Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Easy almost Homemade Pizza Recipe (Delicious)


Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope you and yours had a lovely but meaning-

ful, and safe day yesterday for Memorial Day.

 We had a very lazy but meaningful day.

 We had a pretty busy week, so we were just 

exhausted, so decided to just do nothing.....

We did run to the grocery store and make 

my fav, 1/2 pd. grass-fed beef Hamburgers

 on the grill, and then put them on Ciabatti

bread, with lettuce tomatoes and onions and 

they were soooo good, and later had brownie

Sundae's, so that made us happy campers

and we watched a "Walk thru History" on

 TBN which was really good, as it explained

a lot of information about the wars we as

a nation have been involved in all the way

from the Civil War up to now. It was

very interesting..........and of course, made

you realize once again that Freedom is

in NO Way Free!!

  Have had a few things

I have wanted to share so have been writing them down

so that maybe I can post them.  Today is one of those

days.  I know with prices rising all about us every day,

that many are looking for anything that might help

them save $$$, right!

Well, the last time we tried to order pizza from Domino's

the price of the pizza we normally order for $11-12 was

now $27.00 and that was with us picking it up!!

So I politely said what I paid for my last pizza and

she said did you have a special coupon? and I said NO,

and said if you look back at my order history you 

should be able to see it.  She said wel,l, I am not in the

office so I can't......so I politely declined the $27.00

pizza.  So now what do we do, right??

And I must confess that me and pizza dough do

not do well together.....I even tried pillsbury pizza

dough once, and I felt like I was in a Lucy and

Ethyl comedy.  I would stretch it all out on the

pan only to have it shrink back to the original

size,  so with that said.....

While on vacation last year we had gotten a pizza pack

 with personal size pizza's at Sams and we liked the

 brand.  So hubby ran to the store and got a large 4

 cheese frozen pizza by "Red Baron", (but of course you can

do it with a cheese pizza of your choice).  I already had 

 most of the ingredients on hand, but he needed to get

 roasted red peppers and black Olives. Once he brought

 it home and before we baked it, 

 I added Ham, onions or scallions, roasted red peppers,

 sliced black olives, and baby spinach.  Popped it in

 the oven for about 20-25 mins. and it was delicious!

(Just followed directions on the pizza box for oven

temp. and time)

I also sprinkled it with granulated garlic and

italian seasoning, and I have also done it without,

both ways are great!    

Some notes that might helps you:

We typically have Ham, onions or scallions and

baby spinanch on hand, but found a way to 

have the roasted red peppers and black olives on

hand as well.

I found that a bottle of roasted red peppers goes a

long way and can make up to 4-5 pizzas, but the

jar once opened only last about a week, so I found

a way to freeze them for future use and it has

worked perfectly.  Put some wax or parchment

paper on a cookie sheet then drain the peppers into

a colander and rinse, then lay them out separately

on the cookie sheet with some space between,

then put them in the freezer and freeze them.

I forget for how long, but just until you know they

look frozen.....once frozen put them in a ziplock

sandwich bag and put them in the freezer, Just

pull them out when needed and they are not a

big jumbled up mess since they were frozen


Now for the Olives....

In the Olive section of your store, they should

have "Lindsay Snack and go Olives,"  they are

in a red box and they have 4 lil containers of

sliced black olives with no juice. So you can just

keep them in the pantry, and you have enough

for 4 pizzas.  

Hope this might help you have a wonderful

pizza without breaking the bank, and of course,

there are many things people put on their pizza

that we don't, but you can see that if you want

to make it at home where there is a will there

is a way.  Also a large frozen pizza is about

$5-6 depending on where you buy them.

Happy Pizza Eating........

Oh and P.S. if you get the Red Baron do get

 the 4 cheese one, as we accidentally, got the cheese trio,

this week, and we did not like it as well.  Who would   

 thinkone less cheese would do that!!  lol

Love, Hugs and 

End of May Blessings,


Sharing with:

April J Harris

Between Naps on the Porch

Grammys Grid

Life as a Leo Wife

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Scripture Sunday

We will never understand all of God's ways,
because His ways are higher than ours, and
He is a Sovereign God.
So knowing that He created the Heavens
and the Earth should help us remember that
"Father really does know Best".
Even when it is hard.....
 He is a trustworthy Father.

Happy Sunday,
Hugs, Nellie

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Thursday, May 25, 2023

Thankful Thursday May 25, 2023, Spring Refresh after Easter

Exalt the LORD our God and worship at his footstool;

 he is holy.

Psalm 99:5 NIV

Hello Sweet Friends,

Happy Thursday to you.  Hope you are having

a good week so far.  Ours has been good and

busy, a good busy I might add.  Had a fun

day with lil darling today and will get to

have her again tomorrow.

Pictures today are of our Spring refresh after

 all the Easter pretties were packed away.

So on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful for a Special program we saw on TBN on

Friday evening.  It was with Dave Ramsey and Mike

Rowe and it was about the "Work Crisis" that we are

seeing here in America.  It was excellent and full of

truth and encouragement. It is well worth watching.

Click here to watch it.


Thankful for our lil furry house guest we have had since

last Monday night. He will be going home on Monday

 He has really been a fun house guest, and think we will

 miss him, but not enough to go get a new dog..........lol


Thankful for a new to me blog, I have been following

called "The Crowned Goat".  I so enjoy it.  Coco is

such a sweet, genuine person with a great heart, and

her blog is beautiful in every way.  You can visit

her here if you would like.  This link will take

you to a story she shared that I just loved.


Thankful for some funny videos from a family called

"The Holderness family".  If you need a good laugh

you will certainly get one.   Just click here.

We have not watched all of them, but the ones we

have seen are clean, so assuming they are all that

way.........but if not,  just letting you know!!  lol


Thankful that I am finally in the process of getting

 my kitchen refresh done.  Right now it is mostly

highlighting the royal blue in there, so needed

 a change, so am using green with a lil bit of blue this

 time.  Also, now, get to use a new rug I got for my

birthday and some towels and a candle I bought and

stuck aside just for this occasion. 

Do you do that?  Know ahead... of something you

want to change, and buy a few things here and there

and stick them aside, until you are ready to do 

your change thing??  and then you have every

thing you need to do it........Love that!!

Note:  It's all done now!!  yeah!

Great book,  by the way!!


Thankful for a great day at church.

We got to see one of our previous Pastors

and his wife this morning.  It is always

great to see them, and we are hoping and

praying one day he might return to be our

 Senior Pastor, when our now, Sr. Pastor



Thankful we got to go out with our friends

for lunch, but afterwards we went to the

Bealls store which was right behind the

Olive Garden where we went to eat. While

in Bealls the power just went out all of a

sudden. Then a couple was coming in as 

we were leaving and we told them the

 power was out, so they said they had just

left Olive Garden and there were like 

fireworks, and we asked if they blew a

 transformer?? and he said think it was

 a lot more than that there were sparks

 flying everywhere and downed power lines.  

So thankful we weren't there when it 

happened as I am sure their power went

off as well, and we could have been mid

 meal or not able to eat at all.  We had only

 left there maybe 15 mins. before..................


Thankful that our Son and lil darling

made it back from South Carolina

safe and sound, and that they and

my Daughter and Son-in-love all

had a great time.


Thankful to hear that one of our Daughter's

 friends came through surgery well, even

tho she has had a very rough go of it.

She had to have a hysterectomy and 

They removed a tumor that Thank the

Lord turned out to be benign. So now she 

has to heal from the surgery which was

 not a horizontal incision but a vertical

 incision which is much worse, but thank

 the Lord she will not be facing cancer

 treatments now.


Thankful for a fun day hanging with

 a longtime friend. Did a lil lunch for her

with a cake to celebrate her

 65th birthday. which was last week.

We made a full day of it, which

is always a great time.



Thankful that our furry Grandson dog had 

another sonagram, and it was great news.

 They were looking to see a growth on the

dogs spleen that the emergency Vet saw some

 months back, that scared my Daughter and

 hubby thinking the dog had this aggressive

 form of cancer, that could take him very

quickly....and they went for a 2nd opinion.

