Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Table Top Tuesday - Guest Bathroom refresh, from Christmas to a bit of a french look

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

So...........How are you doing???  
Hope you had a nice weekend and have 
gotten all your Christmas things neatly
and nicely put away for the year!

We finally started on ours on Saturday and I finished the
rest yesterday,  now just have to get the tubs and boxes
from the bedroom to the garage, and it will be a done deal
till next year!!  So my house is bare and empty and looks
so pitiful,  but did get this one lil room done,  so figured
I would show you the before and after since I never got
to show you the before's....before Christmas!  lol

My header pic is a sign I made for our bathroom door
it matches what's inside.................

 This is the wallpaper,  this is on 3 walls

This is on just one wall.  Notice the writing on the wall paper.
 It was my inspiration.  I decided I wanted to do something 
that was a lil more subdued since I am liking all the white
 out in the blogosphere,  but it just seemed to need an added 
touch of something,  and then it hit me how about some sort
 of tag on things, I have seen numbers and the names of 
whatever......so thought I will put tags of whatever...........
but then I thought I would put the whatever it is tags
in the language that is one the wallpaper,  so I went to the
 online translator,  and found that some words were spanish,
 romanian and french,  and decided to just go with the french, 
sans the door sign.....which says in french "Bathroom"

Bet you guessed that already!!  lol

This is the Christmas before shot 
Showing the left side of the vanity.

 This is after..........you can't see it very well,.
but there is a tag hanging on the topiary too!  lol

Decided to throw in a few old souveneir eifel towers I had
 from 40+ years ago when we lived in Germany and traveled
 to Paris.
Decided to change her out for an Arc de triumphe instead,
just did that this morning, so no picture.

Another after......................lol
Decided to retweak it again,  change out the pots, this one
 makes the topiary sit a lil higher, so liked it better.
 and add more statues.
and put the soap on the opposite side from where it was

This is a before.... of the wall over potty.
I love these lil snowmen they were a gift from a friend
years ago, who moved away and is now a blog friend 
as well,  thanks Jessica (from over at Jewel's for the
journey),  as you can see I am still putting them to
good use................lol

After.....just trying to take out a lot of the lavender
 and just high light the green.



See my lil tags,  just straight pinned it on.............Can you
 guess what that means???  
Made the signs and labels on printmaster, got the words
 from the online translator, then cut them out with
scalloped scrapbooking scissors............

Shelf before............

Shelf after....

Reflection shots of the most of the wall.

The right hand side of the vanity.
Before............notice the jars in the corner!

oh yea, this is my new lil  Christmas wall flower
from Dee,  she and I got each other a Christmas
decoration and gave it early so we could enjoy
it for the season!  Boy, do these babies put off
such an lovely aroma.
We got them at the Bath and Body Shop!


This is my everyday wallflower,
perfect match with the wallpaper
don't you think!!

Made signs for all of these jars as well.
Wish I had remembered to light the candle too!!  
oh well............lol

I just stuck the labels on with double sided scotch tape.

Added my other eifel tower here afterwards

I was considering getting a new shower curtain,
but couldn't find anything I liked so decided to 
leave just a touch of lavender.

 Another after......
Tweaked this area,  swapped the
spray splashes and the soap.  Think it
looks better this weay.

I have these lovely lil white poinsettias that are from
Martha Stewart, so I hang them on the mirror 
and on the shower curtain most years.

Here is the before with beads and the poinsettias,
didn't show up as much as I had hoped, cause it really
looks so festive, I was tempted to leave it!!
Decided to enlarge the pic so maybe you can see it

Here is the after...........decided to just give an entirely
 different look by leaving it open. Love the border.....
it goes all the way around the whole room.

Well..............that's it ..............finally!!  lol
Know it was long,  but I always enjoy before and 
afters myself,  so thought you might too.

Am linking up to Marty for Table Top Tuesday
Just Click Here to visit her.

Thanks for coming by, looking forward to
 hearing from you!

Hugs and Great redecorating ideas to you.

Blessings, Nellie


  1. thats a lovely powder room Nellie. love all the plaques..


  2. Absolutely lovely, Nellie, the colors are so soft and feminine. I just took our tree down yesterday and am still in the process of unpacking boxes, which mean I am a long way from getting things back together.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Nellie,
    I adore how you've taken out most of the lavendar and highlighted with the lighter sage green!!!Elegant difference, dear one!!!
    Your handmade tags make this oh~la~la...so~o~o Frenchy! Thank you for sharing how those simple touches make a huge impact in our decor style!!!
    Excellent post!!!

  4. Hi Nellie,
    What a lovely transformation. Thank you for sharing it with all of us. I really like your labels you made - it's the little touches that make a project. I also have a link party for "table related" projects and spaces on Mondays if you ever feel like joining at ahumblecreation.com

  5. Lovely bathroom and all of your accessories are wonderful. So pretty. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie