Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Monday Makeover - Winter Coffee Table

Happy Tuesday 
Sweet Friends,

Seems like ages since I have posted..........
course, it really isn't, just 4 days!!  lol

So how in the world are ya??  Hope 
you had a lovely weekend and Monday.

Our weekend was lovely and a bit busier than usual,
Friday night we went to a Sunday School Social, and
Sat. since it seemed like Spring outside we did some
yard work,  and cleaned up the porch, and aired out
the house, it was so nice to be outside and to be
 accomplishing something and having fun at the same 
time and to have the windows open. The house was so 
fresh and clean smelling when we came in..............
We also watched 
"The Chronicles of Narnia", for the 2nd time,  it is
 really such a great movie.

Sunday morning was our norm but Sunday night we 
had a Brass Band Concert.  They come every year in
 Jan. and they are phenomenal,  you may have heard
of them especially if you live in the Missouri area,
"Tim Zimmerman, and the King's Brass",  
they are mostly students from the Grace Brethren
 college I think it is,  anyway, it was so enjoyable.

Monday hubby was off,  and has caught a cold, so
 we didn't do much,  however, I did make this new 
soup I found in a magazine,  it is called
"Lemon chicken soup with spinach" which I will
share with you soon.  We really liked it,  and it
was perfect for hubbies cold.  Please pray I don't
catch it, as Megan's baby shower is this Saturday,
and of course, I want to be there.

Guess I had better get on with Make Over Monday,
since I am a lil late already............lol
Thought I would show you my Winter Coffee Table.  
My header picture was one of  my new inspiration 
pieces this year............and it's place of honor was
 of course, the coffee table.  lol

Dark Reds and Blues, and Browns, with a lil white
 thrown in to brighten it up,  are my typical Winter 
Colors every year!

Had just finished off a box of Gevalia Coffee,  and
thought hey, I should do something with that cute
 box.  lol  (and by the way, that light roast coffee is
So thought, hmm, what could I do with it, and
decided on some dark red roses , so stuck them
in there and seemed like it needed a lil some-
thing else, so  found a pretty white hanky  and stuck
 it in the box where the pretty embroderiery showed
 and then simple stuck the roses in..................
Can't get much easier than that!!  lol

Decided to use my blue tea tray with a gingham
napkin accent..... and I am really enjoying
my new white artichoke.

Here's an overview.

Cup and saucer from my old dishes with a candle

Cream pitcher and coasters which we use all the time.

Here is the view from the backside, a lil blurry, sorry!

and came across this alabaster heart,  a gift from a
friend some years back,  and thought it was the perfect
finish.......actually I made a sign to go there,  but liked
it better on the mantle,  which I will probably show
you next week.

Hope you have a Terrific Tuesday,  and that you 
are having Terrific weather to go along with it.

Am gonna link up to Jessica over at 
a Humble Creation, for make over Monday
You can gets lots of great ideas from these ladies.
So just click here to visit.

Am also linking up to Marty over at a stroll
thru life,  if yall want to check out all the
great table tops,  just click here!

Look forward to hearing from ya,

Hugs and Rosey Blessings,


  1. Those white artichokes are really popular (and usually very expensive) right now. I love yours...you can do many things with that! It looks great on your table. Very clever to use the coffee box, I just love to see every day items used in unique ways. I hope you have a wonderful day. It was 66 here on Saturday and we were in single digits this morning with a windchill below zero. Awful!!

  2. Hi, Nellie! I'm so happy you visited my blog!
    Your vignette looks so pretty on your coffee table. All the elements work so well together!


  3. Love the white artichokes! Everything looks very pretty as usual! I was finally able to get to a root canal specialist and he started the procedure yesterday afternoon. Hubby was so good and came home from work early to drive me. I have to go back in 2 weeks for the second procedure, but I'm happy to say that I have hardly any pain today. So eternally grateful for that! Sounds like you had a nice dinner with that new recipe. Enjoy your day.

  4. Hi Nellie,

    Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! Sorry to hear hubby is sick and hope you stay well. We recently read part of the Narnia series with my 5 year old, so maybe he's ready for that movie, too...haven't seen it yet.
    Thanks for linking up this sweet vignetee at A Humble Creation. I love the simple hospitality of it! The tea canister made a great vase and I'm drooling over your artichoke. They are so fun and I have been wanting one to play with. Glad you joined us!

  5. Ooops, I mean coffee canister. Apparently I've gotten so spoiled with my lazy girl's K cups, I forgot what a can of coffee looks like!

  6. It's always interesting to see what you come up with, Nellie! Sounds like you've had a variety of fun experiences over the past four days.

    I've heard about that soup - or something similar. It sounds delicious and just great for your husband's cold :)

  7. Hi Nellie! What a lovely blog you have here! I like all of the elements you used on your winter coffee table! Feels warm and cozy!!! Thanks for visiting me! I'll pop back by soon! Nicole

  8. I really like your artichoke!

    I haven't watched any movies due to reading Jonathan Cahn's "The Harbinger." I can't put it down. It shows how Isaiah 9:10 correlates perfectly with the 9/11 event and those afterward. The problem with this is Isaiah 9:10 deals with GOD's warning of judgment on Israel if they don't turn back to Him! This passage correlates 0/11 right down to the very words politicians spoke at the dedication of monuments, trees, and people!

    Wasn't Sunday a busy day! I didn't get home until 1:00, then turned around and went back at 3:45 to hear the Church choirs sing and then The King's Brass! When I got home afterward, I was "bushed!"

    I hope Jim feels better. I thought I was coming down with a cold, but it was allergies.

    Thank you for letting them know I was going to Megan's baby shower! I just took it as them knowing I was coming!

    Love to you all, Susan


  9. thats a mighty cozy looking setting Nellie. I'd love to have a cup of tea with you and then sit and talk talk talk.

    love the white ceramic artichoke~!

    thanks so much for visiting me. its always good to see your smiling face and read your sweet words. They lift me up and make me happy.


  10. That is such a pretty vignette, Nellie! It's so cozy and homey and perfect for a winter tablescape. Thank you for your visit. xo

  11. Sweet vignette Nellie! I love your artichoke and clever use of the Gevalia container! I used to get their coffee shipped to the house but it started arriving quicker than we were using it, so I stopped the auto ship. We shop at Costco and they now have Gevalia coffee so I've been purchasing it there. Hope you haven't caught your hubby's cold and that he is feeling better!

  12. Your vignette is so pretty, Nellie! I adore those china artichokes -- they are showing up everywhere, except at my house....hmmm? I think it's great that you used the Gevalia Coffee box -- doing the unexpected is always great!

    Praying that you don't get sick!



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie