Thursday, December 22, 2016

Thankful Thursday - December 22, 2016, Christmas 2016 #2

 she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. 
She wrapped him in cloths and placed 
him in a manger, because there was no
 guest room available for them.  And 
there were shepherds living out in the 
fields nearby, keeping watch over their
 flocks at night. An angel of the Lord
 appeared to them, and the glory of
 the Lord shone around them, and they
 were terrified. But the angel said to them, 
“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news
 that will cause great joy for all the people. 
Today in the town of David a Savior has
 been born to you; 
he is the Messiah, the Lord.
Luke 2:7-11

Greetings Sweet Friends.

Wow, we are down to just 3 days now.
Boy, did this time go quickly.

I am thinking about my brother today. 
 Today would have been his birthday
 and he would be 69 yrs. old, but he 
has spent his last 16yrs. with Jesus,
 as he got his promotion to heaven
after a battle with Lou Gehrigs 
disease. Happy Birthday Jerry!!

Hubby started vacation today too,
so that is nice and we can just sort
of enjoy things now, until time to
start preparing food........will be 
nice to rest a bit........

Thought I would show you some
 more Christmas decor today.

This carving of Jesus came from
Israel....,my SIL Susan brought it 
to us when she went there
 on a tour.

This is a lovely poem called 
"The Gift"
that a dear friend wrote
many years ago. Took a pic hoping
 you would be able to read it,  
but it didn't come out.  It is about
the real meaning of Christmas

Well, on to the real reason for the post.

I am thankful

that my daughter and son-in-love
got here safely on last Friday and
 then safely home on Sunday.

for the great time we all had 
together celebrating as a family
 on Friday evening.

that her hubby got to come, as they
had a family crisis with his Aunt
while they were here, so they were
able to go up to the hospital and
help out some.

that his aunt seems to be doing
better and things are more hope-
ful than they were first told.

that we had a good time going
to lil darlings Winter dance show 
on Sat. and that Dee and Jerry did 
get to come for half of it and got to
 see Brooklyn......we thought they 
would probably miss it all, but
they came then went back to the
hospital again.............
Brooklyn did a great job, and
she was so cute waving to 
Mommy every chance she got.

Here we are with lil darling nice that
her Mom took some pics
of us with her............

that we made it to our young
married class Christmas party
before anyone left,  as we had
a gift from our class to give our 
partners that we have been work-
ing with for almost 3 years now.
We also got to have some fun
with everyone for awhile 
before the party was over.

for our partners in that ministry
and will miss them very much,
as they were great to work with
but God has other plans for 
them, and they will do 
great job.

for our new partners in that same
ministry, they are in their 20's and 
are doing a phenomenal job, and
we appreciate them so much too.
God has really blessed us with 
both of these couples.

I have had this nativity set for almost
40 yrs. I got it when I was a displayer
for Home Interiors and gifts yrs. ago.

This wood carving was made 
and came from Germany.
Mr. Cozy Place brought it back
to me after a work related trip.

that I have Christmas dinner
and the table all planned out,
and my beef stew made for 
Christmas eve..............

that I have finished my
 wrapping, cards, ecards and 
grocery buying which wasn't too 
much as I have been picking up
 things early (and once again
 hubby did that for me) . So that
was all finished on Wed.
Only thing left is the cooking
and table setting, and surprises
 that typcially pop up out of 
nowhere!!  lol

for the bright, beautiful, and
cool day we have outside right gorgeous!
but it is suppose to go to 76

that my daughter passed her South
 Carolina real estate exam and got
 her results back today, we weren't
expecting that..............


Happy you could stop in for a visit
and hope you enjoyed it.

Hope you have a truly wonderful
Christmas with your family and/
or Friends.

Love, Hugs and
Merry Christmas Blessings,



  1. #1. It was a joy to see them!
    #2. The LORD has so blessed our time together while here on earth. Family, one of His great joys to us!
    #3. I've been praying for his aunt to be healed.
    #4. Praise GOD for answering prayer! I shall continued to boldly go before Him for her healing completely!
    #5. Yes, it was wonderful and she did a great job!!! I love the lipstick on her!
    #6. Thank the LORD! I'm so happy to know everyone was still there and you were able to have a great time with them!
    #7. The LORD has someone else in mind too for you to train and teach to do the same thing they did for you!
    #8. Yea, see the LORD has already supplied, lol!
    #9. I don't know how you do it, Nellie! But your joy shows through it all!!!
    #10. Life's surprises! I'm so glad the LORD has great ones for us!
    #11. The winter's bright days' skies are so clear and clean!
    #12. Yea, another blessing of the LORD on our family!!! Thank You, LORD!
    I love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by hon and thanks for all the encouraging comments. Yes, the Lord has
    been very good to us this year. He is a good good Father all the time.
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Such a great reminder of who is in charge down here.  Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Nellie