Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Our Father's Day Table 2020

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well......

The week has been good so far. but
have to say the headlines are more
than frustrating at times, and I am
sure you know what I mean.

Thought I would finally share 
our Father's Day Table today
just for something different and
while I have the time.  lol

Since I was making Italian food
 I decided to go with an Italian 
themed table.

I started off thinking this might work
but wasn't sure if I really liked it and
  if it really looked Italian.

Then I looked online to try and find
 some Italian style tables, but found 
very few that were actually from
 Italy and the few I did find had red
 checked tablecloths,  so decided
since I had a gold checked one
that would look sort of guyish
and Tuscan at the same time.

 I had 3 of these bottles (they originally
 had Olive Garden Italian Dressing in
 them), and when I think of Olive Garden 
Restaurant, I think of Olives, as they
have olive plants as decorations, so 
thought if I could put some olive 
branches in the bottles that would be
 cute, and the start of my centerpiece.
So actually found one olive branch
at Michaels.....and fortunately it was

So I stuck the olive branches in but
it just needed something else so I
thought about Pasta, so added macaroni
to each bottle and that was the missing
element..... Then added some glass
and mercury glass candles.  Later
you will see where I added some
colored stones to it as well.

Decided to use my Shabby Chic
 dinnerware cause thought the color 
looked better but also could look
 a lil more antique/ornamental 
that could be Italian looking.
Cause I actually saw some 
Italian dishware that looked
similar but they were off white
not as cream colored as mine.

Added my reddish brown napkins 
and my Wedding silverware which
 could possibly look Italian.
I missed it on the silverware tho, 
I just looked for the fun of it, and 
most of theirs is very simple and
plain or colored. I actually have
 a very plain pattern that I could
have used if I had known. Oh well
Will know for next time. lol

Used clear goblets to match the
bottles and candles.

 From the opposite end of the table.
The yellow flat dishes were for what
some people call "Italian butter" that 
is herbs and olive oil for
 bread dipping.

I typically like to add candy to my place 
settings,  but couldn't think of an Italian
candy, but did think about Biscotti,  so
put a Lemon Pistachio Biscotti at each
place.  They were very good, but were
a limited edition, so hubby wanted 
more but they didn't have them!

I was gonna use the bread board on
the side for a round loaf of bread,
but decided it would probably make
 a crumbly mess, so decided to go
 with a bread basket instead.

This picture has an equalized affect.
You can see the stones I dotted in the
centerpiece in this and the next picture.
Had forgotten about them and
 remembered after I had taken the
pictures, so that's why just 2 pics.  lol
The same stones were in the clear 

It was a simple and easy centerpiece,
just like our guys emotionally......
Definitely not mentally....lol

We also had a simple menu,


Olive Garden typed Salad
(with their dressing)

French Bread
with Italian Butter


Banana Pudding
(not very Italian but the
fav dessert at our house)

Next week,  I am gonna try and post
my Lasagna recipe, as I want to get
it in my archives anyway.  It a very
easy but yummy recipe.  Just made
another pan to take to a friend.


Well, Thanks for coming by


have a lovely week.

Love, Hugs and 
Mid July Blessings
 (Already??  Gees)


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A Stroll thru Life


  1. Love the bamboo stalks with the pasta so cute and different. Your tablecloth is great too. What is it about checks that always grab us! Happy Wednesday.

  2. Love your table and the menu sounds great - I want to know what the banana pudding is though? :)

  3. Hello Sharon,
    Nice to meet you here in blogland. Thanks for coming by and for your kind comment.
    Banana pudding is a dessert that has been around longer than me I would suspect, and I am
    68 yrs. old. It is vanilla wafers (a round plain vanilla tasting cookie) that you layer a
    baking dish with, then you put sliced fresh bananas on top of each cookie, then you make
    vanilla or sometimes I used banana cream pudding mix and carefully pour it over all the cookies and bananas in the baking dish, then put it in the fridge and let it set while,
    and when ready to serve you can put whip cream on top. It is usually 2 layers of coookies
    and bananas, and 2 boxes of pudding mix (you have to follow the directions on the pudding
    mix to make it) Very easy, but a real crowd pleaser.....I loved it as a kid and I love it
    still to this day, as well as everyone in the family.
    I use Keebler vanilla wafers, and Jello pudding, some people use really ripe bananas but I use ones that are just ripening myself

    Hope you get to try it.....if you have any other questions let me know.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie