Friday, January 3, 2020

Thankful Thursday January 2, 2020, and Christmas in the living room

Glory in his holy name;
let the hearts of those who seek
 the LORD rejoice.
1 Chronicles 16:10 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are enjoying the 
New Year, so far........ 

Our has been pretty good other
than some serious stuff going
on with a dear friend of ours.
You will read about it below.

Pictures today are the last of
Christmas in our living room.
Not taking it down yet, as I
like to leave mine up longer
than most people.... but
figured people are probably
ready to see Winter decor
rather than Christmas!!  lol
This pic below could be used
for Winter too!!

So on with my Thankfuls

Thankful for a really lovely
prayer service for our entire
congregation on Sunday which
 was led by our Pastor and head 
elder. Such a great idea......
I think we should do it once
a month or at least once a 
quarter.  So unifying to the 

Thankful for a nice lunch out
after church to Carrabbas just
 hubby and I, and then coming
home and taking a nice long nap
so nice on a rainy day especially.

Thankful that our friends are
having a get-a-way for 3 days
in St. Augustine. They joyfully
 care for her Dad all the time, 
but nice for the 2 of them to just
have some special time alone.

Thankful for a sweet comment 
about my outfit I wore to church
on Sunday, from a teenage grocery
 clerk.  Sure made my day.....
a compliment from a lovely 
teenage girl to an older woman..
well, in my book, that's really 
something to write home

Thankful that I finally got to
talk with a dear friend of many
years today (Monday) She sent 
me an email on Christmas Eve and
said they had been in the ER all day,
they found she has Ovarian cancer.
 She is in the hospital tonight (Mon.) 
and they are going to do an exploratory
 laprascopic surgery (know that isn't 
spelled correctly, but too lazy to
 look it up)surgery on her tomorrow 
(Tues.) to gather info to help decide
 where they go from here...they may
 do chemo before they try to remove
 the mass.

 Below on #7

Thankful that she has friends that 
knew the right people to call and 
she was able to get in to see a Dr. 
much quicker than she was scheduled
for and this Dr. took a different
approach that we all felt much better 
about.  She just saw him on Monday
 and he put her right in the hospital.
Praise the Lord

Thankful that our friend, Arlene
came through her laproscopic
 surgery today (Tues.) and they 
removed 2 masses and her ovary 
and a small area on her diaphram
 and the Dr. said the outlook is 
We are so praising the Lord......
we only thought he was doing
exploratory surgery. Haven't
heard all the details yet but I 
am sure she will probably still
need the chemo, but we are just
beyond thankful......

Thankful to be able to get back
to card making this week. We
had a nice break, so am ready
to get moving again.


Thankful for a New Year full
of promise and hope.

Thankful for a full and fun
day with lil darling.  It has
been so nice and like old times
 to have her all day during her 
school break.  Gonna miss
her when she goes back to

Thankful to be able to get back
to card making this week. We
had a nice break, so am ready
to get moving again.

Thankful for a New Year full
of promise and hope.

Thankful for a full and fun
day with lil darling.  It has
been so nice and like old times
 to have her all day during her 
school break.

Thankful that my son made
it safely to Indiana for a 
work situation.

Thankful for takeout from
Texas Roadhouse tonight.
It was so good.

Well, there you have it....
another week at Cozy Place
The New Years addition!  lol

Thanks for visiting....

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Love, Hugs and
New Year Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life


  1. Lovely post Nellie. Prayers for your sweet friend dealing with her ovarian issues. Let's pray it is all benign. I love that the young clerk liked and took the time to express her like of your outfit. How nice is that. Sometimes it is those small acts of kindness that are so special. Happy Saturday and have a wonderful weekend. We are heading home today from a long week with taking care of our two grand girls while my daughter and SIL have been in the Keys for a wedding. I love them so much but they wore me out.
    With Charlotte 3 and Abby 9 it is hard to find things for both of them to like to do together. We managed and has a good week. Just exhausted with 4 dogs and two young girls and a big house to keep up. The laundry alone with the girls lol! It will be nice to go back to my tiny cottage in peace and quiet.

  2. #1. I felt so blessed for so many people to be praying to GOD at the same time!
    #2. I have found rainy days make me sleepy too, ha!
    #3. I pray their three days are rejuvenating to them.
    #4. You are always so pleasant in manner and dress!
    #5. I'm praying the mass isn't malignant!
    #6. Praise the LORD's leading with finding a doctor to so quickly take her in.
    #7. Thank our Almighty GOD for answered prayers!
    #8. I'm sure you have ideas flowing for your cards!!
    #9. I praise the LORD for what He has planned for us all! GOD is so Good all the time!
    #10. I'm sure she is going to miss you too!
    #11. I have been praying the LORD's will for his outcome.
    #12. I have found as I get older, I love takeout!!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...