Thursday, January 12, 2023

Thankful Thursday January 12, 2023, and Winter Flowers


“I called to the LORD, who is worthy of praise,
 and have been saved from my enemies.
2 Samuel 22:4 NIV

Winter Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are enjoying the New Year, and transitioning

 from Christmas to Winter Decorating. It is still Christmas

at our house, but now that I am feeling better I am itching

to get at it.  I have already been rearranging the house

in my mind, so once I get started I will kinda know 

what I want to do pretty much.

Pictures today are of Winter Flowers, compliments of  Was gonna post our guest bedroom revamp but thought it really needed to be a regular post.

  So it will be coming soon..................

         So on with my Thankfuls..................


Thankful for all the neat stuff we learned from doing that

Revelation Bible Study (It was an overview of Revelation)

Really good information and helped us understand so many

things we had never even thought about.  Highly Recommend

it to anyone who is interested.  They have all sorts of other

series as well, and this guy is a great teacher.

Just FYI in case you are interested in checking it out.

For the Revelation overview Click Here.

Click here or type in

to see all they offer.


Thankful that I feel that Lord has lead me to start journaling

 again. I used to do that all the time, but got out of the habit

 of it.  There is just something about writing things down (for

 me anyway) that just seems to help clear my mind and

organize me, and bring things to the surface that might be

bothering me, so that I can cast my cares on the Lord, 

which brings even more peace to me.


Thankful for naps right now.  Still trying to kick this

respiratory virus, and they definitely help. Feeling

so much better but still tire out later in the day.


Thankful for my sweet daughter and a sweet long

time friend who keeps checking on me daily to see

how I am doing.  


Thankful for Sunshine.  We have had milder temps

here in Florida the last few days,  so trying to 

soak up all the Vit D I sitting out in

the sunshine.


So Thankful that somehow my hubby has not

gotten sick with this stuff, and praying that continues.


Thankful for a precious experience at 6 a.m.

 Sunday morning.  I woke up, slept out.

 It was dark but a fully moonlit night and I looked out 

the window into our back yard, and not a 

creature was stirring, nor a breeze in the trees,

and it was so still, so quiet and  so peaceful 

that all just seemed right with the world,

in those moments!


Thankful to be feeling almost like my old self,

still some coughing but nothing like before.

Praise the Lord!!


So Very Thankful this Monday morning to be feeling

 more like my old self after being sick for 2 weeks

 or more.  Nothing like being sick to make you 

thankful to be able to get up and do stuff again.

Have to say, I am doing it slowly tho, as I am

 not in any way wanting to have a relapse.


Thankful for how the story of Damar Hamlin has turned out and how it has caused people to turn to God in prayer, and how we have seen God answer.  Damar went home from the hospital today (Wednesday) and he evidently has a calling from God to give back to his community which he had before he ever collapsed on the football field.  Awesome.  PTL


Thankful for a good evening out for the first time in 3 weeks.  Hubby and I Decided to go to  dinner at Carrabbas and then a quick run to Wally World to get a few things.  Made it a short evening....didn't want to over due it, but it was definitely good to get out of the house.


Thankful that we get to have lil darling tomorrow,  haven't seen her since Christmas day, so very excited to see her.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place today.

Thanks for coming by, and leave us a comment


tell us what are you thankful for today???

Love, Hugs and 

January Blessings,


Sharing with:

South House Designs

Karins Kottage

Grammys Grid

Southern Sunflowers Home Matters

Karins Kottage

1 comment:

  1. #1. I'm sure insight to "the ends times" is seen in the study!
    #2. I involve that with my daily Bible study. The LORD surely does open our insight.
    #3. I'm still trying to get rid of the allergies in my eyes! I have to remember to NOT rub them even though they itch!
    #4. Praise the LORD for them keeping check on you!
    #5. Sunshine, but cold, burr!
    #6. Praise the LORD! I will pray also!
    #7. Isn't the LORD's peace in us great!!!
    #8. I've had some coughing, but only when I eat or drink cold stuff!
    #9. I'm praying you have NO relapses!
    #10. Praying the LORD has great works through Damar!
    #11. Good for you!
    #12. I'm sure she is excited to see you too!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: