Friday, December 2, 2016

Thankful Thursday December 1, 2016, Christmas Tablescape from past.

This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah 
came about : His mother Mary was pledged
 to be married to Joseph, but before they
 came together, she was found to be 
pregnant through the Holy Spirit. 
Matthew 1:18 NIV

Happy Christmas Season
Sweet Friends,

Bet this finds you bustling about and
getting ready for this most wonderful
time of the year. Hope you are 
having fun with it all.......

At least that is what is going on over
 here. Decided I had better start making
 a list to see how much I have
 accomplished thus far, and to see what
 I still need to do.  Having a list always
bring peace to my chaotic mind, as once
it is written down, I don't have to keep
carrying it around in my mind hoping
not to forget something. Plus these
days if it doesn't make it to my list it
just might not get done at
Some of you are natural list makers
which is great but some of you aren't,
So if you are feeling like you are in
a dither.........please be kind to your-
self and make a truly
 helps so much to organize what you
need to do first and what you can
 put off to a lil later...........
Lists are a very good thing,  as 
Martha Stewart would say!!  lol

Since I am just beginning my 
Christmas decorating thought
I would add some pics of a 
Christmas table from the past.
Hope you enjoy it.............

So on with my Thankful list.

I am thankful

that Dee and Jerry made it home safe
and sound and got to visit with Jerry's
brother and fiancee on the way home
as well.

for a sweet story on yahoo news
 about a 7 yr old boy, calling 911 
to invite the policemen over for
 Thanksgiving dinner, they showed
up (but not for dinner) to thank him
and they let him sit in their cruiser.

for another great story I read in
the Presidential Prayer email about
a man who reposses cars.  He got
a call from the bank to go reposse
a car, and found it was an elderly
couple, and they invited him in,
and they told him that they hadn't
been able to pay the payments be-
cause once they paid for their RX
drugs they had no money leftover.
So he took their car, but just knew
he had to try and do something to
help he called to see how
much it would be to pay the car off
and it was $2,000.  So he talked to
friends and between them all they
came up with $3,000.  So he took
their car back and gave them an
extra $1,000 just to help out.

Just love to hear real stories like 
that.....that show the real heart
of Americans.

for all the great leftovers we
had from Thanksgiving,  we got
2 more dinners , and 1 more 
breakfast out of them...........

for just having a few days to do
 nothing after all the festivities were
 over.  Have watched 6 Christmas 
movies, all of them great. They were
 "Noel",  "Miracle on Salvation street," 
 "Paper Angel" and "Coming Home
 for Christmas", "Angels Sing", and
 "Another Christmas Kiss", and
"Christmas Angel".
Just in case you might want to
watch some yourself, 
the first 2 were from Net Flex,
the last 5 from Feeln.  It is less
than $5 to join Feeln for a mo.
and they have 100 Christmas
movies.....that is pretty much
all we watch in December.

and happy to have all the Fall
decorations down and packed
away till next year.

for a good trip to hubby's heart
Doctor. He has a tendency to be
 a bit on the negative side, so we
usually remember to pray for him
 before we go.....and he is always
 more positive if we do....seriously!
This time there was a warmth about
 him we have never seen before, and 
it was really great to see.  As he is
typically very serious! 
 He genuinely seemed very happy
 to see us, and he even asked if he 
got a hug, we were shocked but
 pleasantly surprised, and all
hubbies blood work was mostly
all good, one thing went up a lil,
so gotta work on that, and he 
still has to get an echocardiogram
in a few weeks, but we are expect-
ing good results on that too.

for a fun night out Christmas
shopping after the Drs. visit,
and dinner at Carrabbas. 
Made for a nice date night.
For some reason we always 
 love going into Bath and Body
 Shop, Yankee Candle and 
Burlington coat factory at
Christmas time.

that Scott and lil darling are
feeling much better.  

for Christmas music and Christmas 
movies, and Christmas programs
 at church, that all make the season
 fun and cheery and remind us of
the real reason for the season!

that all my Christmas things are down
 and I am getting then unpacked and
 have a few things done...........
way more to go tho.  lol

for a beautiful cool day outside,
and some quiet time to think
and reflect sitting out on the
lovely and peaceful!!

Well, this is our week at Cozy

Glad you could run by........


Keep your light shining!!

Love, Hugs,  and

Christmas Decorating Blessings,


Sharing with:

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

The Dedicated House with Kathyrn

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Saavy Southern Style with Kim

Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends


  1. #1. The LORD answers our prayers!
    #2. I wonder if his parents knew, if not what a surprise indeed, ha!
    #3. The LORD commands us to "love one another, for this is the will of GOD!"
    #4. Thant's another "worth it all!"
    #5. I love to watch the old movies like "Miracle on 23rd street," etc.
    #6. You have been a busy lady!
    #7. Praise the LORD from Whom all blessings flow!
    #8. Thank you so much for helping me with the shopping! I get tired out pretty quickly when I'm on my feet for a while!
    #9. Yea! I am now feeling better too.
    #10. Jesus does make it a joyful time of the year. If only it could be like this for everyone everywhere all year long!
    #11. Busy, busy, but all worth it for more joy to be bestowed upon those who visit!
    #12. It was beautiful. I found quickly I didn't need my jacket!
    I love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and for all your warm comments. Yea, I wondered about that lil boys
    parents too, but it didn't mention anything about
    Your welcome about the shopping, just about finished, then I will get everything over to
    you for wrapping.

    Have a good Sunday,
    Love, Nellie

  3. Yea, I like to wrap presents! If you need any help with your own, I can help too! I love you all so much, Susan

  4. Dearest Nellie. Sorry I haven't visited for a bit. Things have been busy here! Your story of the little boy calling 911 just warmed my heart. How adorable, and how appropriate. The guy who repossesses cars There really are still good people in the world. I'm hoping your Festive season is off to a flying start. We don't do Thanksgiving here, but I always think of it as a beautiful way to commence the celebrations leading up to Christmas, so I hope yours was wonderful. So good to hear that hubby is doing well too, and I hope you are both blessed with continuing good health in 2017. We are off on a cruise of South East Asia over Christmas and New year, so the blog will be a little quiet. But I'll wave to you from Hong Kong! Lots of love, Mimi xxx

  5. Hi Nellie! I'm so glad you mentioned the name of that channel Feeln. I knew you had talked about it before but couldn't remember the name. Glad to hear all is well with your husband. I say the same prayer when I go to Joann's. The people working there are always in a horrible mood. I try to be overly polite and nice. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't! But it's a great exercise in patience for me! LOL!
    Have a blessed holiday season!

  6. Hi Mimi,
    So good to hear from you hon, was beginning to wonder if you were okay and was thinking about
    emailing glad things are just busy. Think it is busy for everyone this time of
    year for sure......

    Yea, I love those type of good news stories.....we really need to hear more of them this day
    and age! As they do restore your faith in humanity........
    You are so right "Thanksgiving" is a great way to start off our Christmas celebrations. Our
    was very nice, thank you!! Thanks for your sweet well wishes for us, and thanks for coming
    by and letting me know how you are, and for your sweet comments as always.
    Hope you all enjoy your cruise and that it will be a lovely family time, and now I will know where you are in your absence! lol and do be sure to wave at me from Hong Kong.
    Sounds like a really fun and relaxing time.....and hope it is all of that and more for you.
    Love and Blessings, and Merry Christmas early

  7. Hi Caroline,
    it is always good to hear from you hon. Glad it was a help to you that I mentioned the
    Feeln chanel, they really have such good movies, and the are sort of lke the Hallmark movies.
    Very heartwarming..........
    Thanks for your well wishes for my hubby, it is always great to go and get good news from
    his Doctor and the blood work.
    Wow, that is something about your Joann's store. Sometimes it can start with the managers in the store......if they have a bad attitude it is like a trickle down affect. Being overly kind and polite is a good way to handle it, cause sometimes I think it might make people think....and wonder why you are that way. Sometimes if a cashier is acting rudely....I will say in a compassionate way, are you having a bad day?? and quite a few times I have had someone
    say I just found out my dad has cancer or my child is sick or something bad is going on,
    and will say how sorry I am to hear that and then I will ask what the dad or whoevers name is, and say I will pray for them and they have always said Thank You! But it interestingly
    pulls them out of it for a few mins. anyway. Guess it is like a quote that says "something about being kind to everyone you meet because everybody is fighting their own battle. Think
    that is pretty true especially in this day and age. I try to remember that but am not always

    Thanks for coming by and hope you have a wonderful Christmas Season too hon.
    Love and Blessings,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie