Thursday, January 26, 2023

Thankful Thursday January 26, 2023, and pics of winter goodies

 Taste and see that the LORD is good;
 blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
Psalm 34:8

Greetings Sweet Friends

and Welcome to Thankful Thursday,

Hope you have had a great week

Mine has really been good, getting

my energy and creativity back and

it feels wonderful,  I have to say.

Well, it's late so gonna let my post

do the talking.  lool

Pictures today are of Winter Goodies

Compliments of, because

I am running behind and have not quite

finished my Christmas to Winter decor

as of yet, therefore, I can't take any 

Pictures either!  lol

Hopefully next week!!

So thought this might be fun.....

Now............on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful to be able to attend Church finally......

Haven't been there since before Christmas, and

also haven't seen our friends in all that time

either.  They weren't there Sunday, but she

has been sick too.


Thankful that the Sweet Young family I think I

 probably wrote about a few weeks ago, where the

 Mom had a psychological breakdown is doing

 much  better, but not a 100% yet.  She is still

 in treatment and he is back home taking care of

 the 3 kiddos. Thankfully he can work from home

 most of the time.  They did all get to come and see

 her this past weekend and he sent me some pics

 that made me cry happy tears, they all looked so

happy to be together.


Thankful that we made some chicken Gnocchi

soup again,  it's been quite awhile.  It is a

Olive Garden taste alike recipe. It is really

quite good.

Click here to try it.


Thankful for My Christmas Decorations

are all packed away.  Finally!

Just got to get them to the garage now.


Thankful we are having an old friend

come to stay with us on Sunday evening.


Thankful we put 4 new cards in our

shop that I had been working on.


Thankful a situation my Daughter and

her husband had going on seems to be

partially resolved at this point.  At least

they are moving forward which is good.


Thankful to be feeling 100% again!


Thankful for several long conversations

with our lovely Daughter today and

the last 2 days.  Missing each other.....

and very Thankful for our phone calls.


Thankful that my January issues of 

Better Homes and Gardens and

 Southern living magazines came 

this week, and I always find it pure

joy to read and look at them.  I am very

 old school about that.....There is  just

something about holding a real book

 or magazine in your hands.  lol


Thankful that I am just about

finished with my Winter decorating.

Just a few more touches and I can

call it quits.


Thankful for a nice evening out to 

dinner at our fav Mexican restaurant

and then a quick trip to TJ Maxx.

Both were fun.....been awhile since

we were at either of them.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Glad you could stop in.

Have a lovely Friday and weekend,

Love, Hugs and

Last of January Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Karins Kottage

Between Naps on the Porch

1 comment:

  1. #1. As so me! I plan on attending Sunday!
    #2. Praise the power of the LORD in His chosen to pray and uplift the needs of others to Him.
    #3. A great time for soup in this cold weather!
    #4. Good for you! I pray your back is doing well!
    #5. Praise the LORD for your fellowship!
    #6. Yea, I know you're glad to be adding more!
    #7. I have been praying for them both!!!
    #8. Yes, LORD, thank you for Nellie feeling great!
    #9. Thank the LORD you both are so close in your love and fellowship!
    #10. They do have some great ideas!
    #11. What an enjoyment you will have and also those who see your decorating!
    #12. It's so great you and hubby have such great outings together!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past

    For God so love d  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,   that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life....