Thursday, May 16, 2024

Thankful Thursday May 16, 2024, and My DIY Mother's Day Table

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise;
 give thanks to him and praise his name. 
Psalm 100:4  NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends

and Welcome to Thankful Thursday,

Hope you are still basking in the memories of your

Mother's day this week.  I certainly have been.

Can't believe we are half way through May already

either........where has the year gone??  lol

Pictures today are of my Mother's Day table.........I set it myself because I have been wanting to do a table with these pretty plates.  I got them to hang on the wall and you will never guess where?? 

 In our master bath,  lol,  We have a water closet with a sunken shower in the same room, and it's about the only thing that works in there without getting knocked off the wall and broken.  So finally found something pretty, that has the right colors, and  hydrangeas are one of my fav flowers too. I have been looking since last year, to replace the others plates that are in there for years now, and just never saw anything I liked until  a few weeks ago.  Good things come to those who wait, I always say, and they were a gift, as I got them with money, I had previously gotten for my birthday.  So thanks Susan!! 

On with my Thankfuls......


Thankful I found sour cream in our fridge....

  I was making Chili to make Taco Salads when I thought

Oh, No....I forgot to get sour cream, and I know we are 

out and was thinking great (the scarcastic great!)......cause I

 love to have sour cream on top of my chili, especially since I

 wasn't making Guacamole.  So I was saying Lord,  can there

 please be some sour cream in the fridge, cause I don't want to

 ask hubby to go to the store just for that.  So looked around a

 bit in the fridge and there it  was in all it's shining glory, a

 brand new unopened  container of Sour Cream. 

 Thank You Lord!!


Thankful that I think I headed off some conflict today

by writing an email instead of trying to talk to the person,

as they don't like conflict ad are pretty much afraid of it.

So the Lord woke me up about 4:30 and gave me the

idea to write the email.  The response back was very good.

So Thanks again Lord!


Thankful for a fun day with Lil darling.  We all had

a nice breakfast as always, then we worked on a project

for her Mom for Mother's Day, and made funfetti

cupcakes, which all came out great, and in between times

 she did some things on our computer that she likes to do.



Thankful that the new baby of a sweet couple in our church

 is doing so much better.  He was having some really bad

breathing difficulties, but things are going much better,

not totally out of the woods yet, but is getting there.  So

many people praying for him.....


Thankful we are really enjoying the look of our new

curtains,  still working on the dining room window tho,

don't want to cover it too much so as not to let the light in.

So still pondering what to do..........


Thankful for facebook reels that make me laugh.

A lot of them are of children, and their is a Pastor

that is funny but gets his message across well.


Thankful that lil darling got her project done

for her Mom on Friday.  It really came out so good,

I wanted to take a pic of it and forgot.  It was a 

kit that I purchased from Kerry Anne over at

"Shabby Art Boutique" blog.  She has an Etsy

shop with 3'D cards and they are just the sweetest.

I have another one I will be doing,  so hopefully

I will get a picture of that one when I am done.

You can go to Shabby Art Boutique Etsy Shop

and see all her cute wares!!


Thankful for a really lovely Mother's day.

Got texts from my Daughter and Son-in-Love,

Great day at church, and some frozen yogurt after

wards, then facetimed with my Daughter, then

our Son arrived at 4pm.  We got to have our Son

 all to ourselves this year, which is a rare event, and

 really very nice. We had a nice dinner, opened

my cards and gifts, played some cards and had

dessert.  It was a quiet and beautiful day.


Thankful for my Wonderful family, tho we are 

small in number we are large in love...........

Thankful for all the Sweet and Beautiful cards

and gifts I rec'd from my family. They truly filled

this Mom's love tank. Thankful to my hubby for 

planning the day, and for him wrapping gifts that

our daughter sent, and for preparing food, he and

my Son. For Lovely perfume he gifted me with,

as well . It was a great day!


Thankful  to and for my hubby as he was so sweet

 to help me get our new curtains up (as they are my 

Mother's day present).  They are  looking great, now 

that we added curtain rings to them, and steamed the

 wrinkles out. So we got the dining room window

 completed as well. 

  We are really enjoying the new look.  Just gives

the house a whole new look.


Thankful for our sweet neighbors....they brought us

 some homemade "Minestrone soup" for Mother's day.

Can't wait to have some for lunch today.

Note:  Had some and it was delicious as always,

and very healthy too!!

                                With the candles lit.


Thankful to see our brown bunny back,  we have not

seen him/her in a long long time, probably last summer

or Fall even.  Not sure it is the same one, but it is 

larger than the last time we saw it.  We always 

enjoy seeing them anytime.  They are so cute to watch

cause some times they are in a playful mood, especially

if the squirrels are out too. He will run all over the

 yard, and jump straight up in the air if he get 

spooked  or scared.  So funny!!

Well, That's All Folks,
This is the Mother's Day Edition.....

Thanks for spending some time with us today


Hope you have a lovely rest of the week.

Love, Hugs, and
Mid May Blessings,


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May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past

    For God so love d  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,   that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life....