Thursday, December 27, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - December 27, 2012

 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared
 with the angel, praising God and saying,  "Glory to God in the 
highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests." 
Luke 2:13-14 

Greetings Sweet Peas,

Have sure missed you guys!  and hope
 this finds you all recovered and refreshed
 from all the flurry of Christmas activity.

I am feeling great today since I did zip, zero, nada
 yesterday!!  So much  fun not to have to do anything but 
what you want to every once in awhile.  We slept in, had
nice brunch leftovers, so no cooking, only reheating,
and did some reading and wii playing and watched 
Christmas movie, and had whoppers for dinner!!  lol
So All play and no work makes me a fun and happy
and I pretty much did the same thing today accept
I did blog a bit and read some blogs.  So that was
fun................and different since I have not been able
to for some time now.  Fun catching up!!

Well, guess I had better get on with 
Thankful Thursday.

I am  first of all thankful
for whose birthday it really was....for without Him in
my life I would be soooo lost.  I am greatly thankful
for the greatest gift of all times,
the Lord Jesus!!

(Some christmas scenes from my house)

I am thankful
for another really great Christmas Season.  We keep
 thinking they can't get any better but they always do......
I think that is because with Jesus the best is always
yet to come......................

I am so thankful
that we were able to see all of our local family on
Christmas day,  even if for a short time with some
of them.  Got to spend most of the day with Scott
and Megan and have dinner on Christmas eve,
  which was a delightful time and then they did get
 to drop by for short while Christmas day, on their
 way in between houses, which was great.  Dee and
 Jerry were able to be here Christmas morning to 
open gifts like we normally do,and for brunch and 
was able to stay until 3 p.m., and we all had a fun
 time as well, and Susan my SIL was able to be here
 the whole day, other than a few hours that we all
 decided to take a nap,  and then we finished off  the
 day with a Lasagna dinner and watching Polar Express
We made a day of it, so it was a warm,  sweet and
 wonderful day.

I am thankful
that  at a certain point during the season I was
starting to feel a lil panicked because I was so
behind on everything,  and a question came to
me that I think was generated by the Lord, and
the question was.............
Have you ever not been ready for Christmas???
and I had to say  No Lord,  I have to say I have
never not been ready for Christmas,  and then
I was able to just relax in it all.

I am thankful
for the blessing of hubby being able to be off
at Christmas time, he will be home for 13 days,  
21/2 will be working days, but the rest is just time
 off.  That has been a special blessing to our family
 for years now, and we so enjoy it,  and it is such a 
great refresher for my hubby too.  A vacation
 without having to pack or go anywhere.................
unless we want to......

I am thankful
for heating in our homes,  as it is chilly here this
morning,  and it feels so good!!  and if you live
up north I know you are thankful for it even more.

I am thankful
for all the lovely cards and gifts that I received
for christmas from family and friends.  Such
a blessing......................

I am thankful
that Megan continues to do well with her
pregnancy,  course, there are still those normal 
issues of being pregnant  to contend with, some
worse than others, bless her heart.  she looks
amazing tho,  and so cute,  was just wishing
I had taken a pic of her on Christmas so I could
 show you.  She is at the 8th month mark now.....
 expect the next few months will fly by, at least
I hope so for her sake.

I am thankful
for some new books, magazines, wii games
and a kenny G Cd,  we got for Christmas.  
They should give us hours of entertainment.

I am thankful
that my Sil Susan's house is almost back
together again since the flood she had back
on November 5th,  it has been a bit of a trial
for her to say the least,  so know she will be
more than happy to see it come to an end.

update:  just got off the phone with her and
they are completely finished, and she is a
happy camper..............

I am thankful
that a blog friend came by today that I haven't
heard from in ages,  and could not remember
her blog name to save my
now we can keep in touch again on a regular
basis,  so happy about that Sue!!

posterized affect

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry offered to come over this coming
 Sat. to give hubby a hand putting up a new fan they
got us to match our new light fixture in the dining
 room, can hardly wait to see it up.  

Well, that is my list for this week,  I really could
add more,  but  know it is long enough now.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend

a Very Happy and Joyous New Year!

Love, Hugs and

New Years Blessings to you and yours,


  1. You have so much to be thankful for this Christmas season! We are so lucky to have those blessings in our lives. That's just terrible about your sister-in-law's flooded out house! I am so glad things are back to normal for her now. That must have been incredibly stressful, especially during the holidays when you have enough stress without something like that haunting your every move!!!

  2. A wonderful "Thankful List", Nellie, especially the soon to be grandchild, you and your dh are in for the most wonderful experience..... I am so glad Megan is doing so well!
    I can certainly relate to Susan for not having our nests in order. So glad it is finished, and that.. I really can relate to! ~smile~
    It really sounds like a wonderful Christmas you had, I too have been having some time off, just doing nothing, enjoying the season. I told myself next week,Jan.1, my feet will hit the floor running. lol
    Thanks for sharing your TT list, I enjoyed and related to it.
    Enjoy your day.

  3. Of all your blogs, I like this one the best. This is truly a season to be thankful.

    Just checking back for any new items you may have posted.
    I left a note of invitation in the comment section on one of your past posts’ and invited you to follow my blog. Just in case it was accidently overlooked, just want you to know the invitation is still very much valid…and of course, I am already following your blog.
    P.S. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas.

  4. Nellie

    What a wonderful list of thankfuls.
    I was right down to the wire with Christmas too. With my Vertigo still bothering me and our new little dog along with going to the kids for Christmas I am glad to be back and on schedule. Except our new little Einstein. He is sweet but not house trained so we are dealing with that. I will blog more about him later.
    I am so excited for your granddaughter to arrive.

    Blessings & Love

  5. Lovely post. We all have so much to be thankful for, I have yet to take down our decorations, probably New years Day. Happy New year.


  6. So sweet of you to drop a comment for me dear.thank you.your decor is so elegant and beautiful.God is Great.Happy New Year to you and your Family.Have a wonderful year ahead.:):):)

  7. Christmas was a little chaotic in Florida for us this year. Both my parents had the flu! :( But I'm so thankful I was able to stay healthy. Traveling while sick is the worst! Happy New Year! I hope it is filled with goodness for you and your family. I'm so looking forward to whatever great things God has in store for 2013.

  8. #!. The LORD is so good! I'm so thankful His WORD tells us He chose us before the foundation of the world was created! (Eph. 1:4)
    #2. I have found as I grow closer to the LORD in trusting Him, life gets better no matter what!
    #3. The LORD surely blessed our day with Him and family!
    #4. This is such an important lesson you have mentioned. I need to stop and think this more than I do with all circumstances life brings!
    #5. Praise our LORD for Him blessing you and Jim with this time together!
    #6. You are cold? I'm so glad you can enjoy it, ha!
    #7. Amen! I save mine and have them in a card file for the different ocassions!
    #8. I know you and Jim can hardly wait. I know I can hardly wait!
    #9. My book for you should be coming soon. It was back ordered.
    I got one for me too. I'll just have to catch up on the daily readings when I do get it!
    #10. I surely am!! Justin said they didn't put the eyeround in the utility room because it wasn't in there before for the insurance to cover. He said he would put it in if I wanted him to. (for $)
    #11. Wonderful!
    #12. He is surely a blessed son-in-law!
    HAPPY NEW YEAR! Love, Susan.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...