 So today, if it grew it wasn't easy to tell,

 so that is a good sign,  they will retest in 

3 months and see if it is the same, which

 we all expect it will be. He has had a lot

of people praying for him too!!  


Thankful hubby took our van in to get it serviced,

 and most everything is okay, but we do have to

 have some work done soon that is a lil pricy,

 but we can't complain as we have not had many

 large cash out lays, as it has been a good van.

Well,  That's all folks......

for this week at Cozy Place

Thanks for visiting 


Have a great rest of the week!!

Love, Hugs, and 

End of May Blessings, 

Sharing with:

RidgeHaven Homestead

Shabby Art Boutique

Grammys Grid

South House Designs

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Blue Moon Cottage


Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well, and enjoying your 
Spring weather.  Wow, can not believe we are
almost to the end of May already.  How the time
does fly .....I always heard the older you get
the quicker time flys.....I can testify that I am
finding that to be way too true........lol

Wanted to share with you since some of you
are maybe looking for vacation ideas!

Our Daughter and Son-in-Love just recently
acquired a new rental cottage.....this time it
is in the mountains on a Lake called
"Lake Lure", Which is about 45 mins. to
an hour outside of Asheville, NC. and
is just about 15-20 mins. to Chimney 
Rock Park, in case you have ever heard
of that.....we took our kids there when
they were little.

This cottage has been completely re-done,
is absolutely beautiful and so is the Lake
as you can see........and it comes well
equipped with all you need to have a
great time!!  You can read all about it
on the Vacasa sight I will include.

Check out their website on my side bar,
that will also take you to their Beach
Cottage rental in Folly Beach, SC.
and to the one in Lake Lure NC

or just copy and paste

They still have some openings,  but not
too many,  so if you are interested make
sure to check it out soon.

Hope some of you might get to enjoy it!!
We can't wait to go......they have had it
since before Thanksgiving but it has
been under remodel until just recently.

Blessings and Hugs,

Sharing with:

Karins Kottage

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Scripture Sunday

Morning Sweet Friends,

Don't know about You, but I am looking forward to finding out what He has for those who love HIM.......Not that I am in a hurry to leave planet earth by death, but if He comes and raptures my whole family out of here, that would be just perfect!!  lol

Have a Happy Sunday,


Sharing with:

Karins Kottage

RidgeHaven Homestead

Shabby Art Boutique

Grammys Grid

South House Designs

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Thankful Thursday May 18, 2023, Recent Fresh Flower Blessings

For what you have done I will always praise you
 in the presence of your faithful people. And I will hope
 in your name, for your name is good.
Psalm 52:9

                       Greetings Sweet Friends,

                   Hope you all had a really lovely 

               Mother's Day that blessed your heart,

                 and hope the blessings last all week long.

                  My heart was blessed for sure......

It has been awhile since I have found any

fresh flowers I have wanted to purchase and

had really been missing them especially this

time of year.  So that all changed a few

weeks ago when a friend brought me Daisies,

then for Mothers day, hubby got me hot

pink roses, and then my Son another lovely

assorted bouquet.  All were the perfect colors too.

Which was fun to add to my Spring/

Summer decor, and how they were so much

more appreciated than ever!

                 Said all of that to say this,  these are the

                               photos for today!

All from one bouquet -that includes the header picture too.

   So on with my Thankfuls..............


          Thankful  for my own Mom, who was very loving, 

           kind and compassionate and who always love spending

           time with us, whenever she could.  She was a single

            parent so she had to work full time and did a rotating

           shift from 7-3 one week to 3-11, the next 11-7, so

            sometimes even if she was home she was sleeping in

           preparation to go to work, so she was not around

            as much as she would have liked for sure, and we

           always felt bad she had to work so hard to support us.

            I am also Thankful that the Lord saw fit to

 give me someone that was like a 2nd Mom, in our 

next door neighbor, my best childhood friends Mom

 who was a spiritual influence and the reason I am a

 Christian today, I practically lived at their house,

and then,He also gave me an Italian Step-

Mom who was good to me and loved cooking, family

 gatherings and celebrating, So I learned all that

 from her,  Then there was my Paternal Grand

mother who I only saw in the Summer time

but she dearly loved me and would do anything

for me, and I never even remember her ever being

upset with me about anything.  I was her only


Thankful for a fun night out going to TJ Maxx
and Kohl's,  then out to dinner at our new
 LongHorn steak house.

Thankful for a nice long chat on the phone with
my Daughter, always a highlight of my week.

Thankful for sweet lil talks with lil darling.

Note:  Just got a facetime call from her this
morning as she is now at her Aunt Deena's house, 
that was a fun surprise!!

Thankful that I finally got our family room
decorated again for Spring/Summer.  Now
I can move on to changing my kitchen counters
around for a nice change.

Thankful  and so happy for a young couple that
 we have known for a long time.  She was told
years ago, she could never have children and they
 tried some things, and were prayed for and decided
to look into adoption, then a baby came available
 for them to adopt 14 yrs. ago, and then about 3
yrs. after they adopted this lil girl, she was blessed 
to have another child, a lil boy this time. Truly
a an answer to pray and a miracle....
The adoptitve Parents always kept in touch with 
the birth Mother as they knew how hard it was
for her to give her baby up and that she had 2
 other children already.  About a year ago the 
older child from the original Mother called
 and wanted to know if he could meet his sister.
His Sister wasn't ready as she knew this 
was a life altering experience.  Anyway, this
year she decided yes to meeting he and her sister.
The parents went and met them first while she
was away on a trip.  So she got back yesterday
and they were at the house waiting to meet her.
Her Mom and Dad put it all on their
facebook page.......It was amazing and I
have never seen such a Love Fest and people
so full of joy. The post are just amazing,
and definitely a move of God.  All 3 of 
these biological sisters and brothers are so 
full of joy it is amazing, and they are in
love with her younger brother as well, it is
like she now has 4 kids instead of 2.
I wish you could see the videos and pics.
Blesses My Heart and I am sure
the Heart of everyone who see them.

Note:  Got to meet the older Sister
at church yesterday.  She is 17, adorable 
and a Sweetie too.

Thankful for a Wonderful Mother's day.
Even tho I didn't get to have our Daughter
and Son-in-love here in person, she and my hubby
 did everything they could to make it a lovely day 
for me, and I was able to see them on facetime.
 We got to have our Son here in person,
and all to ourselves, which is a very rare thing.
So that was a huge blessing to this Mam's
heart, he and hubby made me a nice dinner,
and we got to visit and played some cards.
A fun and restful day.....
 I will get to see lil darling on Wed. and 
will be seeing our Daughter sometime in Jume
so I still have that to look forward to.....

Thankful for my family and for how they 
did so much to make my day special, and
thankful for the lovely cards and gifts.
I feel like a very loved and blessed woman!!

Thankful that we decided to check into bundling
 our Auto Insurance with our Home owners
 Ins. and Insurance policy.  It is going to be 
a huge savings to us, on our Home owners and
Auto Insurance.
Wow, were we surprised!  It's pretty much
 a NO brainer,  so we did it......

Note: We recommended someone else to check
into bundling as they have the same Insurance
Co. we do, and it turned out really well for her
too.  So if you don't have the same Insurance
Company for everything,  you might just want
to check it out and see if it can help you too.

Thankful we are dog sitting our Nephew's family
 dog this week.  He is such a sweet doggie....
His name is the same as our Grandson Dogs.  
Bentley, he is some sort of poodle mix, and he a reddish
 brown like the other Bentley but he is smaller. 
He is so funny he will actually watch TV and if 
he sees an animal, he will go after the TV barking,
 and if you throw him a toy it will distract him but he
 really shakes that toy around like he is trying to kill it.
He is so funny,  just cracks us up!

Thankful we got to spend about 6 hrs. with lil
darling today before she left on a trip for her
Aunt DeeAnna's.  Always a joy to see her.

Thankful for this lovely picture
my Daughter and Son-in-love sent me for 
Mother's Day.  I am in love with it....
and enjoying it so much!

Well, that's it for Cozy Place Today.

Have a Lovely rest of the week,

Till Next time.......

Love, Hugs, and 
Mid May Blessings,

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Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie