Friday, July 3, 2020

Thankful Thursday July 2, 2020, 4th of July table from the past

Praise the Lord,
How good it is to sing praises to our God,
how pleasant and fitting to praise him.
Psalm 147: 1-2   NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well,
and looking forward to this weekend
of Independence Day celebration.
It might only be at your home but
that's okay we can still celebrate!!

It has been a good and sort of
busy week here as we are pre-
paring for our Daughter, Son-
in-love and furry Grandson 
dogs visit. We of course, are
really looking forward to it,
and also celebrating the 4th
with them, as well.

 Thought I would in-
clude a 4th of July table from
 the past table in case someone
 might be still in need of ideas.
 I typically always use paper 
goods mixed with glasses and
silverware for this holiday as
 they are just more festive and 
easy for clean up as well....and 
just shop the house for red,
 white and blue items that work
to make a vignette.  I always 
keep flags and these mylar
 stars on hand as they make
it easier to put together a
centerpiece as well.  

So on with my Thankfuls....

Thankful that we got started on a book 
hubby got for his birthday from Moi.....
It has long chapters and forward and
 introduction but is quite interesting. 
 The United States of Socialism by
Dinesh D'Souza.  We are not thru the
first chapter yet.....


Thankful that our Son and family returned
 safely from their Vacation last week, and 
from the pics I saw on facebook looks
 like they had a great time, and once I
talked to them....they did really enjoy it.

Thankful for our National Guard and
that they have put new laws into affect
about destroying our historical statues,
and hopefully enforcing the ones al-
ready on the books.

Thankful that we are hearing more pos-
itive things from a number of different
Doctors about the Covid situation. Which
 is very good and very interesting, since we
 don't know what to believe these days.

Thankful for "Caramel Frappe's" from
MacDonalds.  They are much less expensive
than Starbucks and more least
hubby and I think

Thankful for a new series we found
on Netflix called "Vindication". 
Have watched 2 episodes and they
are quite good.

Thankful that I finally got around to
doing a little bathroom refresh in
our guest bathroom. Have been
wanting to do it, just haven't been
in the mood....nothing like having
company/or family coming  to get
 me moving!!  lol

Thankful and relieved that a dear friend
 of ours of 40 yrs. who had surgery on 
Tues. afternoon (and is an at risk patient) 
came through the surgery fine and is
 doing well.  Praise the Lord

Thankful he was doing so well he
got out of the hospital before noon
today. (Thursday)

Thankful this has been wildlife week
at our house, we have seen our lil wild
brown bunny a number of times, a 
black snake, a hawk attacking something
 to eat (we think a lizard) , and a racoon
 eating berries in our backyard and a flock
 of Ibis and Sandhill Cranes in the front
 yard. So it has been an active week and
 We just get a real kick out of  seeing 
all the wildlife.....

Thankful that our Son came and
sprayed our bushes today with
something that will cause them
not to grow so much and to pro-
duce more flowers or leaves.
He is in the Ag business and
needs to do some experimental
trials, so we said hey, we would
like to try it. So excited to see 
how much bush trimming it
 saves us especially because
of the Florida heat.

Thankful that I finally found
some pink carnations for my
coffee table.  The other mini
ones I had finally died (but they
 lasted over 3 weeks) which was
awesome, so wanted some more
pink flowers but was hard to 
find them,  took going to 3
grocery stores, and they had
one small bouquet of the larger
pink carnations,  but they are a
 lil darker, loved the baby pink,
but these will work and look
pretty once they all open up,
so was happy to finally find 
this simple pleasure and it
got us out of the house.  lol


Well, that's it for Cozy Place
 this week. 

 Thanks for stopping by and....

Have a Wonderful 4th of July  
Celebration and Weekend.

Love, Hugs and
Independence Day Blessings,


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  1. #1. Sounds interesting!
    #2. I'm glad they had a safe and fun trip!
    #3. Amen! Historical facts are important to us!
    #4. I praise the LORD for His omnipotence!
    #5. Delicious to the palate!
    #6. I'm thankful for movies and the electricity to run them!
    #7. I'm thankful for mechanically cleaning, ha! I love my Rumba that vacuums for me!
    #8. Praise the LORD for answering our prayers!
    #9. There's no place like home!!!
    #10. WOW! You have had a busy week with GOD's beautiful creatures. The baby birds I have been watching since mama bird laid her eggs have now "flown the coop."
    #11. Hope it works well!
    #12. My deep orange hibiscus are in full bloom as well as my crepe myrtles and bougainvillea! GOD's beauty! Love you, Susan

  2. Thanks Kris,
    Hope you had a Lovely 4th as well.

  3. Morning Susan,
    Thanks for leaving some of your thankfuls.....
    Yea, very happy to hear Bill is doing so well, and my orange hibiscus and crepe myrtles have been blooming like crazy too. Love it, course, the rain has knocked a lot of blooms off tho....but we do need the rain.

    Have a good day.
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie