Thursday, November 9, 2023

Thankful Thursday November 9, 2023, Thanksgiving table from the past


Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members

 of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15

Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope this finds you doing well, and enjoying
the Season more and more.  I would imagine
you are gearing up for Thanksgiving just as I
am these days.  We are so looking forward to
it, and even more so since our whole family
can be together this year!

Pictures today are from a Thanksgiving table from
the past - 2012 to be exact!!  Thought maybe
you might be looking for ideas as well. I am just
starting to think about our table plans.....
If you would care to see the original post just

So on with my Thankfuls

Thankful for a good day schooling with lil darling. 
It was good to be with her since we missed her
last week!  

Thankful for beautiful Fall colored roses from hubby
 for our Anniversary that is coming up. A lovely
 surprise.... since they were early....

Thankful for a fun night out to dinner celebrating with
 ourSon and lil darling for his birthday.

Thankful for our first pot of Chili for the season. 
Always look forward to it as it is so good.........
.made a double batch so I could freeze some for
 another time....

Thankful for a Sweet day with lil darling doing
 her schooling on Monday, but in between times
 making banana pudding together, listening and
 dancing to Christmas music, reading a chapter
 of her book while lying in bed, and  then starting
 of a story she wanted us to write together about the 
"Kingdom of Cookie Dough"
So cute!!
Note: We got lil darling from school today
so we added another chapter to our story.  lol

Thankful for more new Thanksgiving cards
 created this week and put in our shop.

Thankful to be married to my Wonderful Hubby
for 53 yrs. today. Looking forward to a nice 
dinner out tonight at Carrabbas to celebrate.
Note:  It was great......but we were both in a
strange mood for some reason, but the next day
was better............too much news probably!!

Thankful to talk with our Daughter today and 
work out some of the details for Thanksgving week,
and the days they will be with us, vs the days they
will be with her well.

Thankful all our Thanksgiving menus are
done, and some of the grocery shopping is already
done too.  Trying to get a jump on things cause
 it will be here before we know it.

Thankful we got started on cleaning our screened in
 porch today.  We plan to do it in 3 phases. We 
 finished phase 1 today.  At our age we have figured
out it is easier to do things in stages rather than
trying to do it all at once.
Hopefully we can do phase 2 tomorrow.

Thankful for the beauty of the sun streaming
thru our woods early this morning, just looks
so beautiful and alive,  and also the long
shadows this time of year.

Thankful to the Lord for an unspoken
 answer to prayer for me today!!  And
also for a friend who was having a kidney
stone taken care of by Lithotripsy. She
is doing well,  just tired, and everything
went very well.  PTL

Well..........That's it for Cozy Place
this week!!

Glad you could come by for a visit
Hope you have a Terrific Rest of the week,

Love, Hugs and
Early November Blessings,

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  1. #1. Praise the LORD for her!
    #2. Yea! What a beautiful gift!
    #3. Celebration! That's what GOD is all about for His children of salvation!
    #4. Praise the LORD for His provisions of delicious food!
    #5. She is so blessed as so are you!
    #6. A time of enjoyment in making cards!
    #7. Yes, what a praise to our GOD for His Love as well in your marriage!
    #8. Thanksgiving in plans being made!
    #9. Time is really passing fast!
    #10. I know what you mean! I have really slowed down as well, especially in mopping! It now takes me three days to get portions done rather than doing it all at once!!!
    #11. I can't get over it being dark before 6!!!
    #12. Praise our LORD for His promises to our answered prayers!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Your tablescape is really pretty, Nellie! I love that you do things in phases so that it's not so overwhelming and that you guys talk about menus and plans before the holiday weekend too. My parents do the same thing and it helps so much. I'm super excited about your book and the time you're spending with your budding author. I know it means a lot to you both. One of my favorite authors had a teacher tell him in 3rd grade that he was going to be an amazing writer one day and now he's a new york times best selling author. I love it when we speak life, love and dreams into each other like that! Big hugs, CoCo


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a hopeful Sunday and week. Hugs  and Blessings, Nellie