Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thankful Thursday November 23, 2023, and Anniversary and Thanksgiving table flowers

 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise;

 give thanks to him and praise his name.

Psalm 100:4 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a delightful and meaningful

Thanksgiving that left your heart full of joy.

We had a great time with our family this week,

and our hearts are full of joy.........Our kids from

S Carolina had to leave to go to her In-Loves

home tonight about 7pm. so everyone left then,

but we had the whole day together which was

awesome, but of course, we never like to see

them we know we have to

share  It is only right!!

Photos today are of my Anniversary roses

Loved the Fall colors and there were so many

 I took some and made a small arrangement 

for my kitchen as well.  Also, added in our

Pics of Carnations that I used for our

 Thanksgiving table.  

So on with my Thankfuls.............


Thankful for a great day schooling with lil darling.

She had a ton of work and a literature project to 

do today (Friday).....but was so diligent and on task, 

 and got almost all of it done, so will only have about

 30 mins. or less of work on the Monday after

 Thanksgiving. Her literature project came out

really well too.  So proud of her.


Thankful for you Sweet Friends,
 all those that faithfully come by to visit  and those 
that drop by whenever they can.
Just knowing you visit.....
 is an encouragement to keep on blogging.

Thankful I was able to wrap Christmas gifts for our
kids that live in they can take them
home with them when they leave after Thanksgiving.
Since they want be able to be here for Christmas
this year.  Another thing off my do before the kids
arrive list!!  lol

Thankful that it looks like very low chances of rain for 
this next week,  which is good since the kids will be here,
 and since we had nothing but rain all last week.
It was good to see the sun today (Sat) I have to say!!

Thankful that I found beautiful carnations for
our Thanksgiving table that were the perfect 
colors.  Can't wait to arrange them.

Thankful for another great day at church.
It was a beautiful glorious sunshiny drive there 
and got to see both young men who I met last week,
one was very chatty, the other one not, but that's okay. 
 but at least he knows we are a friendly church and
 somone remembered his name. Also another great
 message this morning

Thankful for Taco Bell for lunch.  It was so good
cause we haven't had it since we were at my Daughters
in October.  She has one 5 mins from her house.  We
are getting one close to us hopefully soon,  it is all built
and they are hiring but it has been weeks now.
 so looking forward to it............

Thankful our Daughter, Son-in-love, and furry 
Grandson Dog Bentley are headed our way and
should be in around 4P.M.  - So Excited!!
Note:  They made it in safe and sound.

Thanfkul that we all got to go out shopping
together for a lil while and to Dinner at
Olive Garden to celebrate our Son-in-loves
birthday which isn't until January but we
want be with him then, and they don't have
an olive garden near by which is one of his
fave places.

Thankful that all the food is prepared for
our Thanksgiving brunch and Dinner.  We
had a easy snack dinner tonight with cold 
cuts and rolls and spinach dip, and chips,
and a veggie tray,  and watched a comedian
we all love and watched Elf or most of it,
Had a few things to finish up in the kitchen,
 but saw most of it, course, we have seen it
a number of times already.  But it is one of
our favorite Christmas movies.  It was a fun

Thankful that we have had such nice weather
this last 5 days.  It was cool enough to open
the french doors and sit out on the porch.
A perfect 70 degrees for Thanksgiving!!

Thankful Thankful Thankful for the great
time we had with our family this week, and all
the good food we were able to partake of.....
Our hearts are full to overflowing even tho,
we are really tired, it's been a great time and
a great way to be


Well, That's it for Cozy Place for this week.
Our Thanksgiving edition.  lol

Have a very Blessed Week.

Love, Hugs and End of November

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1 comment:

  1. I have had Ps 100:4 in song all this past week!
    #1. I'm so proud of her too! I really love her school picture I was given!
    #2. I enjoy your blog so much!
    #3. Christmas will be here before we know it!
    #4. Yes, and is it cold today! More like winter!
    #5. They are so beautiful!
    #6. I'm am so grateful for our pastors' messages!
    #7. Let me know where it is!!!
    #8. I so enjoyed my time with them and everyone! Bentley is so cute!
    #9. He is a wonderful member of our family!
    #10. I so appreciate all your preparations! Thank you for the leftovers!
    #11. Thank the LORD for His seasons!!!
    #12. GOD is so Good for all the provisions He provides for us!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie