Friday, July 31, 2020

Thankful Thursday, July 30, 2020, Simple Summer Supper Table

 Great is the LORD 
and most worthy of praise;
 his greatness no one can fathom. 
Psalm 145:3

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are ya??  Doing well,  I hope.

We are doing well....praying like crazy
 for peace in our country,  and for people
 to come to their senses. Imagine and
hoping many of you are doing the same.

Pictures today are of our Supper table 
from this passed weekend.  I just wanted
 to use some yellow.......but I don't have
a lot of yellow things but managed to 
scrape up a few things to use as a center-
piece, and the yellow just made my heart
 happy. Remember I told you a few weeks
 ago about my infatuation with yellow
 once  again........... 

So on with my Thankfuls.............

Thankful for a good Dr. visit with
my husband cardiologist.  He still
has to get an echocardiogram in
August, but it's just routine as Dr. 
feels he is doing well.

Thankful that we got to go to a
unique store called "Adjectives".
It has a lot of vintage things and
 antiques, it's like a blast from
the past.  We so enjoy going there
cause it's just so different, and we
only go about once a year since
it is an hour away and near the
Cardiologist office. So always

Thankful that one of our Daughter
and Son-in-loves vacationers in
their beach cottage left a long and
very sweet review,  that was just 
so encouraging to them. They have
 worked very hard to think of every
thing possible that will make their
 place special and not just for them-
selves but great for others as well.
This was like a reward for all their
hard work and the desire of their 
hearts.  I didn't know it but they 
have 5 reviews and they are all
 5 star reviews.  Gratifying!

Thankful we were finally able to
get some food from Taco Bell,
after visiting some other stores.
We have been to the one near us
 twice, and the line was so long
and moving so slowly we decided
to go somewhere else. It was
very enjoyable for sure.

Thankful for a fun time with the
family on Saturday, they came
over for dinner and we yakked
and ate and some of us played
the wii.....nice time!

Polar Coordinates -
My Alice in Wonderland Affect.  lol

Thankful for Waldorf Salad, that
was part of our dinner, along with
Pork chops and sweet potatoes.
We tend to love fruit salads, and 
Waldorf is one of our favorites.

Thankful for my sweet Son's
thoughtfulness.  He potted and
 brought me some flowering plants
 that he had an overflow of.....Not
 sure yet where I will put them,
but will figure it out I am sure.

Thankful to hear President Trump
got the prices of diabetes meds
down to a very low price.  That
will be very helpful to a lot of
people, especially seniors that 
can't afford those high prices.

Thankful that we were very
energetic on Monday and got
a lot accomplished.

Thankful for a comfy bed to
sleep in every night, and for
sleeping well most of the time.

Thankful for Trinity Broadcasting
 network. We find so much spiritual
 food on TBN, that we are delighted

Thankful for a fun surprise last night.
I checked facebook and I had an instant
message from a lil girl (who is probably
in her 50's now) who we used to know
over 40 yrs. ago when we lived in
South Florida.  Don't know how in
the world she found us cause she was
about 14 or so when we last saw her.
What a sweet blast from the past.

Well, that's it for this week 
at Cozy Place

Thanks for coming by.....and have
 a nice Thursday, Friday and 

Love, Hugs and
Last week of July Blessings,


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A Stroll thru Life

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Scripture Sunday

Good Sunday Morning
Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for the day!

Jesus said:
Come to me, 
all you who are weary and burdened,
 and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28 NIV

Let's all bring our weary and
burdened hearts to Jesus cause
He knows what to do with them!


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The Dedicated House

Monday, July 20, 2020

Thankful Thursday July 23, 2020, Summer Flowers

When anxiety was great within me,
    your consolation brought me joy.

Psalm 94:19 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well, sane
and having a good week.

Have to say those things are
a bit harder than they used to

We are so
 Thankful for God's word.....
as it keeps us well, sane and
having a good week for sure.

Pictures today of lovely 
Summer Flowers......
compliments of Public Domain

Thankful that we finally got to take
 dinner to the parents of some gals
that used to be in our bible study
years back.  Their parents go to our
 church and of course, we know them
just not super well.  Their Mom has
cancer and is very exhausted. It was
great to be able to do something for 
them and to see them all for a few 
minutes, as our hearts are really
go out to them.

Thankful that after we delivered dinner,
we went and got a chocolate Elvis
smoothie, then went to Michaels crafts 
and got a few new things for us to
do with lil darling, ran to Kirklands,
but only had 5 mins. as they close
at 7pm. now,  Have to say it was good
to see a store that looked normal.
Then we ran to Sam's and got a few
things and they had a huge area with
nothing in it, very not normal.
 Then to dinner at Longhorn's.
 It was nice to get out of the house for 
awhile but definitely quite different,
 while wearing masks, (of course, not
while eating) but still thankful for these
small pleasures. I keep forgetting how 
early everything closes now. 

Thankful that I happened on
a snack treat that we found
several years ago in World
Market in Charleston but have
never been able to find since,
and they had it at Sam's so
that was the highlight of our
trip there.   lol
It is a lemon/blueberry granola 
treat and they are delicious.

Thankful that my daughter's
co-worker and friend had her 
covid test come back negative.

Thankful for the "Doc" series,
as we are rewatching it as it is
just such a great show. We found
it on Pureflix.

Thankful we got our ficus tree
repotted this week,  as it was
very root bound and was show-
ing signs of being unhealthy.  
So hopefully it will do much
 better now.

Thankful to be back in church
this past Sunday.  It was very
 different but still good to be there. 
 We had decided to go out to lunch
 with our  friends, so we decided to
 give it a try.  The church had
 recommended all those of 65 yrs. 
and older worship with them on 
TV which is what we have been 
doing. It was sure good to see 
everyone even if you could 
only see half their face.  lol
and wave at them or say some-
thing from a distance.

Thankful we got to go out to 
lunch with our friends to Cracker
Barrel.  It has been about 4 mos.
We have talked on the phone but
that has been almost a month too,
as they went to visit there son
for awhile. Nice for all of us
to catch up.

Thankful that God made our 
world have color.....imagine
our world in just black and would be pretty
dull and boring.

Thankful I finally got to wear my
 beautiful  double heart Mother/
Daughter necklace my Daughter
 got me for Mother's Day this year.
  It's the first time for me to wear it
 since we haven't been dressing up
 to go anywhere.
It looked very pretty!

Thankful to see that someone
painted "Babies lives matter"
in pink and blue in front of
an abortion clinic.

Thankful that hubby has learned
how to make Caramel Frappes like
the ones they have at MacDonalds.
Loving those babies..... 


Well, that's it for cozy place 
this week............

Glad to see you stopped by
hope you have a good day
and weekend.

Love, Hugs and
Safe Blessings to you and yours,


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Shabby Art Boutique

The Dedicated House

Our Master Bedroom Refresh

Hello Sweet Friends,

How are you doing??
Hope this finds you doing well  and not
letting all the craziness get you down 
too much......I know it is hard.....we
have had our days too.

I just happened to come across this
 post I started months ago, and had
 completely forgotten about. 
 All the pictures were posted already, 
so figured I might as well fill in 
between the pictures and post it....
Maybe the colors will cheer you up.....
they do me.  Our bedroom is still like
 this as we just finished this refresh
back in September of 2019. Just now
saw the date on't
realize it had been that long.

Our color choices came from our Quilt,
which you will see below.

This is the top of our armoire.
This yellow on our walls looks a lot
darker than it really is.

                         Showed you this along time ago when                                                  we first got it.  It holds all of lil
                               darlings toys and goodies.


           I redid the wall, and the top of it.
       I made printables and put them on 
wooden clip boards I got at the 
dollar tree.

Just in case you are interested, you 
can find lots of free printables at

Here is a side wall

Our bed......
Still trying to decide if I should just paint
 the piece that is above the bed or just
get something entirely different.

I absolutely love the colors in our quilt,
 and know it might look like a teenagers
 bed but I just loved it..... the colors and
the pattern. Found it in the "At Home"

Very soothing color palette as far as
I am concerned anyway.

Hubbies night stand

My night stand 

Our love seat we have in there.
Have it covered with a twin
comforter as it is old as the 
hills.  lol

the table beside the love seat.

corner of our bedroom on my side
of the bed.

One of these days I am gonna get 
these night stands painted white.
I have to say I am just not as 
motivated about stuff like that
as I used to be.....think that must
come with age.  lol

I actually saw an elongated sign at 
Kirklands the other day I really liked and 
thought I wish I had somewhere to put that...
and as I was looking at the above picture
I thought............
 I think over my bed might be the perfect
place.  Then I can paint the brown piece a
cream color and put it out side on the front
of our house.  Will have to work on that!!

Well, that is our Summer bedroom, and
think we started it the end of Spring of
2019 and put the finishing touches on
 in the Fall....So it's been awhile,  but
 I still love and enjoy it very much!!

Thanks for coming by,  hope you
enjoyed your visit.

Love, Hugs and 
Sunny July Blessings,


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Saturday, July 18, 2020

Scripture Sunday

Good Sunday Morning
Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for today!

Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil
 but what is good. Anyone who does what 
is good is from God. Anyone who does
 what is evil has not seen God.

3 John 1:11 NIV


From the Message Bible

Friend, don't go along with evil.
 Model the good. The person who does good 
does God's work. The person who does evil
 falsifies God, doesn't know the first thing
 about God.

3 John 1:11  

So have a good time imitating good
this week and every week.



Thursday, July 16, 2020

Thankful Thursday July 16, 2020, Summer coffee table 2020

 In him our hearts rejoice,
 for we trust in his holy name. 

 May your unfailing love be with us, 
 even as we put our hope in you.
Psalm 33:21-22

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How's your week been?
Good I hope. 

We recuperated for a few days 
from the kids and furry Grand
son dog being here, then had lil 
darling on Wednesday, which is
always good, and making din din
 for someone for tonight, and after
dropping it off,  then going out for
 a bit, if we can find somewhere
 fun to go!! lol

Pictures today are from our Summer 
coffee table. Found these lovely flowers
 at Sams and brought them home and  
 made this sweet arrangement that lasted 
for over 3 weeks.  I was so taken with
 the color combo especially because of
the  yellow in there. For some reason
yellow seems to be really making my
heart sing lately for some reason.  It
 used to be my fav color years ago, 
then it became robins egg blue but
yellow seems to be making a come
 back in my heart.  lol

So on with my Thankfuls......

Thankful that our furry Grandson
dog, Bentley did so well staying 
with us for a few days. He was
a peach for us and didn't seem to
be as distressed over missing my
 Daughter and hubby as I thought 
he would be, based on just watching
 him for a few hrs. one day. Guess he
 figured if they came back the 1st
 time they will come back again.

Thankful we got to spend Sat.
evening with our Daughter and 
Son-in-love before they headed
 back to Charleston Sunday 

with paint daubs affect

With equalized affect

Thankful they got home safe and
sound Sunday afternoon, and 
found everything at home fine.

Thankful they were able to find
a minute clinic that was open,
as he had an earache.

Thankful for this new Pastor we
found to watch.....same one that
did the Prophecy videos.  He is a
 great teacher. He spoke on
 "When hard times hit" today, and
it was really good. His name is
J.D. Faraq, and he lives in Hawaii.
Just in case you might want to
check him out.
Click here,  or type it in yourself

Thankful for a new tablecloth
I happened on when we went
to our neighborhood Walmart
grocery store. Had been think-
ing it would be nice if I could
find a new one for our porch
table that would go with the
new cushions the kids got me
for Mother's day.  
Love it,  very colorful and
tropical and has cute parrots
on it..........Gonna wait for
it to get a bit cooler tho be-
fore I put it on, since the old
 one still looks okay, that way
 we can enjoy it more when
we can be outside more.  It 
was just 100 degrees on the
 porch and it is 7 p.m. 
No way Jose, do I want to 
 go out there now.  lol

Thankful for Air Conditioning and
 paddle fans for sure, or I just might
 combust.  lol

Thankful for a lovely time sitting
out back early this morning by
myself, hubby was still sleeping
 and it was 80 degrees but breezy,
and so quiet and peaceful and just
so nice to be able to be outside
even tho it was for a short time,
cause with the heat here in Florida
 that is a rare happening unless it
 is very early in the morning and

These are flowers that stayed alive
 passed  2 1/2 weeks.
So changed up the vignette a little bit.

#9 and 10
Thankful to hear our friend who had
 surgery 2 weeks ago and started to have 
severe pain all of a sudden seems to be 
doing better today.
His wife called the Dr. and they were
 absolutely no help at all...........
told him to wait till Thurs. when he
had an appt.
Thank the Lord.....for answers to
prayer for him.

Thankful to hear that our single
 parent friends brother got over his
 Covid and is doing fine, but she
 thinks she had it for 11 days and
 was really sick and said it was
pretty bad so she is very thank-
ful she is over it and lived to
tell about it.

Thankful to have the opportunity
to help one of my friends with
her daughters baby shower.
We have known and been involved
with her Daughter for about 12 yrs.
or more and she is a lovely young
lady, so I am very excited and
 priviledged to help.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place 
this week.

Glad you came by to visit,

Hope you have a great weekend,

Love, Hugs, and
Half Way thru July Blessings,


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April J Harris

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...