Saturday, September 5, 2020

Thankful Thursday September 3, 2020, Fall flowers........

 I thank my God every time I remember you.
Phillipians 1:3 NIV
(and yes, that means you blogging friends)

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How's your week going??? Hope
things are good with you!!

Well, as you will see our week has
 been a mixed bag of emotions, but
 overall pretty good!

Pictures today are of Fall Flowers!

So on with my Thankfuls......

Thankful to have gone to a Memorial
Celebration for the Mom I told you
about last week.  She has two daughters
that we have a good relationship with,
and we were so proud of both of them.
They did such a wonderful job of honor-
ing their dear Mother, thru their loving
tears, everyone could see how very
much they loved their Mom.
Of course, we were very sad about
their Mom, losing her battle with
cancer, and heartbroken for the
husband and these 2 young ladies
we love so much.  But Thankful
we know she is in Heaven!

Thankful that we were able to visit a
 furniture store this weekend.  We are
in the beginning stages again, of look-
ing for a new sofa. We have a reclining
 sofa now, and love it,  and would really
like to have the same again, but have
 looked a lot over the last few years,
 but having a very hard time finding
 another one that doesn't plug in or isn't 
seemingly flimsy,  but at least we are
 collecting ideas here and there.  This
 is our 2nd store, so many more to go. 
This store told us that you can have one
special made that has mechanical hard-
ware reclining ones and that they can
cover them with mostly any fabric you
want,  so that was encouraging. Am also
toying with the idea of recovering it as
 well. Evenutally we will figure it out
hopefully.  Not liking the styles too
much either I have to say.

Thankful for a delicious dinner at our
 favorite Mexican restaurant on Sat. nite.
 We haven't been there in quite some time, 
 so it was a real treat.

Thankful that we found our favorite
 cookies again, they are like gingerbread
 cookies, and since covid we have not
 been able to get them at our local grocer,
Publix but did find them at another one 
of their stores.  

Thankful for answers to prayer
for strength, hope, and faith.

Thankful that things my daughter
and I ordered to do lil darlings
 bedroom all came in this week.

Thankful that our daughter arrived
 here on Wed. safe and sound and got 
to spend the day with her brother.
She also arrived back home safe and
sound on Sat. afternoon.

Thankful for clearing out some paper
 clutter that needed to be taken care of...

Thankful for a new blog face.Was
 getting tired of the old one.  lol

Thankful for several funny calls
that mad us laugh, from our friends 
singing "we wish you a merry Christmas
 and "let it snow let it snow, let it snow.
  Last time we were at Cracker Barrel
 we both got this adorable stand up snow-
man that we thought was so cute........
the reason for the Christmas carols...
they have a great sense of humor.

Thankful for a fun time with our 
Daughter on Thursday morning,
then picking up lil darling from 
school, and all of us working on
 her bedroom together. Got a lot
done, and it was really fun all of
us working together.... not quite
 finished but will hopefully finish
 this coming week. Friday we just
 hung out, talked and caught up 
and rested, but that is always
 fun for us!!

Thankful for a fun time trying out a 
new Mexican restaurant with the family
on Thursday, and liking it even better
 than our old favorite. The food and 
service in both restaurants is great,
  but the atmosphere and restroom
 is much better in the new place.


Thankful for what looked and felt like
 an HGTV quick shopping trip, to Wal-
mart before we picked up lil darling.
 We just had 20 mins....we knew the
 items we needed to get beforehand
 and exactly how much time we had....
We rushed in and filled our carts with 
all the bed pillows we needed, and
found the perfect curtains and a rod,
 as hubby got nails for hanging the
 pictures, so we rushed to the check
out with a full cart...and we got out
 with 5 mins. to spare.  lol 
It was seriously so much fun!!

P.S.  Think this might be a fun game
 to do as a family with kids.  Split the
kids between Mom and Dad and know
 what each team needs to get, and set a
 time limit and a place to meet. 
and try and beat the clock!!!

Well, that's it for this week.

Glad you could stop in


Have a great weekend.

Love, Hugs and 
Early September Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Bloggers Pit Stop

A Stroll thru Life

April J Harris


  1. Philippians 1:3 is very meaningful to us blogging friends. You are having some productive days, going out shopping, to a favorite restaurant. I went with a friend to a restaurant yesterday, all seating out side, next to our yacht harbor. My first restaurant visit since March, boy it was fun.

  2. Hi Terra, So nice to hear from you. Yea I find going to a restaurant the most fun because you can take your mask off at the table. lol
    Shopping is not as much fun as it used to be....getting used to it, but has lost it's appeal. We do most of our shopping online unless
    we have to have it right away. Plus in Florida it is so hot, so wearing a mask makes me so hot...........but at least we can get out some. So thankful for that!

    What state do you live in? So happy for you that you were able to get out.....I remember our first time was very weird but so nice
    just to be out. Yes, Phil. 1:3 truly describes how much appreciation we feel for one another. Thanks for coming by and taking the time to leave your sweet comments.
    Blessings, Nellie

  3. #1. Praise the LORD she is with Him and we will see her again!
    #2. I don't know why they stop making things that are popular!
    #3. i need to use my cards for take out!
    #4. Yummy, Enjoy!
    #5. Amen! His Word tells us to ask and we will receive!
    #6. Wonderful, I know she will enjoy them!
    #7. Praise the LORD for His traveling mercies!
    #8. I need to do that! It's been a while since I have!
    #9. I need to change mine!
    #10. Christmas will be here before be know it!
    #11. What a blessed time together!
    #12. I still have not ventured out as yet!
    #13. WOW! That was a quick venture out!
    Love you, Susan

  4. Have a beautiful labor day weekend and wonderful week Nellie. xoxo


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie