Friday, May 24, 2019

Thankful Thursday May 23, 2019, Spring trays from the past

  Rejoice with those who rejoice; 
mourn with those who mourn.
Romans 12:15 NIV

Evening Sweet Friends,

Just remembered I never
 finished this.....

Am very tired so just gonna add
a few pics from a few Springs ago,
then crash on the sofa.  lol

Hope you have had a good
week.  Ours has been good

Thankful that they came and
worked on our shed again
on Saturday and made more
progress.  Next time they
come they will probably
put the doors on.

#2 and 3
Thankful for a fun night
out to dinner with Scott,
Megan and lil darling,
then back to their house
for dessert.  A fun time
celebrating Mother's 
Day again.......and

thankful for their lovely
card and gifts as well.

Thankful for a good long
much needed nap on Sunday
 as I was bushed from the 
busy week.

Thankful that I have made
4 cards already since last

#6 and 7
Thankful they are coming
to do our drain field to-
morrow finally..........
They came but it has been
on crazy thing after another,
now we have to wait for
the city to come an inspect
as the rules have changed
since ours was done 38
years ago.  Thankful that
everything is working tho.
It could be way worse,
but you should see our
yard........oh my....

Thankful that I got new
handles and knobs for
my kitchen cabinets for
Mother's day and with
Money I got for my 

Thankful that hubby put
them all on, and that they
look really nice and is a
very nice change as well.

Thankful that my daughter
introduced us to a new 
dairy free ice cream. It is
called "So Delicious". 
 She had some coconut and 
we got some"salted caramel",
and both really are
 so delicious.

Thankful for a family that
owned a grocery store when
I was a kid, who kindly gave
my single parent Mom a break
(single parents were rare 60+
Years ago).  They sold and
made my Mom a personal 
loan so she could by the home
where we lived for many yrs.
Back then it probably would-
not have even been possible
for her to by a home. Funny
how things you have known
for years somehow come back
to you with a realization you
never saw before.

Thankful that I just remem-
bered I hadn't posted this
yet!  I have been a bit dis-
tracted these last weeks
since our nest is all torn

Well, that's it for Cozy
place this week.

Thanks for coming by


Hope you have a really

restful, relaxing weekend
while we all remember
those that died in service
for us, our country and
our freedom!!  We owe
them a huge debt of

Love, Hugs, and
 Memorial Day Blessings,

Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Life with Lorelai

The Dedicated House

Life and Linda

1 comment:

  1. #1. Praise the LORD when they will complete it!
    #2 & #3. Praise the LORD for an enjoyable time with family.
    #4. I can identify with that this passed week, ha!
    #5. Yea! Up and going!
    #6 & #7. I have seen it from afar in passing on Saxon!!! I know you will be glad when it is finished!
    #8. Upgrading is always a pleasant sight!
    #9. It's great to have hubby's and dads (who used to take care of our needs)! Brother and sister-in-law too!
    #10. I've had to start taking the chewables when I eat cottage cheese or face the suffering afterwards!!!
    #11. I had a joyful memory of mom and dad this week! When I was 5 and we lived in Va. Beach, I remember mom running through the trailer and cabana room loudly giggling as dad was chasing after her in fun!
    #12. I'm getting forgetful too!!! I always do my Sunday blog on Saturday and post on Sunday! But the last two weeks I forgot to post until Tuesday and today!!!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie