Thursday, November 30, 2023

Thankful Thursday November 30, 2023, and Christmas decor from the past


The Angel said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.”  Revelation 14:7 NIV

   Welcome to Thankful Thursday

 Sweet Friends,

Can't believe this is the last day of November

So.........Good bye November.....

Hello December  Greetings........

Hope you are doing well,  I would imagine

you are deep into Christmas decorating by

now unless you put your decorations up early.

I am in process but not getting anywhere 

 fast, trying to figure out what to do with

 my mantle.  lol  Hubby has been putting

snow on the tree, which is really nice and

I have been printing some new Christmas

cards I between putting up a

 few things here and there.  My creativity

 seems to be more towards Christmas cards 

than decor the last few days. Hoping that


Pictures today are from past Christmas Decor.

2020 to be exact!  Yea, the year our world


So on with my Thankfuls...............


Thankful for a quiet and restful day today, we did nothing

but read, pray, eat leftovers, nap and watch TV to try

and find out about the hostages in Israel, and watch a few

good programs.  After 5 days of a lot of activity this girl

is as much as we miss our loves.....we needed

this day of rest.  Hopefully tomorrow we will be 

rejuvenated again............


Thankful we got a lot done in our shop today (Friday),

 and finished up about a half dozen various cards to add.

 Have more to go, but hoping to finish all that, so we can

 start on doing the Christmas decorations come Monday.


Thankful we got more things done in our shop today (Sat.)

Have a few more things to do, as we are transitioning 

from Thanksgiving Cards to Christmas Cards.


Thankful for all the leftovers we had from Thanksgiving

as it has made dinners easy the last few days as we have

been trying to get our shop work  done and to eat all this

food.  lol  That is one of the benefits of hosting!!  


Thankful for a good day at church and another good

sermon by one of our young Pastors.  


Thankful we got to go out to lunch with our friends to

 Cheddars.  It was really good too.  The last time we

 went there I did not like my food too much, so was

 a lil hesitate to go, but the  food was super good today,

and so was the fellowship.


Thankful for a good Monday with lil darling,

she had just one thing to do school wise today.

So she was a big help to her Grammy taking

down Fall decorations,  they are all down just

still packing them away.  We also got the furniture

rearranged with Grampys help, and did get to

set up our nativity as well.


Thankful that all our Fall decor is neatly

packed and put away until next Fall.


Thankful for our first fire in the fireplace

this year.  So pretty and so nice to have cool

enough weather to burn it.  We are at 42 degrees

tonight,  but we will only have a few days of this

at the most,  if   and it is rarely

this cold in November and even December

most of the time.  lol

So we are loving it...............


Thankful we have all our Christmas stuff in

the house, and some of it unpacked, and the tree

is up..... just nothing on it yet.  Now I am

 contemplating what to do to our mantle.


Thankful for a nice long phone call with our

Daughter today.  Missing each other and

wishing we could be together,  but that is life.

Have to remind myself that one day when

we get to heaven we will have all the time

together we want............


Thankful for the things we did get accomplished

today, and that we ran to the grocery store

and went to our new fav Mexican restaurant.

It was yummy.


That's all for this week at Cozy Place

Always happy you could come by.

Have a fun time decorating or doing 

fun Christmas activities.

Love, Hugs, and 

Merry Christmas Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Ridge Haven Homestead

  Between Naps on the Porch

Karins Kottage

April J Harris

1 comment:

  1. #1. Good for you to take a day for good rest and relaxation!
    #2. Another good deed accomplished!
    #3. There's always transition occurring in our lives! Praise the LORD for His help!!!
    #4. I think leftovers is one of the best blessings of a thankful event!
    #5. Praise the LORD for on-line preaching of their sermons!
    #6. Eating out is so much better than cooking in, ha!
    #7. I know she was a big help to you!
    #8. How fast the year passes anymore!!!
    #9. How nice, warm, and cozy!
    #10. You will have it looking really nice for Christmas!
    #11. What a heavenly time that will be!!!
    #12. I'm always glad when I get my grocery shopping done!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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