Friday, August 31, 2018

Thankful Thursday August 30, 2018, Summer decor from the past

 You are my strength, 
I sing praise to you;
you, God, are my fortress, 
my God on whom I can rely.
Psalm 59:17 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this week finds you well 
and happy.

That has been our week and I 
would add busy to that, as well.
Not complaining, just saying!
Happy that there is nothing we 
have to do today, I am sure we 
will do some things, but the 
operative words are we don't

Pictures today are from our
house.....summer decor from
the past.........since we are about
to leave Summer behind.
Can hardly digest that tomorrow
 is Sept. 1st,
Wowzers.......can you believe
that Fall will be here soon.
Course, it doesn't feel like Fall
her in Florida until mid or the 
end of October, but think I am
 gonna start my Fall decorating
 next week.  Looking forward to 
it since I haven't done much
decorating since Spring.

Well on with Thankful

Thankful for a great time with our
daughter and son-in-love, and with 
the whole family being together.
Such a blessing.

Thankful they made it home safely
on Sunday evening.

#3 and 4
Thankful for people who we can
learn from whether by a positive
or negative example.

Sunday I had a  man come by as
I was greeting in the foyer of our
church (which I do every Sunday)
I have never even had a conversation
with the man, as he is not the least
bit friendly. but all of a sudden he
stopped and seemed unusually 
friendly all of a sudden, and said
I heard your husband retired and I 
said yes, he has and we are very 
excited about it, and he said yea, 
well that is when all the bad stuff 
starts to happen, so I said something
 positive to sort of change the subject
 so he repeated it again, and then left,
and I thought wow, what a ray
of sunshine you
then I thought oh Lord, please don't
ever let me be that sort of negative 
voice to anyone.  I like to learn
from negative
I am also Thankful that someone
like this man is a rare find in our
church.  lol

Thankful that my daughter went
to Trader Joe's in Charleston and
brought us 6 bags of their movie
theatre popcorn.  It is so good!!

#6 and 7
Thankful for our cozy comfy bed 
and thankful that our new sheets
arrived for our bed.  Hope these
last longer than the others.  We
only had them for 21/2 years and
they were a high thread count and
they were worn so thin that one of 
them ripped....I could not believe
 it, as I have had sheets that were
 200- 300 thread count that lasted
 for 15 years. So not sure if it was
 the high thread count or just that 
the quality control is not as good
 as it used to be.

Thankful that hubby was able to
figure out and fix a problem we
were having with our van.
My Hero!!

Thankful hubby and I are making
a good team as we are teaching
lil darling on Wednesdays.
What one doesn't think of the
other one does........which is

Thankful that my SIL Susan was
able to get some much needed
work done at her house this week,
and I know that is quite a relief
to her.

Thankful for the show "Ann with
an E".  It is about Ann of green
gables.....just a delightful series.
I just love the character of Ann,
she is so alive, vibrant, postive,
imaginative and victorious over
her life, and things from her
past.  Sometimes the things
she goes thru makes one cry
as get the tissues
if you decide to watch it.

Thankful for a wonderful smoothie
called "Chocolate Elvis" from
planet smoothie.  It is delicious,
and has a very soothing affect
on my tummy when it is not
feeling good.

Well, there you have it another
week at Cozy Place.

Thanks for coming by.......


Keep your light shining brightly,

Love, Hugs and 
last day of August Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl


Life and Linda

Starfish cottage

The Dedicated House

Stone Gable

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

My daughter's belated Birthday table

Hello Sweet Friends,

How are you today??  
Doing well, I hope.

I am doing well, just very tired and 
a bit down as I am missing my girl
 already.  They just left yesterday and
 we all had a great time but always
 sorry to see them older
 Mom's with adult kids know what
 I mean, I'm sure!

I wrote the above yesterday and
after a good nights sleep I am
definitely feeling better today.
Thank Heavens....

Since we celebrated Dee's birthday
while she was here thought I would
share the table I did for her.

It all started with me finding these
gorgeous paper goods at BJ's whole-
sale way back in May of this year. 
Have been waiting for a chance to
do a table with them since they are
just so pretty and I always know
they will get used at some point.

So this was a great time to use 
them, cause whenever they visit
 now, I try to just use pretty paper
 goods as we want to have a pretty
 table but want to spend the bulk 
of my time visiting, not doing
clean up.

So next was what to do for
 a centerpiece???

So decided to pull out all my
 cobalt blue and white pieces to
see what I could come up with. It
seemed to demand a white table-
cloth, for sure, so added some
white hydrangeas to the planter
and put it in the middle of the
table and arranged the other pieces 
all around it, and  there you have it.
 Pretty simple yet pretty elegant,
 I think.

Just love the colors.

Used my wedding silverware
 and my shabby chic glasses
with it.

Love the beautiful patterns on 
the plates and napkins as well.

The centerpiece was the first thing
I worked on.............

Here is a closeup of the left side

and the right side. This adorable
lil elephant was a gift from a
sweet friend and neighbor who
was dying of cancer.

I call this my Alice in Wonderland
 photo affect, It's really called polar
 opposites. I think it is a fun affect.

an overview

from the other end of the table

This has a photo copy affect

I like adding napkins to the 
glasses for a lil added 
color and flair.

Overview from the opposite end 
of the table.

Thanks for coming by and hope
 you enjoyed your visit.

Have a Wonderful Week.

Love, Hugs and
Last of August Blessings,


Sunday, August 26, 2018

Scripture Sunday

Compliments of:

Sunday Greetings
Sweet Friends,

Here is the scriptures for today.

Therefore, as God's chosen people,
holy and dearly loved, clothe your-
selves with compassion, kindness,
 humility, gentleness and patience. 
 Bear with each other and forgive
 whatever grievances you may have
 against one another.  Forgive as the
 Lord forgave you, and over all these
 virtues put on love, which binds 
them all together in perfect unity.

Colossians 3:2-14 NIV

Have a  really lovely Sunday,

Friday, August 24, 2018

Thankful Thursday August 23, 2018, White images

 But may the righteous be glad
 and rejoice before God; 
may they be happy and joyful.
Psalm 68:3 NIV

Happy Thursday
Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a good week.

Ours has been a good one, as we
started homeschooling lil darling
on Wed., and had our daughter
and son-in-love arrive late Wed.
night, so we have really been
enjoying their visit.

I have been up since early this
morning setting the table for to-
night, and wanted it to be all done 
before DeeAnna got up, as we
 will be celebrating her birthday 
today. Her birthday was actually
last Friday....but we are gonna
just act like it's today!!  lol
As you know if you have been
reading my blog long, we believe
in celebrating birthdays and drag-
ging them out for as longgggg
 as possible.  lol

Pictures today are from a meme
that I think is no longer with us
called White Wednesdays,
these are pics from past posts.

Thankful for my daughter who
is beautiful inside and outside.
August 17th was her birthday.
She was born the day after my
 Mom's birthday,  just 4 hrs.
and 5 mins. later, and she
is truly a treasure..........

Thankful for Era detergent and
Dawn dish soap as they are both
 great stain removers.
Dawn for grease stains and Era
for everything else.  Got tomato,
blood or grass stains, Era's your 
best bet.

Thankful for a new show we
found on netflik called "Stay
here", it is like an HGTV show,
but isn't.  It is very interesting
as they look at and incorporate
ways to make rental properties
generate more income by
making them more appealing,
so that more vacationers want
 to stay there.  Lots of ideas
for these landlords.

Thankful that lil darling did
well her first day of kinder-

Thankful we got our screened
porch cleaned up this morning
finally, much easier to do in the
early morning when it is not so
hot and also since it isn't wet
from rain.

Thankful that our first day of
homeschooling lil darling went
well.  We got everything done
and was able to make most of
it fun as well.

Thankful that my daughter and
son-in-love made it in safely on
Wed. night and will be here until
Sunday.  Great to have them
here as we haven't seen them
since early June.

Thankful that we saw and was
able to get a baby snake out of
our house.  It was just a garter
snake thank heavens.

Thankful for those gadgets
they call we
have several we got at the
dollar tree and it sure came in 
handy for getting the garter
snake out of the house, and
another one we had some
years back. We will never
ever make fun of those


Thankful, so Thankful it was
only a garter snake and not
a poisonous snake.....

Thankful that lil darling had a
good 2nd day of school this week
too. We went to pick her up today
 and she looked so cute in her lil
uniform, and was hugging her
new friend good bye, and was
also very happy to see her Aunt
Deenie (as she calls her) and her
uncle Jerry. So sweet!

Thankful for a fun family dinner
at Texas Roadhouse with all our
adult children and lil darling.

Well there you have it,  another
week at Cozy Place.

Glad you could stop in.......

and would love for you to share
something you are thankful for
as well...........

Love, Hugs, and
last of August Blessings,


Sharing with:

Life with Lorelai

Life and Linda

Starfish Cottage.

Shabby Art Boutique

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

Stone Gable

Monday, August 20, 2018

Playing with dishes

Happy late Summer 
Sweet Friends,

Know most of you must have your
kiddles back to school and might
be glad to be back on some sort of
 schedule yet missing your chicks.

We have been getting prepared for
our daughter and son-in-loves visit
on Thursday.  So was planning
 ahead for a few nice tables so I
could put them together quickly,
if need be.

So did this one last week,  and
thought I would share it with yall.
As it might be my last summer 
table, and might have been my
only summer table....not sure,
cause I don't remember!!  lol

I wanted to use my new dishes that they
gave me for Mother's day, they were
actually to use on our porch as they
are melamine, but by the time I was
gifted with them, and we got home
from our trip,  it was already getting
too hot, muggy and rainy, so never
got to use them out there. So decided
there was no time like the present,
as I want them to know I really
liked and appreciated the pretty
dishes....would rather be using
them on the porch, but that will
have to wait for Spring, I guess.

Thought this fav tablecloth would
 go well with them, so started
with that.  Just love these colors
especially for spring and summer.

Decided the plates sort of got
 lost in all the florals,  so thought
 it needed the green place mats,
and liked it much better.

Decided to use my pearl handled
flatware, since I haven't used it
in awhile...........

My biggest problem was what to
 do for a centerpiece.  I do have
some blue items but they were
all coastal looking and I wasn't
going for a coastal look, so went
 looking thru my stash and found
 my french looking crate basket, 
and it had some gray on it, as does
the tablecloth, and I had 2 other
 plates and bowls left, so decided 
to put those in the crate, along with
 some greenish/yellow hydrangeas.

I used a plate, napkins and the
hydrangeas for the back side.
Also found these 2 blue candles,
 so that took care of that problem!!

Also used these short glasses that I found
later that matched my dishes, I really
 wanted some goblets but there were none
 to be found anywhere in the right color,
so I settled on these, as I do like them.

but these pretty green glass
 goblets make for a much prettier

So I would probably use the 
green ones for dinner
and blue ones for breakfast.

Already had the green napkins,
so that was nice....

This is from one end of the table.

and this is from the other!!

I always enjoy seeing pretty
tables and think most of you
do too......

So thanks for coming by,
hope you have a great week.

Love, Hugs, and
Colorful Summer Blessings,

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Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...