Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thankful Thursday February 27, 2020, Our Winter living room 2020

Let the message of Christ dwell among

 you richly as you teach and admonish 

one another with all wisdom through

 psalms, hymns, and songs from the 

Spirit, singing to God with gratitude

 in your hearts. And whatever you do,

 whether in word or deed, do it all in the 
name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks
 to God the Father through him.
Colossians :16-17 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy!

We are well and had a good day. Talked
with my girl for awhile, went to get my
eyes tested and picked out new glasses
and then did a lil window shopping, 
and went to dinner at our friends house,
 and what a great dinner it was.....
so delicious.  So been a long but good
 day.  Gonna watch an episode of Doc
 and then turn in, just thought I would
get this posted first, since it was ready
other than this opening paragraph.

Pictures today are from our Winter
Look Living room, I went with green
and white in here as you will see.
Now the whole house looks the same
since I took out all the red this week.

So on with my Thankfuls......

Thankful that we got our sidewalk all 
cleaned up and our bushes all trimmed
back and it looks so much better.
Just need to add some new mulch and
some sidewalk lights and we will call
it a day.......once we do that!!  lol

Thankful that one of our dear friends
that we were suppose to be getting
together with today (Tuesday) has
such a great attitude and is thankfully,
having very minimal pain. She called
 on Sunday and she was exercising and
 using one of the rubber resistance bands 
 that exercise guru's tell you to use for 
strength training and it broke, and sent 
her flying like a projectile into the
 door where she hit her head and then
 fell and hurt her knee, and was having
 bad pain and after having to go to the
ER and have xrays, she has a hairline
 fracture and they had to put her in a 
full leg brace and she is not suppose to
 put any weight on that leg. So this is 
quite a challenge for both of them, as
her hubby has been having some
problems too....but she has the most
amazing attitude and is doing her
best to look for the blessings in
all of this.

Note:  This is the 2nd time we have
heard of someone getting hurt with
those things.  My son-in-loves co-
worker was using it and it snapped
and hit him in the eye, and they were
 afraid he had a detached retina, but
 praise the Lord it turned out okay
but if you use one be very careful
or maybe find another way to do
your exercise.

Thankful for the ways that God directs
each of us and uses each other to bless
the lives of others. 
 A neat example this week was my hubby 
was headed off to talk with another man
at church on Sunday but had the thought
 to go talk with a dear lady who lost her 
husband last year, she told him to please
 pray for her as this was gonna be a tough
week for her as their 50th anniversary 
was this coming Friday. So he prayed
with her that day and the next day we
were watching that program I have
told you we love on TBN called 
"Better Together" and they were talk-
ing about grief and this one young
lady who had lost her husband to
suicide (and it had been about a year)
 was talking about how things like 
birthdays and anniversaries and
special holidays were so hard but she
made the decision to embrace them
and celebrate them instead of dread-
ing them.  So my hubby felt led to
call her son and tell him about his
talk with her and what this young
lady said, and the son and his wife
were very grateful he called and
said they had never even thought
of that and that they were celebrat-
ing on of their childrens birthdays
 this week, so think they are gonna
 do something for her as well,  and
we made a card and sent it to her
as well.  Hope she is so pleasantly
surprised that it will take some of
the pain out of it.

Loved these lil pine branches I found
after Christmas....perfect for Winter.

Thankful that I was able to make
5 new cards this week.  So we 
are up to 105 now.....

Thankful that the antibiotics they
gave me for the UTI seems to be 
working and has caused me NO

Thankful that I have decided what
 food I am making for my Sister-in-law
and hubbies birthdays which are
coming up soon.

Thankful that our son started his new
 job last week, and he was in training
 for the week but said it was going
well.  Looking forward to hearing
more when we see him on Sunday.

Thankful I have an appt. to have 
my eyes checked tomorrow and
to get new glasses.

Thankful that I have been getting
so much good sleep in the last
months.  Such a blessing when
you are used to being sleep de-
prived for awhile.

Thankful for the Peace that only
God can give us, in this crazy
crazy world we are living in.

Thankful for a neat idea that we
heard about on "Better Together" 
today, and if you don't watch it
you really should try it.....we 
have really been blessed by this
Anyway, the story was Lisa Harper
and a friend were traveling together
for a speaking engagement and
nothing was going right, their flt.
was cancelled or late, they didn't 
have their rental car ready when
they arrived at the airport, and 
other annoyances of just a bad
 travel day, and Lisa was starting
 to get frustrated and made some
sort of negative comment to her
friend,  and her friend said
"Stop and give me 10" and she
knew what that meant...It meant
stop and give me 10 things you
are thankful for right now.
Boy, wouldn't that change our
outlook in a hurry if we prac-
ticed that everytime we started
to go south............just some
food for thought!
Hubby and I tried it out after the
 show just to see how it would 
work, he did 5 and I did 5......
we weren't really going south
 today, but we do have those
 days sometimes......and think
this could be a great tool to
change our thinking and a very
good habit to make.

Thankful to have my sister-in-laws
 Birthday table all planned and 
partially done and waiting for Sunday.

Well, That's it for Cozy Place 

Thanks for dropping by 


Have a Beautiful Weekend

Love, Hugs and
End of February Blessings,


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1 comment:

  1. #1. "Spring cleaning" happens outside too, ha!
    #2. It appears walking is the best exercise, though that is hard for some of us too!!
    #3. The 5th will be dad's 28th birthday in heaven.
    #4. 105, wow, good for you!
    #5. PTL, I pray you will be completely well soon, even now!
    #6. I can hardly wait, ha!
    #7. PTL I am thankful for his new job!
    #8. I pray all went well with your eye exam!
    #9. I am sleeping better now too!
    #10. Yes, the LORD's peace is our great reliance! We can't let things of this world worry us!
    #11. That's "funny" for some time now the Holy Spirit prompted me when this happens to be thankful for all I have and not have the worry or fear what this world can tempt you with!
    #12. I can hardly wait! You and the family are the "light of my world!"
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...