Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Thankful Thursday Dec. 29, 2016, Christmas decor 2016

When the angels had left them and gone
 into heaven, the shepherds said to one
 another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see
 this thing that has happened, which the
Lord has told us about.” So they hurried 
off and found Mary and Joseph, and 
the baby, who was lying in the manger.
 When they had seen him, they spread

 the word concerning what had been 
told them about this child, 
Luke 2:15-17 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have been having a good

week, and still basking in the glow
of our dear Savior's birthday.

It is hard to believe that in just a few
short days we will be entering the
New Year....I always love that it is
like you get a new fresh start again
every year.........
A great time for organizing and de-
cluttering, and making some new
priorities and winter is my favorite
time for cooking as I love one pot
meals like stews, soups and chili's,
and it helps keep the house warm
when it is cold outside, course, so far
 that hasn't been happening much here
 in Florida, but am hopeful that Jan
and Feb. will bring us some much
cooler weather at times...anyway!!
Lately, the weather has been so nice
that we have been hanging out on
the porch a lot so that has been nice.
Think our seasons are confused right
now, cause it seems like we are in the
 Fall season right now.....we are 
seeing lots of leaves falling off our
 trees and the weather is warm but 
not hot, and it is sometimes breezy
 during the day, and the morning and
 evenings are cool and perfect weather
 many days.  Love it...............

Just threw on a few more Christmas
pics from this year. Guess I best hush,
 and get on with Thankful Thursday...

I am thankful

for a lovely Christmas Service at 
church and for a really lovely Christmas
 with the family that was here, Scott, 
Megan, Brooklyn and my SIL Susan,
 and hubby of course.............lol

that Dee and Jerry had a really nice day
as well, as I know she always misses
being here especially during the 

that everything we had for dinner
was delicious and came out just
the way it was suppose to.....
We decided on Ham for a change, 
 so made Sweet Potato casserole, 
green bean casserole and Waldorf 
Salad, Rolls and Sweet Tea.
and we found this fabulous
" Red Velvet Cheese cake" at
 Sam's for dessert. Think it was
 made by cheese cake factory. 
 It was really delicious.

for all the lovely cards and gifts
 we received.

for hearing from a neice on facebook, 
that I haven't heard from in awhile.....
and had tried to contact....so that was
 a huge blessing to me.............

Also for seeing 2 precious ladies that 
don't go to our church anymore, but 
were there with family on Christmas 
morning.....it was a gift just to see
 them both even for a few mins.

for having hubby home since Dec.
22nd.... for years now, he has taken
 some of his vacation at Christmas
time, so he could be off when the
kids were off from school, and 
love that it continues on, even tho
the children are grown and out on
 their own.  We really enjoy this
time so much every year .

for some of the yard work we have
gotten done this week.  Didn't expect
 to be doing that, since he is was on
 vacation, but guess since he feels
 so rested he voluntered.  So that was
 nice, and it really needs doing, cause
typically now, it gets dark so early,
 that we can only do stuff on a
Saturday.......and he knows how
to make his wife a.............
happy girl too!  lol

that we had so much fun with lil
darling on Wed., it is really so nice 
when grampy isn't working and can
 play too. Hiding seek is so much
more fun that way.........lol
They also played with kinetic 

and looking forward to the first
of the year and to begin reading
my new Chronological Bible and
 new devotional book by
 Sara Young called "Jesus Always"
They were a Christmas gift from
 hubby (at my request). I never 
knew they had such a thing as a
 chronological Bible until our Pastor
 mentioned it in a sermon some 
months back.  It is also set up as a
 read through the Bible schedule
 and only takes 15 mins. a day.

for this cute lil plant stand that you
 see above that my daughter and her
 hubby gave me for Christmas.  It was
on my Christmas wish list as well, and
it is perfect for our foyer, and it is the
 first thing I can say I have ever had 
there that I was really tickled about,
 and the white looks so nice with the 
living room. This foyer has been one 
of my decorating nemesis for years.... 
It is very hard to work with as it is
 very small and the first wall you
see (which is the impression wall)
is this narrow wall, with this big
 light switch that is in the way of 
hanging most pictures or mirrors
and hard to hide on top of that!! 
and because the steps go down
right there too, and it is partly tile
and partly carpeting it is very hard
 to find anything that will fit on that
 wall that is not too long or wide.....
Found a white Bombey chest that
was white and I was in love with,
but too wide.............anyway, I am
quite tickled and thankful for the
new look.

that hubby and I are enjoying reading
Chip and Joanna Gaines new book 
"The Magnolia Story".  We are about
half way thru the book and it is an
easy and fun read.  We have been
reading a chapter a day,  so it is like
a treat we look forward to..........lol


Glad you could stop by today,
and hope you have a really safe,
 fun and Happy New Years!


Keep Your Light Shining

Love, Hugs, and
Happy New Year Blessings,

Sharing with:

The Charm of Home with Sherry

Celebrate and Decorate with Chloe

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

The Dedicated House with Kathyrn


  1. #1. I didn't make it to the evening service this year. I surely enjoyed our fellowship for Christmas and thankful to our Almighty GOD in the birth of Jesus Christ to be our Savior!
    #2. I was so happy to see Jerry and DeeAnna. I pray all is well with Jerry's aunt.
    #3. It was all so delicious! Thank you for the leftovers! I'm finishing it up today!
    #4. Yes and yes again, ha! Thank you again for your help!
    #5. A blessing indeed! The LORD be with her.
    #6. It's always so rewarding to see fellow Christian friends we haven't seen in a while. I will be seeing Sylvia in January.
    #7. What a great blessing for you both!
    #8. Praise the LORD's blessing on you both!
    #9. Your joy continues on into Sweetie Pie!
    #10. I have been wanting to get one for several years now and haven't as yet! It really assists in some of the repetition that occurs in several of the books. I have been reading in a book I got in college called Gospel Parallels that lists the scriptures that cover the same information of events.
    #11. It indeed is perfect for the space and I can hardly wait to see what you do with it throughout the year!
    #12. What a neat way to share with one another!
    I love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Jerry's aunt is in rehab now and seems to be coming along really well, from what I last
    heard....so keeps those prayers going and I will keep you posted.
    You are welcome for the food and the help. lol
    Thanks for coming by and Happy New Year!!
    Love, Nellie

  3. I just saw that chronological bible reading on anther site tonight. Can't say as have ever heard of it before. Happy 2017! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  4. Hi Sherry,
    That's funny cause I saw something on that too, and it was a chronological reading schedule I think. yea, I had never heard of it before either, but when I did I thought it might just
    help to understand the word of God more.........so sounded exciting to me. Maybe it is a new
    thing that is catching on...........

    Thanks for coming by,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie