Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thankful Thursday June 13, 2024, and lovely Spring Desserts

LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all

 the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens.

Psalm 8:1 NIV

Happy Thursday Sweet Friends,

So how has your week been?  Good, I hope.

Ours has been good and restful as we were

sort of worn out from all the activity of the

last few weeks, but feeling so much more

energetic today, thank Heavens!!  lol

Pictures today are of yummy 

Spring/Summer Desserts compliments of Pixabay.

Aren't they all so pretty.

On with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful for the fun time we had with our Daughter when she came.  Always hard to see her go, but we are grateful she could come, and we will be seeing her again soon.


Thankful we did get to do a lil shopping for her birthday which is coming up in August, and we all  went out to dinner together.  So that was nice. Also  got to have lil darling with us some of the time too.


Thankful see got back home safe and sound on Saturday, and hubby and doggie were happy to see her.


Thankful for no cooking but breakfast one

 morning, and hubby did most of that,  so we could

 just enjoy every moments we had..............


Thankful that our church does live streaming, as

 we were really tired, and I wasn't feeling great so we

 decided to watch from home today, plus don't want

to make anyone else sick either.


Thankful for my cozy comfy bed I get to sleep

in every night.  


Thankful for my eyes that open every morning to greet

 the day, and thankful I am able to greet the day!!


Thankful that I did not get attacked by wasps this

 morning.  Was working by our shed for about 45

 mins. trimming and digging and happen to look up and

 not even 3 ft. away from me, under the eaves of shed

 was a wasp nest full of wasps. Yikes!


Thankful for more yard work that was done, 

even tho cut a lil short due to my wasp friends.  lol

Hubby got a lot done as he was working in another

area.  So more steady plodding!!  lol

Couldn't stay out too much longer anyway, the

humidity and heat are showing themselves very

strong today.

Note: Did some more work out their this morning.


Thankful for all the rain we have been getting.  

Our grass and I are doing the happy dance

It looks so nice and green.


Thankful that I have all gifts wrapped and have 

decided on Father's Day dinner, and have now

 been to the grocery store.  Just got set a nice 

table and make most of the food on Saturday.


Thankful for some pretty orange carnations

 I picked up at the Grocery Store.  Can't 

wait to arrange them in a vase.


Thankful to hear my dear friend who broke

her hip may go home tomorrow.  She has

been in rehab, so I am sure she is beyond

excited.  Just hope it happen for her!!

Well...........That's it, for Cozy Place this week.

Have a great rest of the week


Thanks for your visit.

Love, Hugs and Mid June



P.S. Don't forget to check out our card

shop for Father's Day - All cards are free...

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Shabby Art Boutique

Between naps on the porch

A Stroll thru life

1 comment:

  1. #1. Praise GOD for our family! Happy Father's Day to hubby!
    #2. What a blessed time together!
    #3. The LORD is so good in His protection over us!
    #4. Dad was a great cook too!!
    #5. Amen! I don't get around so well anymore, so I watch on line!
    #6. Yes, praise the LORD for His blessings to us!
    #7. Yes indeed! Another great blessing from our GOD to have our sight!
    #8. Another praise to our GOD!
    #9. GOD has so blessed me to have Steve caring for my yardwork!
    #10. Yes! And thanks be to GOD for no high winds or storms!
    #11. Happy Father's Day to Jim!
    #12. They will look nice!!
    #13. I have had her in my prayers! Praise the LORD she is His child of salvation!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie