Thursday, January 3, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - January 3, 2013

Do not remember where I got this, but think it was from another
blogging buddy...........if it was you let me know, cause I like to
give credit where credit is due

Because your love is better than life, 
my lips will glorify you!
Psalm 63:3

Greetings Sweet Folks,

How have you been??  Have you had 
a good week?? I hope so..........
Have you taken your Christmas
decorations down yet??

My week has been good so far, and I have not taken my 
decorations down yet!!  lol   Actually thought I would 
start yesterday,  but for some reason I just wasn't ready 
yet.............think we have had such a good and restful
 time I am just trying to make it last a bit longer.....
 I guess!  lol     Have been looking for some ideas
tho, for when I do take them down and redecorate.

Will give you a glimpse into my week,  thru my thankfuls.

I am thankful
again for being able to have hubby home all this time,
but for a different reason this week.  I really think it has
been a tremendous help in the healing of this tendinitis.
Because there are certain things I do that really irritate
it,  like bending over to get things out of the dryer for
instance.  So hubby has done all those type of things
the last 2 weeks,  and when he has been home the
rest of the time before even,  but the days he wasn't
 home, sometimes as careful as I tried to be I have had
 to do some things and I think that would inflame
it all over again....................

I am thankful
to be able to sit down for an extended period of
time once again, even tho it is with a pillow still.
It is much much better and I can tell it is healing,
just ever so slowly.  Hubby is going back to work
today so if you think of me,  pray that I will be very
careful in what I is so hard to remember
not to do certain things once you are feeling better
and not in pain,  but takes nothing to set you back.

raspberry tart - with posterized affect

I am thankful
for this time of rest we have had,  we have pretty
much done no exercise, other than the normal
walking around the house, but have done a lot
of reading and movie watching,  and that has
been fun.  I am so hoping that when we start
exercising again maybe it will causes a boost
in our metabolism and some weight loss,  
as I have put on about 6 pds. during this time.

I am so thankful
that I had lost 3 pds. prior to this tho or my
weight would be much higher.

I am thankful
that I have been able to take less and less
ibuprophen.  I am down to like 1 tablet
twice a day...........started to just quit since
I really don't need it pain wise,  but decided
I had best keep taking some to make
sure it doesn't get inflamed again.

I am thankful
that a friend of mine was not injured in a
fender bender she was in on New Years eve.
Minor damage to her car only, thankfully!!

I am so thankful
that the Lord spared the same friend and I
and her children from an accident later that
same evening, Some guy turned right in front 
of us at a traffic light, and thankfully, she was 
able to stop just in the nick of time. 
Otherwise we might  all be in a hospital bed 
right now...........scary to think about.

I am thankful
that I am gonna get to have lunch with my
girl today.  It will be a short lunch,  but worth
every minute....................We did meet, just
ran to chick-fil-a,  she only has 40 mins.,
but  most importantly we enjoyed it.....

I am thankful
for my son-in-love Jerry,  he is a wonderful
guy and makes our Dee very happy, and
 tommorrow is his birthday.  Happy
Birthday Jerry!!  not that he ever reads this, 
 at least not that I know of

Chocolate covered strawberries w/ posterized affect.

Have been gone all day so will try to get
this finished up now.................

I am thankful
that I did get the christmas stuff in the guest
 bathroom taken down today, and started to
 redecorate it,  but then had to leave to go 
meet my sweet girl.  so at least I will  know
 where to start

I am thankful
for a fun day out by myself.  I made a day
of it............Home Goods, Ross, Marshalls,
Target, Sears, JoAnn's,  Michaels and the
 Dollar tree.  Tried to go to Tuesday morn.
but they were closed for inventory.  Was
looking for an el cheapo inspiration piece
 or two, sort of gets me excited about putting
 the house back together.  I did find one, I
think it is an artichoke on a pedestal,
and it is all gloss white ceramic.
  My fav finish.  Also happened on some
chair cushions for my kitchen chairs.
I have looked off and on, but never really
saw any I liked well enough to pay what
they wanted for them.  These were only
$5.99 each and a nice blueberry color
that will look great in my kitchen,  and my
 tendinitis already likes them, they feel
soooooooooo good!!  Now I want have
to keep getting a pillow everytime we
eat or sit at the table.  Refreshing!!  lol

I am thankful
and excited that our friend Becky from over
 at Time Washed is coming for a visit in the
Now I am glad I didn't take everything down
yet or the house would be a wreck!!  Not
that she cares, but it will just be nicer for
her visit is all.  It has been quite a while
since we have been able to get together,
so think we are both thrilled..........and it
will probably be awhile again as she has
two grand daughters arriving in the month
of January,  so Grammy is gonna be a

Well, that's it for today!

Thanks for coming by..........

Would love to hear from you!

Love, Hugs, and
First of the year blessings to you,


  1. Hi Nellie!
    I say horray for you for keeping up the Christmas stuff a little longer!:) If I didn't have to start clinical's Monday I would have left mine up a little longer too! I will remember you in my prayers, please take care of yourself!
    Hope you had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  2. Sounds busy at your Cozy Place!

    I have taken down SOME "Christmas" - like the big aluminum tree. Some less Christmas-specific items are still up and probably will be for awhile.

    This morning I will be leading "hymn-sing" at a nursing home. I'm always especially happy after doing this. It blesses me so. (Is that selfish?)

    Trying to get SmartPhone "just right" for me is taking up more time than I like, but it will be SO worth it. It may take another face-to-face with the guys at the Verizon Shop.

    Your new purchase sounds nice - artichoke (?) I'll look forward to seeing what you do with it.

    Happy day & weekend to you, Nellie. Glad your pain is subsiding.

  3. So glad you are feeling better, so I would say continue to rest your hand. II am thankful too, that you all were protected from the accident, every time something like this happens, DH says "I bet they were texting or talking on cell phone."~smile~

    It sure sounds like your New Year is off to a great start, I haven't taken my tree down yet, I was trying to hold on till Old Christmas.
    Enjoy your day and be careful.

  4. Nellie

    A great list of thankkfuls. I am glad hubby was there to help you out. I enjoyed our extra days off around the Holidays. Marvin always is a big helper. He took down most of the Christmas stuff himself. I thank God everyday for him.
    I can't believe it is already January. Time seems to fly when you get older.
    I am glad to get back into schedule with work and bible study starting next week.

    Have a good weekend!

    PS We did need new mini blinds....LOL

  5. Hey, I like the polka dots! Very eye opening, ha!
    #1. A second pair of hands means a whole lot of help when in need! My knee has really been acting up with the colder, damp weather we have had. I'm now beginning to feel the arthiritis setting into my toes. I think I may now have a bone spir on the heel of my opposite foot. It's definitely a different experience with getting older!
    #2. How much I know that with my knee! It has really gotten worse the past 6 months. I will keep you in prayer.
    #3. I've stayed at the same weight. When I start messing with my metabolism, I start gaining weight. It's as though I can't exercise enough to keep up with the change!
    #4. Yea! I'm so thankful we won't have to worry about this when we are in Heaven!
    #5. I've heard doctors say it's always best to slowly back off the meds.
    #6. The LORD's blessing on her. I have made it a yearly habit to not go out on New Year's eve or New Year's Day; especially the traffic now being so increased.
    #7. Defensive driving is needed more now in this day than when we learned to drive decades ago!
    #8. Always joyful! I meet with Sylvia this coming Tuesday.
    #9. Yes, Happy birthday, Jerry! It would have been mom's 85th birthday as well!
    #10. I got my kitchen counters and work center all cleared off from the stacking from the "flood!"
    #11. I had to change my one blouse from Wal-Mart. It was too tight through the back shoulder blades area. Of course they didn't have any of the same design, so I got a different blouse.
    #12. I can hardly wait for next Wednesday to come as my Wednesday Ladies Bible class begins again. I have surely missed all of the ladies! I see some of them in Sunday School, but not all.
    Most go! Mark is here to put the quarter round in my utility room!
    Love to you all, Susan

  6. So glad you are feeling better, Nellie. Just be careful. You are right, it's easy to re-injure.


  7. I am sorry you have been having pain issues. My husband and I talked about how things are starting to hurt more frequently and for longer periods of time these days. I have a new exercise dvd set coming tomorrow and I hope that helps. Plus, we ordered a new mattress...ours just wasn't comfortable anymore after 9 years.

    You had a relaxing vacation and I had a busy one. It seemed like we never stopped moving and my dad was here for a week when I got home, so the past few days have been trying to catch up and get a routine back. I'm getting there, but I'm ready for a little bit of boredom for a short while. I do miss that Florida weather though!

    Feel better and Happy New Year!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie