Saturday, May 4, 2019

Thankful Thursday May 2, 2019, Spring/Easter decor #5

 May the glory of the LORD
 endure forever; 
may the LORD rejoice
 in his works—
Psalm 104:1

Greetings Sweet Friends,

and Welcome to May.....

How has your week been?
Good I hope.

Ours has been good, been a bit
busy trying to find out when they
are gonna permit us for our drain
field, playing phone tag mostly
but did finally get them, and found
out they are running behind and
 have only 3 employees doing the 
work of 5, so not likely to be real
 soon.  Oh Well....just makes me 
bit nervous having this big 
hole in our front yard, but thank
 heavens, we don't have any lil
children running around in our

Pictures today will still be of
Spring/Easter but figured I
would get them in before we
were too far out from Easter.
If you missed #4
Click here

So here we go!!

With soft omni  affect

Thankful that they worked on our
shed last weekend and 3 of the
walls are up now.  Starting to look
 like somewhat of a shed now.

Thankful that I was able to make
 5 new cards to add to our website
this week.

Thankful that I was able to pick
up my birthstone necklace from
the jeweler, as the fine chain had
broken, and they had to repair it,
I think they gave me a new one
because we could not tell in any
way that they had repaired it.
It was my Christmas gift this
passed Christmas and I really
love it, and it goes so well with
so many outfits.  Love that!

Thankful for lunch out at 
Carrabbas on Sunday just
the 2 of us.

With paint Daubs affect

Thankful that we saw some folks
we really admire that were a part
of our churches leadership, and
used to attend our church for
 awhile before they had to move
 to West Palm Beach. They visited 
our church this  passed weekend.
  They are retired now too, and it
 was a real treat to see them, 
as they are great folks.

Thankful that they have finally
cleared our nephews lot so they
can start building.  They were
suppose to start in January, so
they are a bit behind to say the

With Polar Opposites affect

Thankful that it looks like their
girls might go to the same school
as lil darling, which will be cool
for them and for her.

Thankful that my friend's brother
is doing so much better.  He lives
in Italy and he came down with
bacterial meningitis, and at a certain
point they thought they were gonna
lose him, and the Drs. said there was
nothing else they could do,  so his
wife called her Pastor to ask for
prayers, so he called several churches
and they called more churches and
one it went, and within 30 mins.
he made a huge turnaround, and
he is out of danger now, but they
are keeping him in the hospital
for awhile. So happy for his family
as he is a wonderful Christian man.
We got to meet him once when
he was here...his sister thinks
the world of him, so happy things
turned out so well.  God answers
the prayers of his people.

Update:  her brother continues
to be doing well, but is still
in the hospital. Guess they are
just really being careful to make
sure he doesn't have any kind
of relapse.

Thankful to hear that our FBI, under-
cover agents and police and law enforce-
ment in Calif. thwarted another terrorist
 attack near the Los Angeles area a few
days ago.  It sounds like it would have
 been a very bad attack too.  Thank the
 Lord for what these folks do, they are
doing an amazing job.

Thankful for our law enforcement
all over this country, and our service
men and women who protect us and
risk their lives every single day even
when so many do nothing but criticize
and demean them. One day these
people may need law enforcement
and not be able to get help, and
wish they hadn't been so hateful.

Thankful for a wonderful story
I saw on facebook about a 12 yr. old
boy who went around the neighbor
hood filling potholes in the road with
dirt from his backyard, just because
he didn't want people to think his
neighborhood was a bad neighbor-
hood.  What an amazing young man.
and what a lovely and uplifting story.
Lowe's (I think it was) donated some
lawn equipment to him to encourage
him on his quest, cause they thought
he was such a wonderful young man,
and wanted to encourage him in his
good works.  Great Idea......

Thankful for a fun day with lil
darling on Wed. making surprise
 Mother's Day gifts.  She was
 really into it and did a great job, 
cause she loves her Mommy.
Which is great!!

Well, that's our week at 
Cozy Place.

Happy you could come by, 


Hope you have a delightful

Love, Hugs, and 
Early May Blessings,

Sharing with:

Life with Lorelai

Shabby Art Boutique

My flagstaff Home

Oh My Heartsie Girl

A Stroll thru life

Stone Gable


  1. I love your thankful spirit, Nellie! Thanks so much for sharing at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home! --Jennifer

  2. #1. Yea! I know you will be glad when they finish it!!!
    #2. I need to get your website location.
    #3. They can be easily damaged! Especially if around my neck, ha!
    #4. I'm so blessed by Jim and your loving one another so much to share in everything!
    #5. The LORD blesses us so much in our Christian relationships!
    #6. I'm sure they are excited to get it started!
    #7. Wonderful! New friends!
    #8. Praise Almighty GOD, He hears and answers our prayers!
    #9 & #10. Thanks be to GOD! I pray for our personnel in these areas and the military every day!
    #11. What a wonderful uplifting story of a young person.
    #12. She is such a sweetheart!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie