Sunday, April 22, 2018

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Morning.....

Here is the scripture for the day!

He replied, (the He is Jesus)
 “If you have faith as small as
 a mustard seed,
 you can say to this mulberry tree,
 ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’
 and it will obey you.

Luke 17:6 NIV

Really makes you think.....

Have a Very Blessed Day,


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  1. Hi Nellie! Hope you are having a terrific weekend. Everything is fantastic on my end. We're going on our beach trip next month. Took the cats for a reminder ride this week. My cat Gigie still loves the car. She rides like a pro on top of one of the seats. My sister's cat gets car sick. And she got sick again. It's just for the first hour. But still it's not pleasant. Poor little thing. But she does love vacations. So just a little unpleasant gets overridden by fun.
    We're going to our usual Florida Watersound place. Stopping in New Orleans first.
    Let me know what's happening with you. Enjoy your Sunday!
    be blessed,

  2. Isn't it so fantastic that our Almighty GOD made it so simple to have faith in Him to save us to His eternal kingdom! "Trust and obey, for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus, just to trust and obey!" Love you, Susan

  3. Hi, sweet, friend. After a several month break, I am back to blogging again. I know that blogging will never be what it was in its early days (i.e. more visiting and connecting with others as opposed to a business), but I can still blog the way I want to.

    I was thinking of you today, as Gary is in Florida. (His mom is very unwell, so this may be a goodbye visit). Anyhow, he had hoped to attend DAC this morning, but that ended up not working out in the end. But DAC was on my mind this morning, and thus, you were.

    Hope all is well.


  4. Hi Caroline,
    So good to hear from you hon, as always.....Glad to hear you are gearing up for your beach trip I know how much yall enjoy funny that your cats enjoy the vacation too.
    I have to say the 2 trips we took with Molly and she was old, certainly surprised us with
    how well she did......since she had never been on a trip before or walked on a leash and she did amazngly well and seemed to enjoy the change of scenery and

    I am doing well, been sewing some, and making cards again, and trying to finish my spring
    decorating since I took down all the Easter things........and cooking and reading more too.

    Well, you take care and hope you all have a great trip, and maybe since you broke her
    in maybe your sisters kiddie want get sick this time....I will pray for that!! lol

    Take care sweetie,
    Love and Blessings,

  5. Amen Susan
    Our God is a good good Father..........


  6. Hi Patti,

    Very sorry to hear about Gary's Mom, and hope this will not be his final farewell with her. Will be praying for her and yall
    Nice that you thought of me and came by to say hello, it was really good to hear from you hon.

    You are so right about the blogging..........we can just do what works best for us, and I
    still have a few blog friends that we keep in touch with each other. I will have to come
    visit real soon since you are back again.

    Blessings for a good week ahead,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie