Friday, December 16, 2016

Thankful Thursday December 15th, 2016, Christmas decorations 2016

So Joseph also went up from the town of
Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem
 the town of David, because he belonged to 
the house and line of David. He went there 
to register with Mary, who was pledged to
 be married to him and was expecting a
 child. While they were there, the time 
came for the baby to be born
Luke 2:4-6

Christmas Time Greetings
Sweet Friends,

Trust you are all doing well,  and about
 ready for the big day..........

We just have a lil more wrapping and then 
the planning of our Christmas table and
 dinner, so want concern myself with any
 of that until we get passed this weekend.
We are DeeAnna and Jerry
are on their way here and should be in
around 3 or so. So happy we can at least
 see them around Christmas since they 
want be here on the day!! It's the next 
best thing.......

Thought I would share some pics from
this years Christmas decorations, and
get on with it since I am late..... 

I am thankful

to have all my decorating done
 and just enjoying it now,  so we 
can move on to wrapping gifts. 
Note: Half way there now.

that Dee and Jerry are coming in
this Friday and we are gonna have
an early family Christmas dinner
 with them since they can't be here
 on Christmas day.

for a good report from my dentist
after my semi annual cleaning.
Always good news to hear.

for a fun time out shopping on
Monday afternoon and evening
and din din with hubby at Red
Lobster.  Very enjoyable.

that 2 people actually said
 "Merry Christmas" to us first! 
That has not happened to us in
years unless it was at church.

 One was a store clerk the other 
our server at Red Lobster.  I say
 Merry Christmas to people all 
the time, during the season of 
course, lol and store clerks usually
 act like they don't know what to
 say, as they seem afraid to say it,
and some will say Merry Christmas
 very quietly or just say......
 Happy Holidays.

What a breathe of fresh air that
is!! I told hubby I feel like people 
are starting to wake up to how
 ridiculous all this political correct-
ness really is.........
Then hubby saw on the news this
morning that when Pres. elect 
Trump was at one of his rally's,  
He said "Merry Christmas every-
body, Merry Christmas, wer're
gonna start saying that again"
That was thrilling to hear I have
to say..........because no one that
celebrates Christmas should be
afraid of losing their job or have
any repercussions because of 
that.  It doesn't offend me if
someone is celebrating some-
thing different than me.....does
it you???

we are getting another cool front,
for a few days anyway,  they don't
last long here, but so nice when
we do get them..........and hoping
for a cold front for Christmas.
Will see, we usually start off in
long sleeves and pants because the
 morning is cool,  then by 11 it is
 like where is my shorts or at least
a short sleeve

for the Presidential Prayer team
prayer emails I get daily,  as they
 sort of keep us abreast of all the 
things going on in the govern-
ment with a more positive look,
so we know things we need to
be praying for...........

that I have figured out what I want
 to do for our pre Christmas table for
 Friday night.  So will be working
 on that more today (Thursday)
Note: It is all done and ready.

that hubby did a last minute grocery
shopping trip for me, so one more
thing off the list.  Bless his sweet

that hubby got a really good report 
from the dentist too, he went 
today (Thursday)

that the last of my online shopping
 gifts arrived. So happy about that!

that the house is all  freshly clean
 and ready for our family company.
Don't you just love a clean house.

Got this free printable from
someones blog and forgot to
write the name of it down.
If it was your blog, I am so
sorry.......please let me know
as I firmly believe in giving
credit where credit is due.

Well, here's to another week at Cozy

Happy you could come for a visit,

and hope you enjoyed yourself.

Have a Wonderful Weekend with
those you hold dear.

Love, Hugs and 

Christmas time Blessings,


Sharing With:

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

McCall Manor with Holly and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

LIfe with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

The Dedicated House with Kathyrn

A Stoll thru Life with Marty

 Saavy Southern Style with Kim


  1. #1. I am thankful for the joy of your decorations at Christmas time! You do such a great job of Christmas cheer in your decorating! Glory be to our GOD in the highest!
    #2. I am so thankful to be apart of your beautiful family!!!
    #3. Yes! Another blessing to you from our LORD!
    #4. Praise GOD for your joy with and to one another! And the LORD is right there in your mist!
    #5. AMEN! I have noticed this year as well, there are more people saying "Merry Christmas!" What a blessing for Trump to make this stand for Christ Jesus! Every day I pray for the LORD's leading and protection over Trump/Pence, their administration, the Supreme Court judges, Congress and His Church for the LORD to use us all to bring millions back to Christ's salvation as well as the support again for Benjamin Natanyahu and the people of Israel!
    #6. I am so excited for the cool days. It surely has saved on my electric bill!
    #7. Thank you so much, Nellie, for forwarding those to me! I need to get on their e-mail list.
    #8. Yea! I can hardly wait to see it!
    #9. He is so great to do those things for you. He loves you with all his heart! I went grocery shopping after I got my hair done. I forgot to get the applesauce! So, I'll have to stop by on the way to get it!
    #10. Fantastic! When I got my last cleaning, Adrienne said all was good too! Praise the LORD!
    #11. I know you are relieved for that! So, none will be late for Christmas! I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me too!
    #12. I do too, but I have found I can't procrastinate any in the least (which I tend to do since it;s just me and my pets!) The main thing is the vacuuming. I'm thinking of getting me one of the "Rumba" automatic vacuums. Just set it and it goes on its own and then returns to its base to recharge. I really need to vacuum daily! See you later.
    I love you all, Susan

  2. Merry Christmas, Nellie!
    Sounds like you're right on schedule for a most enjoyable celebration.

  3. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and for all your kind comments, they were appreciated.
    Have a good Sunday.

    Love, Nellie

  4. Hi Rebecca,
    Yes, Lord willing, and that I get NO big surprises!! lol

    Blessings for a Lovely Christmas,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a hopeful Sunday and week. Hugs  and Blessings, Nellie