Friday, May 31, 2019

Thankful Thursday May 30, 2019, Pictures of Springs past....

Declare his glory among
 the nations, his marvelous deeds 
among all peoples.
Psalm 96:3 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you cool
and out of the heat, if it is
as hot at your house as it

Been a bit of a busy week
here, but a good week....

Pictures today are of
 Springs past. So will get
on with since I am late
as usual these

#1 and 2
Thankful for a lovely 
Celebration of Life service
we went to on Sat. evening
for member of our church.
His family did an amazing
job of honoring him. 
Thankful that They are all
 such a testimony and legacy 
of God's grace.

Thankful that we finally
got to have a meeting with
someone about a bartering
deal we decided on, so nice
we are all on the same page
now, for sure....

Thankful that my friend's
fiancee' is doing okay. They
 wound up in the ER on Sunday 
evening as his Blood Pressure
 was sky high, and he has had 
2 heart attacks in the past, so
they were very worried as you
 can imagine. They think he 
needs his blood pressure meds
 changed as they don't seem
 to be working all that well.

Thankful that I got 4 more
 cards done this week.

#6 and 7
Thankful for a long chat
with my girl on Thursday.
Starting to miss her a lot
since it has been 21/2 weeks
since I've seen her.
and very 
Thankful that they are
gonna try to come visit
sometime in July or 
August hopefully.

Thankful they finally got
the approval to do our drain
field and it was completed
on Thursday and working
great!  So happy to have
that monkey off our back
after dealing with piles
of dirt all over our front
yard for the whole month
of May.  

Thankful we did the finally
paperwork on hubbies car,
 he used to drive to work. 
We kept it a year but it was 
only driven to keep it run-
ning, so it was time to let
 her go, and to help some-
one out, in the process.

Thankful that hubby and
I are really enjoying his
retirement, it has been 
one year today, Friday,
May 31st.

Thankful for all of you
who faithfully read my
blog every time I post.
You are a blessing, and
keep me going.

Thankful for all of you
out their in blogland
whose blogs I read, that
are an inspiration to me.
You are all such talented

That's all folks, 
as Porky Pig would say!!

Thanks for your visit
come again soon!

Love Hugs, and 
End of May Blessings,


Wow, June 1st tomorrow.
May seemed to Zoom by
in some ways....but not for
the drainfield.  lol

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Life with Lorelai

My Flaggstaff Home

Our Unschooling journey

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday 
Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a very
good week.

Here is the scripture for today!

The Lord declares,

You will seek me and find me when
 you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13 NIV

Have a seeking good time!

Hugs and Blessings,

Friday, May 24, 2019

Thankful Thursday May 23, 2019, Spring trays from the past

  Rejoice with those who rejoice; 
mourn with those who mourn.
Romans 12:15 NIV

Evening Sweet Friends,

Just remembered I never
 finished this.....

Am very tired so just gonna add
a few pics from a few Springs ago,
then crash on the sofa.  lol

Hope you have had a good
week.  Ours has been good

Thankful that they came and
worked on our shed again
on Saturday and made more
progress.  Next time they
come they will probably
put the doors on.

#2 and 3
Thankful for a fun night
out to dinner with Scott,
Megan and lil darling,
then back to their house
for dessert.  A fun time
celebrating Mother's 
Day again.......and

thankful for their lovely
card and gifts as well.

Thankful for a good long
much needed nap on Sunday
 as I was bushed from the 
busy week.

Thankful that I have made
4 cards already since last

#6 and 7
Thankful they are coming
to do our drain field to-
morrow finally..........
They came but it has been
on crazy thing after another,
now we have to wait for
the city to come an inspect
as the rules have changed
since ours was done 38
years ago.  Thankful that
everything is working tho.
It could be way worse,
but you should see our
yard........oh my....

Thankful that I got new
handles and knobs for
my kitchen cabinets for
Mother's day and with
Money I got for my 

Thankful that hubby put
them all on, and that they
look really nice and is a
very nice change as well.

Thankful that my daughter
introduced us to a new 
dairy free ice cream. It is
called "So Delicious". 
 She had some coconut and 
we got some"salted caramel",
and both really are
 so delicious.

Thankful for a family that
owned a grocery store when
I was a kid, who kindly gave
my single parent Mom a break
(single parents were rare 60+
Years ago).  They sold and
made my Mom a personal 
loan so she could by the home
where we lived for many yrs.
Back then it probably would-
not have even been possible
for her to by a home. Funny
how things you have known
for years somehow come back
to you with a realization you
never saw before.

Thankful that I just remem-
bered I hadn't posted this
yet!  I have been a bit dis-
tracted these last weeks
since our nest is all torn

Well, that's it for Cozy
place this week.

Thanks for coming by


Hope you have a really

restful, relaxing weekend
while we all remember
those that died in service
for us, our country and
our freedom!!  We owe
them a huge debt of

Love, Hugs, and
 Memorial Day Blessings,

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Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Life with Lorelai

The Dedicated House

Life and Linda

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Think you can't have open shelving in your kitchen?? Maybe you can!!

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you enjoying
Spring still...

We are enjoying it from inside
as it is pretty hot here in Florida
already.....think it is gonna be a
very long hot Summer....

I had been seeing all these
white kitchens and kitchens
with open shelving here in
blogland for years and just
loved the look. As much as
I love the white kitchens,
with white cabinets, it was 
not likely to happen for
 us, and actually not very
 practical for us as it would
means more upkeep to keep
them clean, and at 67 and 71
yrs. old, we are looking for
less upkeep not more!  lol
So I sorta felt stuck in a
rut and like there was just
nothing new I could do.

Then while I was visiting my
daughter in February we were
looking online for something
 else and we accidentally came
on an idea that might give me
some open shelving for my

and when I saw it I thought that
would look great in this one sort
of nook area where I then had an
ironing board chair.
Then the more I thought about it
the more I thought do I really
want to add anymore Oak to
our kitchen, as I had just gotten
new stools for our breakfast bar
and Chairs for my kitchen and
replaced the Oak with White
last year.  So decided I think
a white ladder shelf would be
better, so I started looking at
Wally World again, and found
a solid white one and it was
like $200 less. So I asked for
it for my birthday back in
March, and we love it and
are so pleased with the how it
looks and the quality of the
shelf as well. It looks like it
was made for the space too.
So that quickly got me out
of that stuck feeling, and
was so refreshing, cause
when you have lived in the
same home for 38 yrs. you
gotta have some changes
at times.

So here it is.....

 The Shelf is not crooked,
it was the picture taker.  lol

Here is the side view,
thought I would show it
to you unstyled so you
could see what it really
looks like.  It is a very
quality piece of furniture
for the price....went to-
gether easily and had
all the parts it was sup-
posed to as well.

If you would like to check
it out for yourself here is
a link.  Click here to 
read details.

The picture below shows what
 sat in that space beforehand.
  Didn't think to take a before
 picture when it was actually
sitting in the kitchen.

This piece has served us
well for years and years,
It is an ironing board chair
and it was very handy hav-
ing it sit right there in the
kitchen, but since the kiddles
are all gone and they now
have steamers that work so
well,  it never gets used but
to hold my purse. So it was
time for it to go bye bye, 
we really love it's successor. 

So here it is..... 
once it was styled.

Here is the sideview, and it
doesn't stick out as far as
the ironing board chair did,
and you can see it goes
 nicely with my kitchen
table and chairs, and the
stools at the bar that you
can't see in this picture.

We only bought 2 new
things to go on the shelves.
The lil bunny on the bottom
shelf, and this adorable lil
fish teapot that hubby and I 
both got a laugh over.....
hubby liked her more than I
 did, mainly cause I thought
she was 2 dark a blue, so
 really got her for him but
 she has grown on me now, 
and I love her now,
She is so cute.

Every Home needs a
 touch of

Love her eyelashes, blush and

We did this about 2 months ago,
so we are still loving it, and it
made me happy to have a nice
change in my kitchen with the
open shelving.....

Maybe if you are like me and
wanted the look of open shelving
this would work for you too.

Thanks for stopping in.....

Have a great week ahead,

Love, Hugs, and
end of May Blessings,


Wow, only 9 more days
and we will be in June.
Shew this month really
went by fast.............

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A Stroll thru Life

Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

The Dedicated House

Life and Linda

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Scripture Sunday

Sunday Morning Greetings
Sweet Friends,

Here is the scripture for today.

remove wicked officials from
 the king’s presence, 
and his throne will be established
 through righteousness.
Proverbs 15:5 NIV

Hoping and Praying for that!!

Have a very Blessed day.


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Life and Linda

A Stroll Thru LIfe

Shabby Art Boutique

Friday, May 17, 2019

Thankful Thursday May 16, 2019, The demise of our tree

 Now, our God, 
we give you thanks, and
 praise your glorious name.

1 Chronicles 29:13 NIV

Greetings and Happy Friday 
to you, Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well

and happy and that you
were sufficiently spoiled
on Mother's day.

We were visiting with our

daughter and son-in-love
since last Thursday before
Mother's day, and got home
 home on Tuesday evening.
Seems like ages since I have
done a post.  lol

Pics today are from the

demise of our big tree in the
front yard that I told you 
about some week back.
In my header pic I didn't
think to take a picture till
they had already cut off
some limbs.  Actually the
tree is half the size it was
last Fall, cause remember
we had 3 big limbs break
off and had to have them
trim it up back then.  It
had just gotten it's leaves
back and was looking
pretty again,  but oh 
well,  it had to go!!

Running late as usual so will 
just get on with it.

Thankful for a safe and uneventful
trip to and from Charleston to see 
our daughter, son-in-love and new
furry grandson dog, Bentley.

#2 and 3
Thankful for a great and restful
 time, as always, while we were 
there..... and
Thankful for a very nice Mothers
day and appreciated the lovely
cards and gifts I received.

Thankful for a fun time for Dee, and
I, getting pedicures, doing face masks
 making bath bombs, and some light
 cooking together and 2  golfcart rides.

Thankful for a good time for all of us
 hanging out and talking, eating, playing 
cards, playing with Bentley, going in the 
pool, shopping, and getting Starbucks. 

Thankful for the new discovery of
a Caramel Ribbon Crunch creme
Frappuccino at Starbuck's.  This
on is made with no coffee, only
creme.  Delicious. 

Thankful that Dee did not get sick,
 as she got a really bad headache
 while we were out shopping, and
 felt weak, nauseous and chilled, so
 had to come home rather than going
 out to dinner as we had planned and
thinking she probably had caught
the flu, but once she took her con-
tacts out the headache went away,
so think it was just the awful head-
ache she had that caused the other
symptoms.  Thank Goodness


Thankful that Bentley is settling
in and calming down more.  If
you have ever had a puppy you
know what I mean,  they are all
quite playful and like to bite on
you or just about anything when
they are teething.  He is 7 mos.
old now, so his teeth are not so
sharp, so if he does bite it just
doesn't really hurt as much, but
he really doesn't do it much any
more, they are working on him
jumping now,  he just gets so
excited when he sees people,
as he really loves people. He
is a very sweet lil dog, course,
not as small as Rosie, as he is
20 pds. now, but he was only
suppose to be less than 10 pds.
He was suppose to be a micro
golden doodle but something
didn't go quite right.  lol


Thankful for my daughter and
what a great young lady she is.
She is always very thoughtful,
loving and sweet to her parents.
she is our best cheerleader.

Thankful for 2 really precious
flashbacks I had this week, one
was about my paternal Grand-
mother, and the other one was
about something a christian
family did for my Mother and
our family because my Mom
 was a single parent. Both came
 about due to (I think) 2 situations
 we are involved with right now.
So definitely divine recalls.


Thankful for the joy of 
watching my hubby with lil
darling. They built a lil foam
green house yesterday. It was
 a kit we found at Michaels a
few weeks back, and it is so
adorable and she did most of
the work this time and did
 a great job, course Grampy
helped her with instructions
and getting the right pcs. in
 the right place. They had a
lot of fun doing it...and it
 was just so sweet!


Thankful lil darlings Mommy
really liked the Mother's day 
gifts she and I worked on.

and now she is gone!  It hasn't
been quite as bad as I thought
it would be, but what we have 
noticed most is our garage is 
lot hotter than normal, for 
this time of year, guess cause
she used to provide so much


Well, that's it for us at 
Cozy Place.

Thanks for dropping by 
Have a Wonderful Weekend,

Love, Hugs and
Mid May Blessings,


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Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...