Friday, May 17, 2019

Thankful Thursday May 16, 2019, The demise of our tree

 Now, our God, 
we give you thanks, and
 praise your glorious name.

1 Chronicles 29:13 NIV

Greetings and Happy Friday 
to you, Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well

and happy and that you
were sufficiently spoiled
on Mother's day.

We were visiting with our

daughter and son-in-love
since last Thursday before
Mother's day, and got home
 home on Tuesday evening.
Seems like ages since I have
done a post.  lol

Pics today are from the

demise of our big tree in the
front yard that I told you 
about some week back.
In my header pic I didn't
think to take a picture till
they had already cut off
some limbs.  Actually the
tree is half the size it was
last Fall, cause remember
we had 3 big limbs break
off and had to have them
trim it up back then.  It
had just gotten it's leaves
back and was looking
pretty again,  but oh 
well,  it had to go!!

Running late as usual so will 
just get on with it.

Thankful for a safe and uneventful
trip to and from Charleston to see 
our daughter, son-in-love and new
furry grandson dog, Bentley.

#2 and 3
Thankful for a great and restful
 time, as always, while we were 
there..... and
Thankful for a very nice Mothers
day and appreciated the lovely
cards and gifts I received.

Thankful for a fun time for Dee, and
I, getting pedicures, doing face masks
 making bath bombs, and some light
 cooking together and 2  golfcart rides.

Thankful for a good time for all of us
 hanging out and talking, eating, playing 
cards, playing with Bentley, going in the 
pool, shopping, and getting Starbucks. 

Thankful for the new discovery of
a Caramel Ribbon Crunch creme
Frappuccino at Starbuck's.  This
on is made with no coffee, only
creme.  Delicious. 

Thankful that Dee did not get sick,
 as she got a really bad headache
 while we were out shopping, and
 felt weak, nauseous and chilled, so
 had to come home rather than going
 out to dinner as we had planned and
thinking she probably had caught
the flu, but once she took her con-
tacts out the headache went away,
so think it was just the awful head-
ache she had that caused the other
symptoms.  Thank Goodness


Thankful that Bentley is settling
in and calming down more.  If
you have ever had a puppy you
know what I mean,  they are all
quite playful and like to bite on
you or just about anything when
they are teething.  He is 7 mos.
old now, so his teeth are not so
sharp, so if he does bite it just
doesn't really hurt as much, but
he really doesn't do it much any
more, they are working on him
jumping now,  he just gets so
excited when he sees people,
as he really loves people. He
is a very sweet lil dog, course,
not as small as Rosie, as he is
20 pds. now, but he was only
suppose to be less than 10 pds.
He was suppose to be a micro
golden doodle but something
didn't go quite right.  lol


Thankful for my daughter and
what a great young lady she is.
She is always very thoughtful,
loving and sweet to her parents.
she is our best cheerleader.

Thankful for 2 really precious
flashbacks I had this week, one
was about my paternal Grand-
mother, and the other one was
about something a christian
family did for my Mother and
our family because my Mom
 was a single parent. Both came
 about due to (I think) 2 situations
 we are involved with right now.
So definitely divine recalls.


Thankful for the joy of 
watching my hubby with lil
darling. They built a lil foam
green house yesterday. It was
 a kit we found at Michaels a
few weeks back, and it is so
adorable and she did most of
the work this time and did
 a great job, course Grampy
helped her with instructions
and getting the right pcs. in
 the right place. They had a
lot of fun doing it...and it
 was just so sweet!


Thankful lil darlings Mommy
really liked the Mother's day 
gifts she and I worked on.

and now she is gone!  It hasn't
been quite as bad as I thought
it would be, but what we have 
noticed most is our garage is 
lot hotter than normal, for 
this time of year, guess cause
she used to provide so much


Well, that's it for us at 
Cozy Place.

Thanks for dropping by 
Have a Wonderful Weekend,

Love, Hugs and
Mid May Blessings,


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  1. We had a huge pine tree removed from our yard last year after it started shedding limbs at an alarming rate and we had the best time watching them take it down. It was quite a process because they had to drop it just so with our neighbor's house so close to the tree as well. It made our whole yard looks so different.

  2. #1. Did you get any pictures of your new granddog?
    #2 & #3. It was uneventful here too!
    #4. You had great events you shared with one another!
    #5. A fun time!
    #6. Yum, sounds great since I have more cream than coffee when I drink it, ha!
    #7. Thank the LORD!
    #8. He sounds like a sweetheart of a puppy! I can hardly wait to see him in person. Of course traveling will be a new experience for him, ha!
    #9. And to her aunt too!
    #10. The Holy Spirit speaks to us in His still small voice AND memories!
    #11. I hope to see it one day!
    #12. Fantastic. I know sweetheart was excited to give it to her mom!
    Your yard surely looks different! I look down your street when I pass by. I realize I see more of your house now! Ha!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie