Wednesday, April 4, 2018

More Easter vignettes from 2018

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a Wonderful Easter

We did, and I had a great Birthday 
Celebration as well.  We just got
back late last night from visiting
with our daughter and son-in-love
in Charleston for almost a week.
Will tell you more about it on
Thursday,  also have some more
pictures of Charleston to show 
you too.

So since I have to go get lil darling
here soon, will just jump right in.

 Started off  my Easter decorating 
with this lovely Easter
 Watercolor print, done by Lucy for 
Easter last year. You will find her 
over at Craftberry Bush blog. 
Click here
if you would like to visit her.

I absolutely love this beautiful
 printable, and used the smaller 
versions of it for decorating our
 Easter table last year, and the
bigger version as well, and it
was a free gift from Lucy.
What a generous, sweet and 
talented young lady......

then threw some Easter eggs into this neat
cloche a friend gave me a few years back.

ahhh  white cream pitchers.....
They always come in handy
and looks so pretty.

More Easter Eggs, in a trifle bowl....
 these are iridescent and 
so pretty to add a bit of glitz....


Sofa table needed a bit of Easter
charm as well........

This is one of my hand decorated
 eggs, as well as the one in the dish
 on the coffee table, 2 pics back.

More Easter Eggs and love this 
lavender bunny I have had for
quite some time. I think I am
as bad with loving Easter eggs
as I am with Pumpkin love.  lol

With Lighting affects

and my new clear green
candle holder I got back
in January or February
at Home Goods.

Thanks for coming by today,
and hope you have a lovely week.

Love, Hugs and 
Welcome to April Blessings,

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  1. Thank the LORD for your safe journey there and back! Welcome home! I'm sure Sweetie Pie loves getting into all of your Easter goodies, ha! I love your tiny jelly beans, hmm, hmm, good! Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Hon,
    Yes, We are very thankful for a safe trip without a lot of traffic too.
    yes she does enjoy the bunnies and the eggs, she is not much on sweet things, which is good.
    Those jelly beans were really good...and I don't even typically like them at all, think they
    were the starburst candy brand....will definitely get those again. lol

    Hope you get your voice back soon.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie