Tuesday, April 10, 2018

My Daughters Guest Bedroom

 Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you really enjoying Spring.

We are here, we were amazed at how much
Spring had exploded at our house while we
were away, so nice to see all that lush green
out there.......our grass isn't all green yet
but we have been having rain the last few
days and hubby put fertilizer down this
past weekend, so it is greening up fast
now too.  Who can't love Spring!!
Just such a beautiful time of year, and we
are so enjoying the weather still, and hope
it continues to stay in the 70's to low 80's
 for quite awhile yet!  

Thought I would share my Daughters
 guest bedroom, where we sleep while
we are there, cause I just think it is
just so cute. They did a great job of
transforming it without spending a
ton of money and using what she
already had........
Remember for better viewing pleasure
 just click on one pic and it will enlarge 
them all.

Love the colors in her new Ikat patterned 
coverlet, so beachy and bright.  The map
over the bed was a clever gift from her
hubbies late Aunt so they can mark any
places that they have visited.  They have
places marked but you can't see it, didn't
think to take a close up....lol

Lovely shells from one of her husbands
 cousins, the blue fish bottle was from us.....
and the rest was using what she already had.

Isn't the fish pillow the cutest!
That and the blue patterned one are new.
She already had the green ones.

and much to my surprise the other side
of her quilt has more lil fishies......So 
that will be a fun change down the road.

Loved the lil crabs pictures.....and they added
 white boho style curtains to soften
 the room a bit.

They affixed the wooden crabs to painting
 canvas to make them stand out more and
 have a 3 dimensional look.....which turned 
out great.
They really make a statement in the room.

The next wall has their closet with the 
Beach House sign over the door.  Really
 like that their closet doors completely
 open out, a very nice feature. As ours
slide, so you can only see one side at
a time.

on the other side of the closet doors
she just hung some hats that matched
her colors, which I thought was a 
clever idea, and went perfectly with 
their beachy theme.

This is the wall that the entry door is on,
the door is just to the left,  and they added
this neat clock (which was hubbies before
they married, and the Dolphin fish or 
some call them Mahi Mahi fish was made
by her hubbies Mom from a dried palm
frond. Isn't it cute....she did a great job
on it.....as it really looks like a dolphin
fish, and I know cause I caught a 14 pd. 
one when I was a kid, an it scared me
 too death as it was almost as big as me.

Then they added this plaque that has
 hooks and a basket on it,  and you can't
see it very well, but there is a liscense 
plate in the basket and a lil bag with 
something beachy on it, can't remember 
what now....lol  Also I think we must
 have knocked that plaque a lil off  bal-
ance, but didn't notice it until looking 
at the pic now....also think the vase
 was further out from the chest as well.  
(Took this one pic right before we left
 and was kinda hurrying, so didn't check
it out very well  lol). 
Thought it was a cute addition to add
the floppy hat on top of the vase and
the fishing pole and bamboo in the
corner.  All of these items she already
had too, along with the very chippy
chest of drawers.

So we thought it was a very fun room,
bright and cheery and definitely beachy
like the rest of their home, 
 and share worthy.

Glad you could stop by and hope you
glean some inspiration if you are
a beachy, boho or coastal lover!!

Hope you have a lovely day......
it is storming here,  the thunder is
 rattling our windows as I type....lol

Love, Hugs and
April Shower Blessings,


Sharing with:

A stroll thru life

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Saavy Southern Style

Life with Lorelai


Shabby Art Boutique

Stone Gable


Life and Linda

A Wise Woman Builds Her Home


  1. She really DID select a unique and interesting decorating scheme!
    I'm sure you enjoyed your stay there ♥

  2. What a beautiful room! Dad would have really like it since he was so involved with the
    things that were in the room. I liked the schools of fish on the other side of the bed
    covering. They did a great job decorating their guest bedroom! I bet it was a joy to sleep in such a pretty room reminding thoughts of living in the keys! Love you all, Susan

  3. Hi, Nellie, again, ha! I also meant to say DeeAnna has her mama's gift for decorating! Love you, Susan

  4. Hi Rebecca,
    Nice to hear from you......
    Yes, we always enjoy our stay there and yes, she is quite unique and creative in her
    decorating, I get a real kick out of the things she does.

    Thanks for coming by and for saying hello.....hope this finds you doing well.
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. Hi Susan,
    Yes, we thought it was too, and we did really enjoy it.....and it did bring back some memories of our life in the keys.
    Jimmy seemed to enjoy it too. I am not really a fish person per se, but thought the fish
    were really cute on this guilt....and the fish were not overdone as she had so many
    different beachy items.
    Thanks Susan, I think I may have just rubbed off on her a lil bit........lol
    Thanks for coming by and for your kind comments.

    Hope you are feeling a lot better tomorrow, and getting your energy back.
    Love ya, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie