Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Warm Fuzzy Tuesday #5

Hello Sweet Friends,

Did you have a good weekend??
Hope it was good.........

Mine was good, fairly busy, but a good busy!~
Scott and Megan came over for dinner Friday
night,  then Sat. was Dee's friends wedding
shower.  Megan and I went together and it
was a very nice, lots of good food,  and it
was decorated really cute, and I was so mad
at myself......never thought about taking
my camera.  Anyway, Dee was happy that it
 turned out well, as she was not feeling too well, 
 cause she had caught a cold during the week.
Sunday was our usual day for the most part,
accept no smoothie,  we are boycotting, lol
cause the price went up too much, we feel 
they are already high enough. 

Have been preparing all day for my SIL, Susan's
 birthday celebration tonight, as she and the
 rest of the family will be coming over for soon.  
Looking forward to it, as we haven't all gotten
 together as a whole family since the first 
part of Jan. for Jerry's birthday.

Dee and Jerry got some very good news 
yesterday and are so excited, and we are
excited for them. I will tell you about it
 on Thursday.

Well,  on with my Warm Fuzzy for Today!

It is doing something to make someone feel
special,  and knowing you have accomplished
your goal!  Am hoping I can accomplish that
Warm Fuzzy this evening  with my SIL.
and that it will especially give her a 
Warm Fuzzy................and make her
feel very loved!!

Well,  there you have it folks!!

So tell us about your
 Warm Fuzzy
for today!!

Thanks so much for stoppin' by,

Have a really great evening,

Love, Hugs,
and Warm Fuzzy Blessings,

Happy Birthday Susan!!

Had this all ready to post for 6:30, when my 
SIL got here, cause I  didn't want her to see
 it beforehand,  and I totally forgot to
 post it until now!  
I actually came to check for comments
and then realized I never posted it....lol

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - February 23, 2012

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
since as members of one body you were
called to peace, and be thankful.
Colossians 3:15

Hello Sweet Peas,

Hope this finds you well and happy
 as we are getting to the end of the week.

Finally I am well.....no back problems, no headaches,
so that makes me a happy girl!  So guess that would
definitely be my number one Thankful!!

I am thankful
for a new book we are reading,  and so far, it is really 
good.  It is Tim Tebow's book, "Through my eyes".
  In case you don't know who he is he is a Christian
 NFL quarterback with the Denver Broncos, and he
 is one neat kid,  guess I  should say young man.  It is 
really neat hearing about his life growing up.
We highly recommend it!

I am thankful
that I got both of my florals done for the porch,
and that I really like how they came out, yet
they were so easy.  Now I can start putting my
porch  back together for spring.  I want the porch
 to at least look like spring (since we still have our
 winter look inside the house) when our company 
comes, so they can enjoy it, since they are from
 Ohio and are here to beat the cold weather.

I am thankful
for a really neat spiritual incite that the Lord gave
 me this week.  He never ceases to amaze me.

I am thankful
for my hubby and what a great guy he is,
  and how sweet he can be............
I wouldn't trade him for anything.

I am thankful
that a lady that goes to our church has been able to 
make it to church the last 2 Sundays,  we have really been
 praying for her, as she is fighting panic attacks and all kinds
 of stuff, but she is determined!!
God Bless Her Sweet Heart.....

I am thankful
for an idea that came to me............
making chicken tacos with rotisserie chicken.
 So easy, and so delicious!
All you need is some Taco Bell hard taco shells,
 cut up or shredded Rotisserie chicken, shredded
 cheese, chopped lettuce and tomatoes, lite sour
 cream, and Wholly guacamole, and salsa, if you like.
  At least that is what we put on ours, and they were
 delicious. You can put whatever your lil heart desires,
and I would advise making double what you think you
 will eat on all the veggies, cause you  just might want to
 have them again for lunch the next day!!  lol

I am thankful
for all the spring cleaning I accomplished in the last
few days.  Love that feeling of everything being so
nice and clean.  Not finished yet,  but love that I
am getting a lil more done daily.

I am thankful
that hubby was able to hook up our laptop to our
TV,  so I can once again get the worship network.
If you have never heard it, first read what is below
the "click here" first ........then  Click here!
Once you go to to the sight go all the way to the top
 of the screen on the right hand side where it says
 "Watch Live" and click there.

I used to watch it on TV all the time,  but now they
only have it on during the middle of the night for some
 strange reason.  They have the most gorgeous scenery
set to music,  and every so often they put verses on
the screen,  it really is such a lovely and peaceful
program to watch.

I am thankful
for public servants like the mail carriers, trash and 
recycle collectors, as they make life much easier
for me......can't imagine having to run all the way
to the post office every day to get my mail or 
having to take my trash and stuff all the way to
the dump every few days.

I am thankful
for God's word and that it truly is a lamp unto
my feet because it is so true and trustworthy.

I am thankful
that a friend that I gave the "Jesus Calling" book
 to, is really being blessed by it.  Always
 a blessing influencing someone's life.

Thought I would just wet your appetite
 for Spring with my pictures...............
I can hear the birds out there singing 
like crazy as I am typing this.... I think
 they already think it is spring cause of
 our warm weather here in Florida.

Thanks for your visit,  always great 
to hear from you!

Love, Hugs, and
 Bright Floral Blessings to you,

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Warm Fuzzy Tuesday #4 and my gerbera daisy project

Afternoon Sweet Friends,

So what has your day be like today?
Hope it is sunny and bright..............

Mine has been okay,  and it is sunny and bright every 
so often until the clouds come in,  but headachy.......
and unproductive physically, but very productive
spiritually,  so guess that is the best thing anyway.
Have a really bad sinus headache,  but thank the Lord
 for Alleve Sinus,  it is not all gone,  but at least bareable.

Told you I would show you my project from yesterday,
 These pictures you see are just that,  but they
have nothing to do with my warm Fuzzy today!!

I got to experience my warm fuzzy last week 
when we had 2 days of freezing temps again!!

My warm fuzzy is..........................

I love hanging out in my flannel P.J.'s all day
when it is reallllly cold, and drinking a nice cup
or two or three or four of flavored coffee or
tea or hot chocolate. Hope we get a few more
days of cold weather before spring hits, and now
you know why????  lol

 Our Florida winter has been very mild this year,
course, not complaining....Just saying, cause it isn't
real conducive to flannel P.J.'s, is all!  lol

So now............tell us.................

what is your
 Warm Fuzzy for today????

Posterized affect

Thanks for coming over,
enjoyed your friendly visit.
Hope you have a Terrific

Colored pencil affect

See ya next time,

Gerbera Daisy Blessings,

Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Monday!!

Happy Monday Sweet Peas..........

How was your weekend???  
Pleasant and fun, I hope!

Ours was fun, pleasant and productive!  
Friday evening we went out to get a Wedding shower 
gift for one of Dee's best friends, Heather,  the wedding
 shower is next weekend,  and Dee and Heather's Mom are
 hosting it over at Dee's apartment complex in their club
 house.  The name of their Apt. complex is "Notting Hill".
When I first found that out,  I teased her and said, now
you can tell everyone that I am getting married and
moving to "Notting Hill".....now doesn't that sound
fancy smancy!!  lol

While we were out I ran into Michaels and they had
 most of their flowers 40% off,  so got some (as you
 can see from my header picture) to make some new
arrangements for our porch.  It has been mostly
hot pink for many years,  but this year the color
are gonna be blues, gold, yellow and white.

Then came home and watched an old movie called

 "Shop around the corner",  with Jimmy Stuart.  This is
the moving that was the inspiration for "you've
got mail",  it was really good,  and we recognized
a lot of the verbage was the same.  Good movie,
but not as good as "you've got mail"......lol

Got some more yard work accomplished on Saturday,

  course, we aren't done yet,  but then are you ever done
 with anything???  lol

Played some cards, and watched some Discovery 
Animal videos (Dee and Jerry gave hubby for Christmas
 - he loves things like that),  we watched the one on the Arctic.
How interesting and beautiful,  and so amazing when you
 realize how well orchestrated our world is, once again.  God
 is just so amazing with his creativity and knowlege. Beautiful
 scenery and beautiful creatures as well.  They had these
 wonderful white whales, I had never seen any before.  
The whole series is really wonderful.

Sunday was our normal routine,  accept we didn't
get a smoothie after church,  we got whoppers for
 a change. lol

Today I have just been finishing up the guest room
as far as getting things out of there that don't need
to be there,  so am finished with that,  so washing
the bed linens,  then started working on one of my
arrangements for the porch.

No, this is not it. Well, it sort of is,  I am cutting the pink
 flowers off and sticking in new yellow gerbera daisies.
  As you can see the pink ones are pretty faded.
Did you notice their is one yellow one amongst the 
2 pink that are left!  lol
See all my tools there........whatever they had the
originals stuck in there with was not about to
come out,  so I had to pound some holes to stick
 the new daisies in..............
and if you look real closely you can see my
unmade bed in the background!!  lol

Actually,  I did finish it,  but forgot to take a pic
before I uploaded these,  so will show you the
finished product tomorrow.

Today was a day for flowers I guess,  then I 
noticed that my Valentines flowers are starting
to go..............
thought it was interesting how this flower
fell out all on it's own............no enhancements
all I did was take a picture!!

Thought that was sort neat,  course, guess I am
easily entertained!!  lol

Then did you notice my new blog face!
I am happy to see a new color!

Well, hope you have.........
one grand evening!!

Thanks for your visit,
See ya again soon................

Love, Hugs and 
Awaiting Spring Blessings,

Thursday, February 16, 2012

welcome to Thankful Thursday - February 16, 2012

Hello Sweet Friends,

So how are ya???  Seems like ages
 since we have visited.  

Haven't been blogging this week, as I threw my back
 out again, and sitting at the computer just seems to
 make it worse.

I am thankful
that my back is better and I am getting around more
normally, so  just about there I think...............
Nothing like being down with anything physical to
make you so appreciate when you are normal and
have the freedom to do whatever!!  


I am thankful
again for that lil devotional book I have told you
about before "Jesus Calling",  even tho we read
it last year,  I decided to go thru it again and 
journal as I go thru it.  It is amazing some of the
areas that we can trust the Lord in that you just
never think about,  and she really makes you
think about it.  which is great!!

and it kept me occupied during my non 
blogging days.....................

Not much exciting happened around here this
week since I was a slow moving vehicle, but
Valentine's Day was definitely the
 highlight of my week.

I am thankful
for another Wonderful Valentine's evening with my
 hubby, this was our 42nd Valentines day together.
  I usually make us a nice dinner, because the restaurants
 are crazy around here, not just from Valentine's day, but 
usually there is something going at Daytona Speedway,
 which also greatly affects the Orlando area as well,  since
 many people stay in hotels over here and of course, eat in
all the restaurants,  so we are not into the long wait/crowded
 restaurant thing, so we enjoy staying home and eating out
 another evening. This year since I decided to do a lunch for
 my SIL, we got take out from Olive Garden.  At the last
 minute I decided the weather was so nice we should sit 
on the porch, so I set a pretty table out there with lots of 
red candles,  and ate by candlelight, and had sparkling
 cider (we had leftover from the wedding reception)  then
 we watched "You've Got Mail" our fav Valentine's day
 movie, and had a strawberry cheesecake type dessert
 hubby found at Sams. 
 So it all made for a great evening.!!


I am thankful
for a very niceValentines Lunch and afternoon with 
my sweet Sister in Law Susan too,  we had a lot of fun 
eating, chatting and catching up.  

I am thankful
for a longtime friend that just moved back to our
area.  It has been years since I have seen her,  we
 lost touch somehow, guess when she moved away,
 but it is like we are picking up where we left off.

I am thankful
my Dee is coming over this afternoon to do my hair 
and visit,  I so look forward to it, as always, and of 
course, she is bringing my lil grandaughter dog,
 Rosie.  lol  She was here and we had a wonderful
 time catching up, but the time went like a snap! 
My hair looks good again, and  She and Jerry 
are doing so well, and are so happy.

Actually her visit was the other highlight of the

I am thankful
for a new food I have always wanted to try
but it was always so expensive I didn't want
to buy it, not knowing if I would like it or not,
but happened to find some on sale at Target
so grabbed it,  it is "Almond Butter",  and it
is delicious,  and it goes perfect with some
gluten free crackers we buy called"Multi-
grain crackers" and they are made by
a Co. called Crunchmaster, just in case
you want to try it out.

I am thankful
for another movie we watched last weekend
Called "Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont,  it was
a very good movie,  very heartwarming and
touching about a Grandmother and a young
man who met and became friends.
Lovely really.................

I am thankful
for the lovely cards and flowers I received  from my hubby
 and SIL for Valentine' Day.  They know how much I
love live flowers.  They are Chrysanthemums and

I am thankful
to see how Rick Santorum has come up in the
polls,  amazing!  He does seem to be a man
who walks the talk,  which is very refreshing.

I am thankful
that it has been a restful week, albeit,  sometimes
a bit boring too!  lol   Guess my energizer bunny
week, last week, did me in.......................

I am thankful
for Christian books that teach us so much, 
and also bring much encouragement and help
to so many.   such a blessing!

Well, that's my list for this week,

Hope you all had a lovely Valentine's 
Day and week.....................

Thanks for dropping in, Love to 
hear from you!!

Blessings Galore,

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie