thru Life

Stone Gable


  1. #1. "Yak kitty yak yak DO talk back, ha!
    #2. Yea! Eating scrambled eggs! I'm so glad she's starting to eat more "adult" food!
    #3. All days are so great when we can spend it with family!!!
    #4. Me too! I have really enjoyed putting on my make-up even if I'm only at home with my dog, lol!
    #5. Wonderful! It's always blessed to have new people join us in our classes!
    #6. Hallelujah to our Awesome, Loving LORD GOD!
    #7. I just got mine done! Now I have to get busy vacuuming!
    #8. Anything Spring is greatly appreciated after a colder winter we have had here!
    #9. I have had cooked fresh squash and onions the last two days for my veggie!
    #10. Wasn't that something!!! I can't believe they were in my hands the whole time. I guess holding the other things in that hand too, I didn't realize! I am going to have to have the service department adjust the auto door lock (even though I haven't locked it, it does it automatically!)
    #11. Ha! I wonder if that has anything to do with scratching them accidentally, lol!
    #12. Praise the LORD for His guardian angels assisting us!
    Happy Resurrection Day to you all. Love, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,

    Finally getting around to answering

    As far as the mirror goes, I just flat out dropped it, so it broke but just on one side.
    It was my magnifying mirror, so gotta get a new one.....actually It was the normal side
    that broke, but can't get the mirror out on the broken side, so just need to get a new
    one as I don't want to have it just fall out on me someday and maybe get cut...

    Yes, I am so thankful for His guardian angels for the normal reason but also because we probably would not have been able to make the trip to Dee's had the accident occurred, as my side door would have probably been totally smashed in..........

    Thanks for coming by and for all your comments
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...