Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thankful Thursday June 20, 2024, and Our Father's Day Table

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise--the fruit of lips that confess his name.
Hebrews 13:15 NIV

Welcome to Summer


Thankful Thursday

Sweet Friends,

Can you believe it is officially Summer, Course, here in Florida it has felt like Summer for awhile now, and I under-stand some of you are having a heat wave where you live. Hope it passes you by quickly cause I know some states don't have a lot of air conditioning.

So praying for you......

Photos today are from our Father's Day table last Sunday. These napkins were my inspiration, 

I thought they were so cute, but turned out not to be as easy to work with as I had anticipated when I got them. lol The only thing pictured in the napkins that would fit on the table was a lil bike, so finally decided it was depicting the beach too, so have beachy things, so just went with that.  lol  Was happy with the results at least.

So on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful to hear my friend who broke her hip was sprung from rehab on Friday. Know she is a happy camper!!


Thankful that I have the table all set for Father's day. took me a lil bit to figure it out, but was happy with the outcome.


Thankful we had lil darling long enough for her to make her Dad a nice Father's Day card, without very much help from me either.  Did a great job!


Thankful for a fun game I saw on Epoch times, called "Word wipe".  It's really fun! Takes a lil bit to catch on, but one of those where you get better and better as you play it.....

#5 and 6

Thankful we got some caulking done outside on our house today. It needed sealing between the brick and the cedar again. Hopefully we can do touch up painting next Monday or Tuesday.

Thankful that our caulking didn't get messed up as we had a real deluge of rain about 8 hrs. afterwards, but fortunately it was dry enough it didn't mess it up. Shew!!  


Thankful that we can still do a lot of these necessary maintenance things on our house and yard. Most of the time I like to do projects and enjoy accomplishing things, as long as I am feeling good !!


Thankful for a really nice Father's Day for my Hubby and Son.  It was just the 4 of us, but quite enjoyable. Dinner was simple but yummy, accept I figured out a few hours later I burned the bread to crispy critters.  Lol

We never even missed it at dinner. lol


Thankful that hubby was tickled with all his cards and gifts from everyone. It is hard for me to surprise him since he is retired and always with me, but our Daughter and Son help me out too, if needed, and He is very easy to please.


Thankful we were able to get our caulk painted and to do some other touch up painting as well, on Monday. Looks great and is properly sealed again.

Still have the other half of the front of the house to do, but we have a few things that have priority over that right now.  So will get back to it soon.

Thankful for Caramel Frappe's from
MacDonalds, such a delicious coffee 
treat and way less expensive than
starbucks from what I understand.


Thankful for all the natural beauty the Lord puts all around us everyday, and all the trees, plants and grass look especially lush this time of year with all the rain we have been getting.

Well, that's it for us here

at Cozy Place this week.

Have a fun rest of the week,

and glad you could stop by.

Love, Hugs and

Mid June Blessings,


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A Stroll thru LIfe


  1. I live in Florida too. I’m already tired of summer.😂 I enjoy your thankfulness blogs.

  2. Thank you Florida Girl........I know I am not too fond of the heat either, but thankful for the rain that does help keep it a bit cooler. lol Looking forward to late Fall, I have to say. Thank you for coming by and for your sweet comments.
    Have a lovely weekend, blessings, Nellie

  3. #1. Yea, I know she's happy to be home!
    #2. A happy Father's day to hubby and your son!
    #3. I know it will be a wonderful keepsake for him!
    #4. I like watching those kind of games on the Buzzr network!
    #5 & #6. I'm thankful for the little sunshine we do get throughout the day!
    #7. I praise the LORD for those I get to help me!
    #8. It will be like toast, ha!
    #9. I'm so glad we can give these gifts of love to our loved ones!
    #10. The joy of getting it all done will last a long time!
    #11. And, praise the LORD we now have a McDonalds so close to us!
    #12. Yes indeed! I love my crepe myrtles when they are in full bloom!!!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie