Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year - 2013

Happy New Year
Sweet Friends...

As Christmas starts to
fade into the New Year.....
Let us all remember to take
the Spirit of Christmas into
the New Year with us.

May we have His Love, Joy 
and Peace to carry us thru
yet another year,
May this be our Most
Blessed and Grateful
Year Ever!

Love, Hugs and
New Years Blessings,


  1. Hope you had a nice New Year's Nellie! Loved your photos from the previous post!

  2. Wishing you much of His love, joy, and peace, too, Nellie.
    Happy New year.

  3. Happy New Year, Nellie and Jim and kids and Susan!

    How that for covering all the bases? It sounds like you have had a bit of a trial with your back over the holidays but managed to keep a cheerful perspective, Nellie! That is so you and something I do adore about you. Get better soon!

    I went back to mid-December while reading through your posts. I like doing that as it kind of catches me up.

    All your tables looked so festive. Good job on that as always.

    Megan and Scott will presenting you with a little sweetheart soon and everything will be more merry and brighter from then on. There is nothing like being grandparents.

    I am glad you got to take it easy over Christmas a bit. I tried doing that too. Just not living out of a suitcase was wonderful. We hadn't been home in several years for Christmas. It was great even though we missed the family. There are so many fun things to do out here at Christmas time and we tried to do as much as we could. However still things got left undone for another year perhaps.

    I always want to go to the sing along Messiah and we never have. Our friends seems to always have their annual party on that same night each year.

    And I have always wanted to have a neighborhood open house with cookies and cider or hot chocolate on a weekend afternoon but that never seems to happen either. C'est la vie as they say in France. If intentions counted more that would be nice.

    But all in all we had a great holiday season. I don't know if you got a chance to see my Christmas blog posts (8) for this year but it has a little update on all the kiddies and grand kiddies and us too. It is always a huge undertaking but I am always happy when it is done and saved. I did a post on there about Mary and Joseph that I decided would be a good addition to it and there is some fun music & videos too. You can see it by clicking at the top of my blog on the Christmas card photo. Also this past weekend I gave a talk in church on goals that is now on the blog entitled The Best is Yet to Come. I also did a day book and the one you saw today on believing. The reason I am mentioning them is to let you know that I have been posting a lot more lately. Kind of finally getting my mojo back on blogging.

    One reason is I am not needing help from my friend and mentor on genealogy so much anymore so I do not write to him nearly as often which frees up a lot of my time now. Yay! I miss him but not all my assignments. Whew!

    Well I better scat for now. It was fun catching up on your news and feeling of your spirit through your words and photos. Love you, sweet friend.

    Have you dabbled in Pinterest at all yet? I have a feeling you would really love that. Becky Stewart does some wonderful boards on there. I love her style. Take care of you! Love, Bon

    P.S. I am still heartbroken over the election and have crawled back into my ignorance is bliss state now..just cannot think about Obama being in charge. I am happier when I just don't know what he is doing or not doing. The fiscal cliff thing was such a debacle. Seriously I guess we are now supposed to say he saved the day? Haha. OK, I stuck my head out just a little! LOL!! B

  4. Happy New Year to you. Love the light shining on the tray. Such a cozy sight this time of year with dark days.

  5. A great season to carry with us every day throughout the year! Thank you for the joy you have brought to me during this time!
    Love to you all, Susan

  6. Happy New Year to you and your family Nellie!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie