Thursday, January 24, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - January 24, 2013

Scenes from Winter of 2011

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, 
continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him,
 strengthened in the faith as you were taught, 
and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6-7

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a very good 

Mine has been good, fairly uneventful, 
which is fine with me.  Just enjoying the cooler
weather,  putzing around, and reading a lot.

So on with Thankful Thursday........

I am thankful
for this wonderful true story I saw this morning,
it is so precious it made me cry get your hanky.
  Just had to share it,  would have put a link but since 
it was on yahoo news figured it would be gone quick,
since it is Good
Well, worth the read believe me!
God bless these wonderful kids.............

Tennessee Homecoming King Nominees Give Crown to Another Teen


  1. What a great list of things to be thankful for. I always enjoy reading your list because it's a reminder that we need to be thankful for EVERYTHING! Not just the big things,but the little things that the Lord does for us as well. Enjoy your day Nellie!

  2. Glad to hear you have so many blessings and such a heart of gratitude for them! Thank you for sharing the story of those young men. It is nice to see in the news a story of such character, love, and grace among the young people.

  3. Nellie

    Thank you for sharing the story of the young man. Yes I needed some tissues. I can only imagine how he felt. and God bless the other young that gave it up for someone else. He parents must have been so proud and I know God was smiling. What a great example.
    Sounds like you have had a good week.
    We finally got some rain so the fog lifted and it warmed into the 40's.
    Thank you for sharing your blessings and inspiring me to acknowledge all of mine.

    Blessings & Love

  4. OH Nellie, what a beautiful Thankful Thursday Post. The homecoming King story is priceless, what a joy to read of young people who are thinking of other"s happiness besides their own. We hear so often of how selfish our young people are becoming, and this story gives us so much hope. This truly seems like a very good school! I first became acquainted with Williams Syndrome many years ago, our former pastor had a grandson who had this, he was such a sweetheart !
    I am so glad you are doing much better, and it looks like you are going to have a very fun filled spring and summer, my friend you are in for the enjoyment of one of God's greatest gifts, and that is grandchildren!

    I too am so thankful that the bottle didn't explode in my hands, with all of the tiny slivers of glass, i don't know what the outcome would have been. as i get pretty close to things when i am handling them!.
    I am so thankful for God's protecting hand.

    I have debated for some time about the electric toothbrush and for the exact same reason you did, however I will now reconsider. Thanks for the info.
    Will I better close, as it seems I have written a post here. lol. As always you encourage me with your thankful heart an optimistic attitude, I think the reason is because you are so thankful!

  5. #1. I did get to read it! The look on his face tells it all!!
    #2. I am so happy for you. I stood over my sink cleaning and cutting up fresh vegetable when my bad knee just wouldn't let me stand any more. It's been throbbing like a hammer hitting it every few seconds! Heat helps it!
    #3. I need to do the same! I already have 2 t.v. stands that I need to replace with a bookcase so I can have quick access to the things I need.
    #4. It's always such a blessing when we can be encouraged about our loved ones and friends' improvements!
    #5. Isn't it amazing how GOD's Living WORD can speak to us in different ways even when it's the same verse!!!
    #6. I have to rely on the soups for I'm not suppose to have the nice warm hot chocolate, teas, or coffees (even though I do every now and then have some decaffenated coffee!)
    #7. I praise the LORD for all of the babies that are healthy. I in ernest pray for all of those who are not.
    #8. I can hardly wait to see her baby's room!
    #9. Oh my! What a miracle that it didn't break any of the glass doors or other dishes!
    #10. I know I surely enjoy your blog so much! Thank you for getting me started, Nellie, as well as your visits!
    #11. Aren't they great! When I use mine, it almost puts me to sleep from the comfort feeling of my gums being massaged! I would have no objection of using it all day, however, caring a sputum around would be a pain, lol! (sorry ladies, I don't mean to be rude!)
    #12. Is the shower at Megan's?
    Love to you all, Susan

  6. The story of the homecoming king is so heartwarming, I love it! Just wanted to say thank you for your sweet note about the pup, you put a big smile on my face.

  7. Another wonderful "thankful" list Nellie! Such a beautiful story, just beautiful...thanks for sharing that. Me too, love warm stews and soups in the winter. Glad you are feeling better and hope you continue. Hope the shower was wonderful...can't wait to hear more about it.
    Blessings Sweetie!!!

  8. What wonderful blessing, dear Nellie! It's so nice that you write them down and know what to be thankful for. That is a wonderful practice. Thanks for inspiring!

  9. What a wonderful story. I think maybe I caught the end of it on the news, but I didn't know the entire story. It restores my feelings that there are still some great young people out there!

    I didn't know something could just explode like that...she is very lucky!

    I'm nursing a sick husband (who is never sick) so I'm grateful that he went to the doctor this morning (which he never does either) and hope that the medicine gets him well soon. It will be better for both of us! (It is flu-according to the dr.)


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie