Friday, May 31, 2019

Thankful Thursday May 30, 2019, Pictures of Springs past....

Declare his glory among
 the nations, his marvelous deeds 
among all peoples.
Psalm 96:3 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you cool
and out of the heat, if it is
as hot at your house as it

Been a bit of a busy week
here, but a good week....

Pictures today are of
 Springs past. So will get
on with since I am late
as usual these

#1 and 2
Thankful for a lovely 
Celebration of Life service
we went to on Sat. evening
for member of our church.
His family did an amazing
job of honoring him. 
Thankful that They are all
 such a testimony and legacy 
of God's grace.

Thankful that we finally
got to have a meeting with
someone about a bartering
deal we decided on, so nice
we are all on the same page
now, for sure....

Thankful that my friend's
fiancee' is doing okay. They
 wound up in the ER on Sunday 
evening as his Blood Pressure
 was sky high, and he has had 
2 heart attacks in the past, so
they were very worried as you
 can imagine. They think he 
needs his blood pressure meds
 changed as they don't seem
 to be working all that well.

Thankful that I got 4 more
 cards done this week.

#6 and 7
Thankful for a long chat
with my girl on Thursday.
Starting to miss her a lot
since it has been 21/2 weeks
since I've seen her.
and very 
Thankful that they are
gonna try to come visit
sometime in July or 
August hopefully.

Thankful they finally got
the approval to do our drain
field and it was completed
on Thursday and working
great!  So happy to have
that monkey off our back
after dealing with piles
of dirt all over our front
yard for the whole month
of May.  

Thankful we did the finally
paperwork on hubbies car,
 he used to drive to work. 
We kept it a year but it was 
only driven to keep it run-
ning, so it was time to let
 her go, and to help some-
one out, in the process.

Thankful that hubby and
I are really enjoying his
retirement, it has been 
one year today, Friday,
May 31st.

Thankful for all of you
who faithfully read my
blog every time I post.
You are a blessing, and
keep me going.

Thankful for all of you
out their in blogland
whose blogs I read, that
are an inspiration to me.
You are all such talented

That's all folks, 
as Porky Pig would say!!

Thanks for your visit
come again soon!

Love Hugs, and 
End of May Blessings,


Wow, June 1st tomorrow.
May seemed to Zoom by
in some ways....but not for
the drainfield.  lol

Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

My Flaggstaff Home

Our Unschooling journey

1 comment:

  1. #1 & #2. Praise the LORD for His servants!
    #3. The LORD's blessings on you all!
    #4. I pray the LORD's blessing and will upon his life.
    #5. Yea! You go to it, Nellie!!!!
    #6 & #7. Praise the LORD for the communication devices we have today. I can't image how it must have been in the old westerns days of our country!
    #8. Thank the LORD you didn't have to pay extra for a "pump!" The grass will soon fill in!
    #9. The LORD will greatly bless you! If you ever need a 2nd car, my truck is available to you!
    #10. Isn't retirement great!!! My 8th year of retirement was on June 1st! Of course you guys have more enjoyment to have each other!!! I am enjoying my pets, ha!
    #11. I can say you keep me going too :-)
    #12. The LORD has greatly blessed another means of sharing His Word to the world!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hugs,  Nellie Note: if you came by for "Thankful Thursday" on Thursday, Friday or Sat. Morning and most of my post was missing,...