Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Winter/Spring Birthday Table

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well
 and happy.

It's been a very good week
here so far...........

Today I have just be doing
 laundry and looking online
for a beach condo to rent
for summer cause the one
we usually get is already
rented.  poo.....course, we
haven't been there in 5-6
yrs. as we always go visit
our daughter, but we all
thought it would be fun to
 rent one this year and all
have a fun time together
 since it has been so long. 
So I am on the hunt....but
it is exhausting!!  
So took a break, got a snack
 and then decided to do this 
post, since hubby is outside
working on sprinklers still,
since it has been the perfect
day for it as it has mostly
been overcast all day.

Hunting will have to wait
for a fun days which is fine
by me....

Thought I would show you
my sister-in-law Susans 
birthday table.  I had these
paper goods leftover from
another time last year, but
changed up the tablecloth
to blue instead of white
and used different glasses
silverware and centerpiece.

 I think these are just some of the
 prettiest paper goods I have ever seen.

I love to team up pretty paper-
goods with real silverware and 
glasses and make it look more 
elegant, rather than like you
just slapped some stuff 
on the table.  lol

I love that you don't have to have 
pretty dishes
 in order to have a pretty table.

Notice I used the glass cylinders
that had snow and white candles
and also silver mercury glass votives,
those would be the Winter look.

The dark blue can work of either
or Spring/Summer.

As well as the flowers but they
 make me 
think of Spring more....

The light blue tablecloth 
definitely seems
 like Spring to me too.

Amazing how changing up the
accessories can make a new
and different tablescape.

 Colored Pencil affect

Always like to add a bit of whimsy
just for the fun of it.

 Photocopy affect

Cartoon affect

Happy you could make it by
 for a visit today, 
 hope you enjoyed

Have a great week!

Posterized Affect

Love, Hugs and
middle of March Blessings,

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  1. Your table is gorgeous. I had no idea those were paper plates.

  2. Nellie Todd
    10:05 PM (0 minutes ago)
    to Marty@A

    Thanks for coming by Marty and for your sweet comments.
    Thanks for hosting your fun linky party.
    Really looking forward to your Spring home hop next week.
    Getting ready to take down my Winter things soon.
    Hope you are doing well hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  3. Very pretty. I love the gorgeous blue and white. It makes me feel less guilty about using paper. But after spending a day spring cleaning, who wants more to clean up.

  4. Amen, I hear you Christine....
    Some situations call for easy, and stressful situations, and being in the middle of a project
    whether Spring cleaning or whatever ......paper plates are our friend. lol
    Hope you are having a good week hon,
    Thanks for coming by and leaving your sweet comment.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...