Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thankful Thursday May 30, 2024, and Interesting doors and facades

LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.

Isaiah 25:1 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good week!  Our's was

going pretty well until Sunday when we heard

our dear friend that I wrote about in #4 had

taken a bad fall and broke her hip.  If you

have been following me for awhile, she is the same

 friend who broke both of her legs some years back.

 She has been in the hospital since last Sunday

 but will be moving to a rehab center soon. We 

are all rejoicing that she does not need surgery, 

even tho she has 2 fractures, her Dr. feels they

will heal on their own. So while we are sorry

 that she has to go to rehab, all of us are so 

happy she did not need surgery. So the outcome

 is so much better than any of us anticipated,

and we feel the Lord has definitely answered

 all the prayers that went up on her behalf.

Pictures today are of Interesting/lovely doors and

facades compliments of Pixabay

On with my Thankfuls.............


Thankful that we finally got our ultra sonic bug repellent thingies.  You just plug them in, and it's been over a week now, and the only thing we have seen is 2 dead spiders, but one was in the garage, so not sure that counts   Course, they aren't supposed to kill them just run them away. So time will tell...... they were recommended for those big Huntsmen Spiders that we have had. So hopefully, Bye Bye, So long, Fair well and we won't see you in September!!  Anyone remember that old song from the past. (See you in September).  lol  Love that song!!


Thankful for a nice clean Master Bed and Bathroom. Hubby and I did a late Spring cleaning in there, which I have wanted to do for awhile, but we just couldn't get to it. It was okay, but nothing like knowing it 's deep cleaned.  So I am doing the Happy Dance!!


Thankful for a great tip I got from Coco over at the Crowned Goat.  She was talking about she and her Mom cleaning out her Mom's closet which was her Mom's first choice of where to start, then she told her to choose what to work on like: Shoes, purses, pants, shirts etc.  So her Mom chose "Purses", so she went thru them and got rid of what she didn't want to keep, and then they organized them.  The next, it could be shoes or whatever you choose.  That was very inciteful for me. 

When I feel overwhelmed I just ask the Lord where to start, and usually something comes to mind, so I start there, and work my way around the room or yard whatever,  but love the idea of breaking it down to specific items, as I have started on my closet and got rid of some clothing and did get rid of shoes and organized those, and just haven't gotten back in there, cause I just didn't know what to do next.  So next, will be purses,  just not sure how to organize them tho, but at least I will be thinking and looking for ideas about that.   suggestions  

Note to self:  Ask Coco what they did??


Thankful that I heard from another long time

friend of 44 yrs. today,  they were on the way

back from her Son's and his family, who live 12 hrs.

away.  Their Granddaughter graduated, and with

 honors, and they were so proud, and had a great time.

Her fall happened the next morning after they

got home.


Thankful that hubby and I designed a business

card for our Free Online Card Shop.  If you are 

wondering if there is a "Catch" to that,  I can

assure you there is is just our unique

way, we feel the Lord showed us... that we can

 help others during these difficult financial times.

  Our cards are printable and electronic and can

 be sent via phone text, email and messenger. 

If you try us and need assistance please contact

 us, as there is a contact us email on the website.


Thankful for my hubby,  Mr. Fix It......

He has been working on our sprinkler system

off and on this passed week, and finally has 

everything fixed and better than before. I am 

sure our grass will be doing the happy dance!!


Thankful for a good day at church, and a great

sermon by one of our younger pastures on a

sensitive subject today, but one that rarely gets

 talked about but is sorely needed. He did

a beautiful job.


Thankful to get to go out to lunch after with

our lunch buddies to Cracker Barrel,  we haven't

 been there in quite awhile and we haven't gotten

 to go out for awhile either.  So it was

very nice.


Thankful we also saw at Cracker Barrel, a wonderful

 lady who was a part of our life for years, and used to

attend our church, but moved away to another church

 when her husband had cancer, so we rarely get to see her,

 but her Daughter still comes to our church, so once in

she comes with her. She is just the loveliest and dearest

 lady, she is now 81 yrs. old, but still just as sweet as

 ever., really just such a delight and a blessing to see her,

 for even a few minutes.


Thankful that our church has a prayer chain,

so we could get people praying for our friend.

Cause when you don't live nearby it's the only

thing you can do, cause you just feel so helpless.

  Course, prayer is always the best thing you can

 do for anybody really!

Note: Very Thankful for the good news

about her and just praising the Lord for

 answered prayer.  Awesome....


Thankful for the many men and women who

have lost their lives defending our freedoms

here in America, as well, as thankful for

their families and friends who had to deal

with that terrible loss.  


Thankful for a nice long phone conversation

with my Son today.  Doesn't happen a lot

but it's always such a blessing when it does.

He's a pretty cool guy!!  Course, I wouldn't

be biased or anything!!  lol


Thankful that I wound up painting our mailbox

pole and some spots on the house that were looking

faded.  Had no plans to do that today, but 

hubby was out there cutting the bush beside it,

so decided since I had located the paint and

it was shady out there, Why not??

Amazing what fresh paint can do, it all looks

so much better...............

Well,  That's it for Cozy Place this week.

Glad you came to visit today and

 hope you have a lovely rest of the week..............

Love, Hugs and

End of May Blessings,


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Ridge Haven Homestead

Shabby Art Boutique

1 comment:

  1. #1. I don't have spiders. I guess the lizards feed on them, ha!
    #2. It's vacuuming time for me as well.
    #3. It's amazing what we collect over the years!!!
    #4. What a nice thing for them to witness!
    #5. What a nice hobby!
    #6. It's wonderful that he is a great fix-it man!
    #7. I watched on-line.
    #8. Great outing!
    #9. It's great to see "old" acquaintances from the past.
    #10. Praise the LORD for her! I have prayed off and on throughout each day! I'm so thankful to our GOD that she didn't have to have surgery!
    #11. Yes! That is part of m prayer time each day!
    #12. He is a great blessing form the LORD!
    #13. Paint always makes things look better! Good job!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: