Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Fireplace gussied up for Fall

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a good week so far.

Ours has been good, not a lot going on until
the end of the week,  so finally had time to
take and edit some pics to do a decorating
post for a change.

I did this decorating over a month ago,
but just getting around to showing you.
Thought I would show you the fireplace
today.  Decided to put up this Thomas
Kincaide look alike picture I have had 
for ages, but that brings me joy every
time I look at it.  

Hoping my home
in heaven looks like one of these
cottages with all the flowers....lol
Just so beautiful....

wanted to go with a fresh and
less is more look this time.

So began with the white ceramic pumpkins
cause they show up so nicely on the dark
mantle.  Then it needed something so I
added the fall berries. Colorful but not

Found the brass fruit plaques in the garage
as I was getting my Fall stuff out and
 decided to see if I might use those some
where.  Believe it or not they were a
wedding gift almost 49 yrs. ago, and
 I have always loved them, but I typi-
cally use them at christmas time.

 Since I am really enjoying the timed
candles every since hubby retired and
he got on this LED candle kick,
decided to just put them on a fall
colored plates with some berries,
then just added some copper mercury
glass candleholders...which I totally
forgot to light and they are so pretty
lit up.

Had to get on a chair to get a decent
picture of the picture as the picture light
is so bright,  it puts a glare on the picture
itself.  This looks pretty good tho but
only cause I stood on the chair.  lol

this is on the left side of the hearth.

and this is on the right....our
old fireplace tools.  I want to
replace them, but I can not find
anything I like....most are black
now, and I am not crazy about that.
So I just shined them up a bit
cause I only put them on the
hearth in the Fall and Winter.

Well, hope you are enjoying your
 Fall decor too, we have been!

Glad you could stop in,

Have a delightful rest of the week,

Love, Hugs and
End of October Blessings,


  1. Hi Nellie,
    The fireplace mantel looks so pretty for fall. Love the picture of the cottages with all the flowers.

  2. Hi Kris,Hope this finds you having a nice Friday.......Good to have you come by and thanks for your sweet comments.

    Take care and have a good weekend,Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie